Is Biden really that bad?

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. . . . . . . .Speaking directly to those more opinionated, Democratic party people.

If the Jan6th hearing (against Trump) collapses. What will you do?
If a red wave occurs, at the next election, what would you do? In your opinion, how will you react?

Will you sit down and accept it (if it occurs).
Or, will you react like you currently perceive the other side? . . . . . .
The hearings are into what happened on the 6th. They are fact finding in nature. They are doing a good job of getting the story out. Using almost all lifelong GOP folks to do it I might add. Folks will know the truth, even if they pretend they don't.

History tells us the GOP will make gains in the midterms. It's what happens in midterms. What we (the Dems) will do is try to do the most good for the most people. And defend democracy within the framework of the constitution. If the little misstep with Roe (20% of Americans support their ending of safe and legal abortions) is any indicator, the red team is going to over reach.
Let's put it this way Church tells me to vote one way the Union says another.

Guess what I can do my own thinking.

Easy I look out my Door Gas is Cheap, I'm happy. I will leave it the way it is. Why fix anything that isn't broken?

Took a trip last Fall. Seeing the way things are now I'm glad I went when I did.
Let's put it this way Church tells me to vote one way the Union says another.

Guess what I can do my own thinking.

Easy I look out my Door Gas is Cheap, I'm happy. I will leave it the way it is. Why fix anything that isn't broken?

Took a trip last Fall. Seeing the way things are now I'm glad I went when I did.
so that's all it takes to make you happy? and that indicates to you that all is well with the world? and that you and your family can rest assured in your continued safety?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey ..did you attempt to insult and misgender me with a meme?
Typical behaviour there. You act, like the opposition you claim to hate.
And, I'm obviously not the only one who sees it :)

To everyone who replied.
Thank you to those who gave fair answers. I was truly confused at what I saw while in the US. I have some new knowledge to unpack.
To those who acted the same, as those they have been pointing fingers at for years. The future, looks very bright for you
If inflation and the lose of so many peoples 401K balance is a distant memory then the Dems might win. Otherwise it will be a Republican whitewash is my thoughts if Trump runs.
Unfortunately if Trump does run and does win that means the election lie becomes more factual to Americans and the American press will be restricted like never before. Gov control of the press is something both sides intend on doing anyway.
I knew Biden was a weak, career politician.

But he was our savior because the guy before was a BAD Businessman, BAD Father, BAD Husband, BAD POTUS and BAD Crook. He let us die.
There is no way I would ever vote for Hillary after what she did running the country before. While Clinton was in there I was working for Tyson. To me he was pulling the same stuff in China as he did in Arkansas but on larger scale.

I didn't like Mc Cain so I voted for Obama.

I voted for Nixon because he was trying to end the war.

Under Trump I will make it clearer. I liked gas prices but I was doing construction and wasn't having trouble finding building material at reasonable cost.
Put all your money down on Loser 45, he's a sure bet. Your retirement savings, too. You'll be rich. I will tell you.
Nothing will get out the vote like him running.
edit; and break that record of over 7 million votes.
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Put all your money down on Loser 45, he's a sure bet. Your retirement savings, too. You'll be rich. I will tell you.
Nothing will get out the vote like him running.
edit; and break that record of over 7 million votes.
Drawing a Pension been very steady.

My place and Student Loans are paid off.
Inflation for dummies:


Demand is greater than supply.
Yeah supply is limited by your leaders putting in place rule .laws regulations.
You limit supply demand goes up or goes away ,those who want those supply goes after alternative!
Yeah supply is limited by your leaders putting in place rule .laws regulations.
You limit supply demand goes up or goes away ,those who want those supply goes after alternative!
What had happened was. . . . .

When covid hit, folks stopped traveling and going out to eat and started buying things. The folks in Asia who make the things we buy were pretty serious about covid and cut production as a safety measure. (less people allowed in factories, etc, etc) So right away supply and demand were upside down. Then car companies thought demand was going to go down so they cut orders for chips. Demand actual went up because people wanted to get out of the cities. The cost of used cars went through the roof. Then the shipping container system got all out of whack due to back ups at the west coast ports and that little mishap in the Suez Canal.

Gulf of Mexico hurricanes had limited some offshore oil production and damaged refineries. Then most of the world stopped buying Russian oil and gas due to their war of aggression in Ukraine.

But you are right about limit the supply and demand still going up will get folks looking to other options. This is a great chance for us getting serious about getting into oil rehab.
Different story here. COVID hit everyone bought Pickups and Trailers,traveled and drove more than when they was working. Live a Tourist Area best everyone had ever done.

Everyone was working unless they came down with COVID in town.

I got my Vaccine. Was told by my Doctor it was the worst thing I could have done and it is a wonder it didn't kill me because I'm prone to Blood Clots.
Different story here. COVID hit everyone bought Pickups and Trailers,traveled and drove more than when they was working. Live a Tourist Area best everyone had ever done.

Everyone was working unless they came down with COVID in town.

I got my Vaccine. Was told by my Doctor it was the worst thing I could have done and it is a wonder it didn't kill me because I'm prone to Blood Clots.

You should consider finding a new doctor.

I switched mine because she asked me to call her by a nickname and kept writing on forms that I was over 7 feet tall.
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