Is a seed from a hermi always a hermi?

Jesus just sifted through 3 pages of bullshit, I'm going to skip ahead. Any actual PHD geneticists want to chime in? Because that's what we need to answer this thread.
I grow seeds off herms all the time without issue. Depends on the strain. Some will throw seeds from apoaxis(I know that can't be spelled rite) they are always good. Seeds from a true herm that was a fem strain i get about 60 40 good to herm.
Herm seeds will give you all females with a higher sensitivity to stress. Its easier to make them herm, thats all. Its like inbreeding any other trait into or out of a strain. Grower and watchem, you'll be fine
Dude, 4 years ago I was doing a large room of mostly GG#4. There were a couple of White Widows mixed in that went herm. I pulled them after I realized it, but a bit of pollen had already spread. I ended up harvesting about 4 pounds of GG4, and in the 4 pounds were 2 seeds. One popped, one didn't. The one that popped turned out to be female. I grew it out, cloned it, and now I'm 4 years into running a GG4/WW cross that is not only phenomenal, but also has never kicked out a single nanner. I'm talking about hundreds of plants - no nanners. Not ever.

So you're statement isn't true.
The pollen came from a WW and pollenated an entirely different plant, the GG#4. Very different situation than a hermi plant pollenating itself.
Wow, some of the things I have read in this topic make me realize that there are more people that base their responses on their beliefs and not on what is actually in the science! Anyhow... all female cannabis plants carry what is typically called the survival gene. It is passed to them when a true male cannabis plant pollinates a female cannabis plant and that female cannabis plant creates seeds. In that type of pollination process even though the mother already had the survival gene that was given to her by another true male cannabis plant, all the seeds that will be created by that female cannabis plant will contain the survival gene from the true male cannabis plant that has pollinated her. But its very different when a female cannabis plant self's her self or when a female cannabis plant pollinates another female cannabis plant ! First... when a female cannabis plant self's her self, a copy of her survival gene will live in every seed that she creates. But when a female cannabis plant pollinates another female cannabis plant, the female cannabis plant she is pollinating will use her own survival gene because the survival gene within any female cannabis plant can only be fully replaced or highly modified by a true male cannabis plants pollen.

So knowing those things, the facts are simply this....

Only a True Male Cannabis plant can initially create a female cannabis seed that might one day become a female cannabis plant that might always be overly sensitive to stress, (to self hermie)
A female Cannabis plant that self's her self because of some sort of unforced environmental stress, the seeds she creates will create female plants that will be always overly sensitive to stress, (to self hermie)
A Female Cannabis plant that was pollinated by another Female Cannabis plant that was overly sensitive to stress, (that self hermied) will not be overly sensitive to stress, (to self hermie), unless that Female Cannabis plant being pollinated is herself overly sensitive to stress, (to self hermie)