Is Biden really that bad?

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I’m generally pleased with the President, but this … is bullshit. Do something, Mr. President!

It’s shameful considering there aren’t any other efforts being used to mitigate the spread.
The funny thing is. Older people are generally unemployable. Due to age, mental/physical health. ETC.
OLD people are too old to put up with abusive “bright-idea” bullshit from the inexperienced…*that* makes them ‘unemployable’ all by itself. It’s why businesses like to hire the trained-but-inexperienced - because they are both willing and able to tolerate and survive abuse (in hopes of “building a resume”).
Of the virus. I should have added that
I was drawing attention to Title 42. It is very illiberal, enough so to run against core national principles, so why hasn’t the administration done anything? I believe this one is in executive order territory. Maybe the untold part of the story is that half of Congress is obstructing. But that isn’t in there. What the hey, Mr. President?
I was drawing attention to Title 42. It is very illiberal, enough so to run against core national principles, so why hasn’t the administration done anything? I believe this one is in executive order territory. Maybe the untold part of the story is that half of Congress is obstructing. But that isn’t in there. What the hey, Mr. President?
It’s a political hot potato. Many Americans no longer want the tired, poor and huddled masses yearning to breathe free.
It’s important to have a bit of variety in one’s bigotries.
Didn't mean it like that. I meant it as a general statement. Our congress and House people are 70-80 years old and have been in office since the 80's. Everyone wants change, but the same people who made shitty laws in the 80's are making shittier laws and keeping shitty laws in todays world.
Didn't mean it like that. I meant it as a general statement. Our congress and House people are 70-80 years old and have been in office since the 80's. Everyone wants change, but the same people who made shitty laws in the 80's are making shittier laws and keeping shitty laws in todays world.
What legislative shift do you foresee if, say, we did recall elections for all legislators born before 1952?
Didn't mean it like that. I meant it as a general statement. Our congress and House people are 70-80 years old and have been in office since the 80's. Everyone wants change, but the same people who made shitty laws in the 80's are making shittier laws and keeping shitty laws in todays world.
That may 'feel' truthy, but is it?
Didn't mean it like that. I meant it as a general statement. Our congress and House people are 70-80 years old and have been in office since the 80's. Everyone wants change, but the same people who made shitty laws in the 80's are making shittier laws and keeping shitty laws in todays world.
That's a sweeping generalization. Let's test your statement.

Compare the 2018 class of new members elected to the House and tell me if what you say is equally true for Republicans and Democrats.


If you were to have reduced your statement to Republicans, I'd say you were right.
The reason why Biden sucks is not really his policies, of many which do suck, but its because our entire political process sucks, and which he is a part of, and hes acted in accordance with all other advancing career politicians, selling out mainstream while acting like their pal..

Republicans do the same only they don't even give you the courtesy of acting like they care.

Democrats are on the right path with the right agendas with the right heart and minds but act ignorant to the fact that our political process is nothing more than a reality TV show and the network feeds you drama with actors while behind the scenes human greed and moral weakness prevails. I mean about 5 hedge funds own all of the media and its no surprise out of 350 million people in America everyone gets behind 2 morons like Trump and Biden and the only reason that type of nonsensical puppet politics can happen is by a rigged political process. I don't care if your vote counts if the only people you get to choose voting between are hand picked by the hedge funds and popularized through the media until they are the only ones participating in interviews, the only ones winning primaries, the only choices for president. So no your vote doesn't really count and it's evident in our debates when they block out any contenders with the hand picked puppets and the way people like Biden and Bernie spend decades talking universal Healthcare and the second they actually can make it happen you get crickets. I mean if a pandemic of world proportions can't convince America that we need healthcare nothing will. But it isn't Americans who need convincing its those career puppet politicians who only puppeteer profit for the hedge funds who control everything..
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