Is a seed from a hermi always a hermi?

I wasn’t even talking to whoever has been answering I was answering to the person who noticed an increase in unstable genome leading to unpredictable results...
These threads fill up quickly- it’s hard to tell who is responding to who if no one is quoted or tagged.
Sorry magpie it’s my first time on RIU... forum replies and quotes are sort of not my thing but the fact remains... I mean I didn’t attack anyone man; I def got kicked like the new kid on the football team but like; really I was kinda just assuring the guy that noticed the stability of his strains going to shit grow after grow
He is right... I have a few years to prove it unfortunately. Old school strains are as stable as they can be... the new stuff is horrible
Hmmmm... -what’s happening on page 6 of this thread....
I won’t lie I share conors view. Not everyone gets clones or have an unlimited availability to clones. As I read what he said I found myself in his comments. He goes against the grain but I’ll be the first to say that he has a point even if everyone bashes him. He’s just sharing his opinion
Explain strains that wont herm or reverse easy then cheese is a good example even if you managed to stress it enough it the pollen would be sterile chances are only reverses using sts and is a bitch at that

Plus i mean they do say hemp wasnt naturally male n female on the one plant man introduced that so its reasonable to assume it may be the same with high thc cannabis who knows
Your comment on hemp made me think of corn- I’ve heard that it’s been cultivated so much it can no longer pollinate itself.
That is a layman’s-hearsay statement, I know, just wondered if anyone knew the details on this.
-Sorry to OP that your thread went awry- hope you got some answers; some helped me.
That be due to every cheese seed being a hybrid or a bx or at best closest available genetically be a s1 and we all know there not the same exactly and you do realise hemp and high thc cannabis can inter breed so i wouldnt say you can say for certain that the two things arent somehow related
You know what. I’ve noticed people like to blast people here for no reason. I understand your point and I read the answer given below and Everytime someone brings an opinion it is followed by a take down. It’s a forum; it shouldn’t. I follow your point of view and embrace it.

that’s the thing about keyboard warriors. You’re right. “You can’t say for certain that...” exactly! I love on the east coast. I have these weird ass strains here made by myths. Jean guy and R2. Depending who you talk to; it brings negative or positive add ins to it. Snobs would qualify those strains as meh whatever but they both green people out. Look like shit. R2 is like 27%. 4.5G of shatter a oz. same with Jean guy but they look like hemp. Not a show star. It’s a cross of a cross of a cross of a tempered North climate cross... I lived in Manitoba. I grew real rope hemp. It looks like weed. Just no real buds and thc but it’s mistakable. Who’s to say what and when? I grew CBd shark that looked like Shit; 12:1... no smell etc. We weren’t there to see what happened some 150-200 years ago so Fuck em. They don’t know like we don’t know. But opinions are important
The word travels so fast; is the RIU grow sub forums that popular for real? Dudes and their mothers be coming in to laugh at everything I say it’s sad
Know what’s funny about all this guys? You guys are real growers am I right? So you’ve seen 1. 3 headed formation. Buds that stack on 35 degrees instead of 45-90 degrees. You know malformations. So knowing this; how can you deny with a passion a survival seed formation is out the question? For real I’ve seen double nodes per stem lol like what’s so weird about what I brought up