Is Apartment Growing a Bad Idea ?? 1 - 3 plants

is it safe to grow in an apartment?

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don't do it. this is how i got arrested. unannounced inspection, called the cops i went to jail. 3 years later i'm just now able to get my record expunged and in that process at the moment. get a house or guerrilla grow in the summer. Buy weed until then.


Active Member
I think the thing that is the deciding factor in this is the inspections by your landlord or building manager. Are you always going to have notice before they enter? Never mind that legally you're supposed to have notice, I'm saying have you lived there long enough to know if thats the case or not. The second thing beyond that, is are you going to be able to hide the grow when they do come in? This is why if you're going to apartment grow its best if you can do it in a cabinet on wheels. In my opinion the costs of doing it properly are probably beyond what most apartment dwellers are willing to spend. Plus when you factor in that most of the cabinet building has to be done in the apartment....that holds people back as well.

The fact is that it's all about knowing your landlord. If you've lived in a place for a couple years and KNOW that no one is coming in then it gets a hell of a lot easier to grow in an apartment. It's not the space so much as the outside contact. Carbon filters are a must, and lights that are small enough to be vented by a quiet fan. I can't see going above a 250 in an apartment without starting to take unnecessary risks. This is also why that metal locker from the first page is a bad idea. You aren't going to need a lot of vertical space with a 250 and below, but you could definitely use more side space than what that locker would afford you.

There are ways that you could rig up relays or motion sensors that would turn off the grow when someone entered the apartment, but thats getting pretty specific. I've played with those ideas in my head quite a bit, but my situation doesn't warrant them. At this point I do have everything on a remote control so that should someone enter the room where things are, I can switch it off from my pocket. I've done this when I had inlaws around and it worked out fine, but that would only work if you were there for the landlord visit. Its pretty empowering to have someone close to your grow not realize it's there. Since I tell no one about it, this has happened to me many times. It's like it doesn't even exist except to me and my wife.


Active Member
don't do it. this is how i got arrested. unannounced inspection, called the cops i went to jail. 3 years later i'm just now able to get my record expunged and in that process at the moment. get a house or guerrilla grow in the summer. Buy weed until then.

Unannounced Inspection. See, thats the problem. According to your lease I would assume it says this isn't allowed. But again, I've lived in a number of apartments and only one building would have worried me in all that time. A nice big company with many buildings is only coming in on rare occasions, and notifying you before hand. They won't know your schedule and won't be sure if you're there or not. If you live in a place where the owner only has that place then I'd be more worried about it.

If this thread were about condos and the only issue was space....then obviously grow away.


Active Member
Im currently making a grow box. I have a grow room but its not in the same city i live in so i like to have a plant growin near by (just for fun ya know) so im making a 2X2 foot box for my apartment. So far its turning out better than id ever expected. Ill be using CFLS tho to keep it cool, equiv of 800 or 1200 watt (still deciding if i wanna go with 60 watt or 26 watt bulbs, if i go with the 60 i have to prepare a balast and its ganna be a bitch, but the 26 have built in ballasts... ANYWAYS, this cabnet im making is lookin pretty sweet so far and it was all less than 200 bucks (already have all the parts except the lights, ive spent 150 so far, and i live in AZ where CFL is subsidized by APS so i get my bulbs for 3 bucks each). If ud like, ill send u picks when its finished and instructions so u can take a look, u might like it, its also only about 20-30 pounds so VERY portable if u need to get it out quick, also from the outside it looks like a cube end table or night table...


Well-Known Member
this post is for anyone who has ever grown, tried to grow, or is glad that they decided not to grow in an apartment. Plz share you stories for those of us who are still on the fence.

This thread is mostly aimed toward security issues but feel free to add anything you think could be beneficial.:leaf:
Ive been growing in apartment for years now......Works great for me i live in Ca..they have to give 24 hour notice its says it right in the contract i signed..Just read the contract and what it says on the contract is what you are agreing too...... I even found a way to exhaust my air outside with out anyone knowing....


i got caught.The Maintance man just came into my house without a noticed and they saw my set up and told my leasing office. when i got home i had a voicmail stating I had a week to get rid of it or get evicted and luckly no cops where at my door when i got home. I had over 20 ladies going in both my grow tents :(

make sure you have a lock for your grow area. they pretty stupid about it all they really want it the $$$. Just dont be dumb have a carbon filter is a MUST!! No smells of dank nugget=SAFEE


Active Member
So are you still thinking of venting into the room?

of course the smaller the light the better, like if you were only using a 250w how much would this heat the room if the door remained open

does anyone have exp with this?
yeah im still gonna vent into the room but im just gonna use 25w cfls ... and an aerogarden so i dont think there will be too much heat.. right now im just trying to figure out my exhaust system so there is absolutely no noise... im trying to fit a 24'' muffler and a 12'' muffler and then dampen my final exhaust port ... and im having a hard time finding a fan for my rhino carbon filter. where is a good place to find a 4 or 5 inch inline fan??


Well-Known Member
i got caught.The Maintance man just came into my house without a noticed and they saw my set up and told my leasing office. when i got home i had a voicmail stating I had a week to get rid of it or get evicted and luckly no cops where at my door when i got home. I had over 20 ladies going in both my grow tents :(

make sure you have a lock for your grow area. they pretty stupid about it all they really want it the $$$. Just dont be dumb have a carbon filter is a MUST!! No smells of dank nugget=SAFEE
well in cali you cant just be evicted in a weeks time....They have to file the proper paper work down at the courthouse then they have to serve you with the paper work once they serve you, you still get 30days to vacate the primisses...... It helps to know the laws where you live.....some landlords will just verbally say you must move i laugh at that no no they cant just say you have to move, they have to serve you with the proper evication paperwork.......if you live in cali then you just got punked by your landlard thats all you didnt get evicted...


Well-Known Member
yeah im still gonna vent into the room but im just gonna use 25w cfls ... and an aerogarden so i dont think there will be too much heat.. right now im just trying to figure out my exhaust system so there is absolutely no noise... im trying to fit a 24'' muffler and a 12'' muffler and then dampen my final exhaust port ... and im having a hard time finding a fan for my rhino carbon filter. where is a good place to find a 4 or 5 inch inline fan??
You are right those 25w cfls wont give you much heat.......AND they wont give you much weed eather but atleast you wont have to rig your grow up properly so i guess thats a plus right?
Your poll is flawed. Your post title reads as a question, and the answeres are oposing to your thread question.

I voted "yes" to answere your first question, though No I don't think it is a good idea...lmao


I suppose if one had unlimited funds and was very determined it could be done but the smell will get you very nervous.