Is Biden really that bad?

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Whine? This is pure comedy

Americans are suffering mightily, I find it hilarious personally. Imagine there being consequences for your actions aka who you put in charge.
You are not wrong. The shit decisions being made down in DeSantistan that has them leading the nation in cover death rates, Abbott allowing his citizens to get picked off left and right in Texas by gun nuts and power failures, radicalized puppets like Green, Bobert, Gaetz, Ron Johnson, the idiot senator from Missouri, on and on, the right wing activist judges getting ready to strip women ability to control their medical choices while allowing any idiot to carry in large cities in the SCOTUS.

Luckily though elections have the power to rectify problems like having the most jobs lost in the history of the United States that Trump and the Republicans oversaw in 2020.
You are not wrong. The shit decisions being made down in DeSantistan that has them leading the nation in cover death rates, Abbott allowing his citizens to get picked off left and right in Texas by gun nuts and power failures, radicalized puppets like Green, Bobert, Gaetz, Ron Johnson, the idiot senator from Missouri, on and on, the right wing activist judges getting ready to strip women ability to control their medical choices while allowing any idiot to carry in large cities in the SCOTUS.

Luckily though elections have the power to rectify problems like having the most jobs lost in the history of the United States that Trump and the Republicans oversaw in 2020.

Country is definitely better off right now rofl, got people running out of gas on interstates at the highest rate ever according to AAA among like 10000000 other things. My driver had his food stamps cancelled the other day and said he couldn't afford to drive down to South Florida to his wife lmao I love it.
Country is definitely better off right now rofl, got people running out of gas on interstates at the highest rate ever according to AAA among like 10000000 other things. My driver had his food stamps cancelled the other day and said he couldn't afford to drive down to South Florida to his wife lmao I love it.
I knew you were a Floriduh cracker
I own 2 Mercedes multiple jet skis an air boat and quite a bit of other stuff

Take your condescending "bigot" comments elsewhere, I'm probably FAR more educated than you.
I own more houses than you own Mercedes
But I don’t measure a man by anything but character and yours is tiny
You don't though, and you aren't. It's apparent in how you are conducting yourself.

Glad you have some yard cars though.

How is it apparent? Because I have zero respect for baby killing, antifa wielding, pink haired he/she/it freaks of the genetic pool?
No man, because wealthy educated people don't act like that. Damn man, trump didn't even act like that until it became politically advantageous to do so. He put that shit on like Larry the cable guy puts on his accent.

It's like this old drug dealer I knew that lived in the hood who would brag about having 5 cars...dude you have 5 cars worth 1000 each that just sit in your yard.
No man, because wealthy educated people don't act like that. Damn man, trump didn't even act like that until it became politically advantageous to do so. He put that shit on like Larry the cable guy puts on his accent.

I didn't say I was wealthy as that's serious serious money, but to act like im some dumb cracker is cringe.
I didn't say I was wealthy as that's serious serious money, but to act like im some dumb cracker is cringe.
Your driver was on food stamps? They were cancelled and you laugh?

Now you disrespect people who are part of the OTHER underclass in the south, crackers or white trash. Then brag about how much "stuff" you own. What's next for you? Eating the children of the poor in order to solve the homeless problem in the US?
So, where does this leave us? Do you have yard cars?

You made a silly claim/point, I felt it was worth making fun off. Carry on with your yelling at Marxists about their culture.

You might find it more rewarding to come up with some arguments or something and try to debate these people. Your right there on the border and in danger of falling into fredH land. You have to get people to care about what you have to say before it matters, otherwise your just yelling into the void.
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