Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

"Graham’s move is a political calculation. He’s calling his 15-week abortion ban—which falls far short of Roe’s standard of viability, usually around 23 or 24 weeks—the “Protecting Pain-Capable Unborn Children from Late-Term Abortions Act.” He thinks he can convince swing voters to hear “late-term abortions” and “pain-capable” and think, “This is a reasonable limit I can support in the name of compromise.”

"It’s not hard to see what Graham thinks he is doing with this messaging bill that has no chance of passing in a Congress controlled by Democrats or being signed by a Democratic president. He’s trying to use the deceptive name of the bill to convince voters that Republicans just have reasonable goals when it comes to a national abortion ban. "

A lot of people will see the 15 week limit ar reasonable.
Graham has gone RINO as far as Donald is concerned and Donald could come out pro abortion just to get back at Lindsey, Trump doesn't give a shit about abortion except to use it as a weapon. Besides Donald and soon the J6 hearings will be taking up all the oxygen in the room with a series of October surprises.
abortion is an issue that will end up ripping the GOP apart sooner or later.
no, they're all in perfect will just end up relegating them to irrelevancy, when their base shrinks to the true hardcore crazies, after anyone with an iota of sanity flees their American sharia laws
no, they're all in perfect will just end up relegating them to irrelevancy, when their base shrinks to the true hardcore crazies, after anyone with an iota of sanity flees their American sharia laws
When those who want power realize they can't win with it there will be a split, many of the bigots who make up the GOP base these days don't give a shit about abortion and the fanatics are single issue voters. It's hard to see how they are gonna avoid trouble with abortion, after the rest of society is done with it. The public isn't done with disliking anti abortion laws, the numbers will continue to increase as time goes on.
Pence says ‘whoever’ is next GOP president will back national abortion ban
Former Vice President Pence said in a new interview that “whoever” is the next Republican elected into the Oval Office will support a national abortion ban.
“I welcome any and all efforts to advance the cause of life in state capitals or in the nation’s capital,” Pence said in an interview with Real Clear Politics published Wednesday. “And I have every confidence that the next Republican president, whoever that may be, will stand for the right to life.”

“It is imperative that Republicans and conservatives resolve, here and now, that we will not shrink from the fight,” added Pence, who is seen as a potential 2024 presidential candidate, and has been among the GOP’s most outspoken advocates for anti-abortion policies.

At a South Carolina speech in July, he said that the country has the opportunity to become a “more perfect union” with the overturn of Roe v. Wade.
“Standing here in the first days of post-Roe America, we must resolve that we will not rest, we will not relent, until the sanctity of life is restored to the center of American law in every state in the nation,” he added in that speech.

Pence’s latest remarks come after Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) introduced legislation on Tuesday proposing a nationwide ban on abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy and a possible prison sentence for medical officials who violate the ban.
After the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to abortion earlier this year, multiple GOP-led states have either implemented or enacted their own abortion bans and restrictions.

In response to Graham’s proposed legislation, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said most senators want to leave the issue on the state level.

Pence dismissed concerns that the abortion debate could fuel Democratic turnout in November and ultimately hurt Republicans.
“I’m convinced,” Pence told Real Clear Politics. “That enthusiasm among pro-life Americans in states across the country is equal to, or greater than, any new motivation by people that support abortion rights.”
Pence dismissed concerns that the abortion debate could fuel Democratic turnout in November and ultimately hurt Republicans.
“I’m convinced,” Pence told Real Clear Politics. “That enthusiasm among pro-life Americans in states across the country is equal to, or greater than, any new motivation by people that support abortion rights.”
and that, my dear children, is why mike pence will never be the president of the United States.
I think they recognize a tarbaby.

In 20 years they will be able to clone ya from yer own shit, will that be protected too? :lol: The future holds so many possibilities... If ya think cloning people from shit is absurd, remember China will have a population problem about then! It could lead to shitty people though! :lol: The point being not everybody in the global village shares our family values and technology is making crazy things possible.
In 20 years they will be able to clone ya from yer own shit, will that be protected too? :lol: The future holds so many possibilities... If ya think cloning people from shit is absurd, remember China will have a population problem about then! It could lead to shitty people though! :lol: The point being not everybody in the global village shares our family values and technology is making crazy things possible.
As soon as cloning (and I’m gonna leave the source argument alone) becomes available and affordable, those ethics will need a close look.
My gut call is that cloning has a built-in legal intent that pregnancy does not. Nobody can talk about accidental cloning. This simplifies personhood arguments, maybe.