Is Biden really that bad?

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Well he isn't doing well. With his popularity being so low Trump must be thinking of running again. If he resigns it will give Harris time to build some forward momentum for the Democrats.
Politicians in general have very low popularity due to their inability to do their jobs. Wish they would mostly resign and let us get back to a functioning government
and exactly what was the last "functioning government" , according to you?
According to me..... It seems as though it is a goal of the house and senate is to not actually get anything done. Every year it gets worse.
I would put it in the mid to late nineties. Early 2000 is a blip due to.. things.
I think its lower. Trump was/is at least popular with Republicans and Bidens not very popular with Democrats.

tRumps job approval rating was 34% when he left office.

As of right now, on the eve of Bidens State of the Union Address Real Clear Politics has Biden at 40.3%.

Comparing each one of them in their first state of the union address, the rating is a statistical dead heat. Biden 40.3% vs tRump 40.1%

But tRump never exceeded 48% approval in 4 years.

Biden has been as high as 57%, so Biden has a higher ceiling.

Bidens average approval rating stands at 47% over 1 years time. Only 1% lower than tRumps Highest approval rating.

Joe Biden's Presidential Job Approval Ratings
% ApprovePolling dates
Latest job approval rating41Feb 1-17, 2022
Term average to date47Jan 20, 2021-present
Highest job approval rating to date57Jan 21-Feb 2 and Apr 1-21, 2021
Lowest job approval rating to date40Jan 3-16, 2022
But you can guarantee if Biden runs against tRump again, the Democrats will come out in droves to defeat him. The only way they can win is if they suppress the vote, and gerrymander districts. They will never win the popular vote either.

The reThuGliKLANS have only won the popular vote one time since 1992. Which was Bush 2 in 2004, and he lost the popular vote the first time around in 2000. If any election was stolen it was in 2000 Bush vs Kerry.
But you can guarantee if Biden runs against tRump again, the Democrats will come out in droves to defeat him. The only way they can win is if they suppress the vote, and gerrymander districts. They will never win the popular vote either.

The reThuGliKLANS have only won the popular vote one time since 1992. Which was Bush 2 in 2004, and he lost the popular vote the first time around in 2000. If any election was stolen it was in 2000 Bush vs Kerry.
I hope your right. I have a feeling though that Trump will run again and the chancers of the voter turn out numbers of last election will be slim.

Im just surprised that trump has not been legally prevented from running after his attempted coup.
According to me..... It seems as though it is a goal of the house and senate is to not actually get anything done. Every year it gets worse.
I would put it in the mid to late nineties. Early 2000 is a blip due to.. things.
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peoples approval is a HORRIBLE metric to use to judge anything, people are fucking morons, and the most vocal are usually the stupidest ones...look at the gdps for each year, the crime rates, the number of insured versus uninsured, the number of government officials indicted and/or convicted....
I hope your right. I have a feeling though that Trump will run again and the chancers of the voter turn out numbers of last election will be slim.

Im just surprised that trump has not been legally prevented from running after his attempted coup.

tRumps legal woes are coming, Stay tuned.

Forget polls.
Who ever runs on either side will give the support of their candidate.

Like I said. Only 1 reTHUGliKLAN has won the popular vote since 1992.
Worst inflation in 40 years, crackhead son, owned by china etc etc. Do some research dude
Haha. Man, I've heard that one before. Blame the issues on the last dude. It doesn't hold water. Have you watched the dude? He has dementia for sure. I'd love to watch him draw a analog clock is all I'm saying. Is this how you get your kicks? Aurging about a dude you've never met online with strangers? You should smoke some and chill out
Poor thing, I see you having trouble sorting all this out, but I can help:

Inflation worst in 40 years? Companies across the market raising prices first chance they get after the shutdowns, AND AFTER POSTING RECORD PROFITS through the pandemic. Because they could - and because the usual bullshit justifications work with too many people, even today…and here you are blaming your holy vision of a senile Joe? Please….

Crackhead son? You mean, like a pretty large portion of American parents? There’s no point to this beyond being mean for its own sake

Owned by China? You mean even more than Orange Furious is owned lock, stock, and testicle by Pooti? Having looked into the claims, I mostly see the usual “conservative” character assassination.

Blame the issues on the last dude? Well, there’s Trump Derangement Syndrome, in which a number of otherwise solid citizens come to see Trump as some kind of leader; there’s Obama Derangement Syndrome, which causes knee-jerk, lockstep opposition to everything he might get credit for, and a convenient target for everything that’s gone wrong since Reagan. But these are just subsets of Hilary Derangement Syndrome: talk about living rent-free in people’s heads…HRC has somehow inflicted the entire GOP, top to bottom, with a fierce and livid hatred that time has been unable to diminish. EVERYTHING is her fault. Absolutely EVERYTHING.

So: *who* are we blaming? And for what? Joe for dementia? You clearly have neither watched nor listened to his speeches. No, he is NOT at the top of his game, but I have never heard him stumble over words more than any older people (teeth…), and I have watched for signs of dementia or disconnection, and I’ve never seen it appear. This is distinct from the endless, pointless meaning I have heard issue from the former guy.

I’m happier with Joe in the job now than I was when he won.

PS: the whole “lighten up, Francis” routine at the end is really lame.

If this is the result of you “doing some research, dude”, I suggest you find out what research is, and how to do it. In the long run, it will help. I promise.
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