Is Biden really that bad?

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I own 2 Mercedes multiple jet skis an air boat and quite a bit of other stuff

Take your condescending "bigot" comments elsewhere, I'm probably FAR more educated than you.
lmao. Trolling for Putin and the sell out Republicans must pay really well.
Country is definitely better off right now rofl, got people running out of gas on interstates at the highest rate ever according to AAA among like 10000000 other things. My driver had his food stamps cancelled the other day and said he couldn't afford to drive down to South Florida to his wife lmao I love it.
Do you get any information that is not from a right wing propaganda rag?

For about 400,000+ Americans every month since Biden took office, when the alternative was Trump overseeing the most job losses in American history. I would say yes.

Have fun down in DeSantistan though, it does seem to be ground zero for anti-American fuckstains, so I am sure you fit right in.
There seems to be zero restriction on the DNC legacy media. Lies and propaganda continuously. So obvious that you would have to be an idiot to not notice it. The constant dumbing down done by ABC,CBS,NBC, MSNBC is incredible. FOX isn't shit compared to them, at least if FOX finds out their information was bad they admit it. FOX isn't even conservative. Yes they have a few conservative hosts but in reality mostly it is hard to tell them from CBS.
while the only time i watch mainstream media is in clips on youtube, i have to say that fox has everyone else in the game beaten soundly when it comes to biased, edited, outright outrageous bullshit stories.
i use an array of world media sites for information, and seek confirmation from multiple sources about anything actually important...using that as a starting point, i can say the left leaning media does indeed lean left, but the far right media blatantly lies, fear mongers, and manipulates information on a regular basis.
for some things, there is almost no comparison. right wing talk radio is very violence laden, very hostile, threats of physical violence, threats of murder.
leftist talk radio is usually about how fucking psycho republicans and other right wing radicals are...i've never heard one threat of murder
or even physical violence on a left wing talk radio show.
while the only time i watch mainstream media is in clips on youtube, i have to say that fox has everyone else in the game beaten soundly when it comes to biased, edited, outright outrageous bullshit stories.
i use an array of world media sites for information, and seek confirmation from multiple sources about anything actually important...using that as a starting point, i can say the left leaning media does indeed lean left, but the far right media blatantly lies, fear mongers, and manipulates information on a regular basis.
for some things, there is almost no comparison. right wing talk radio is very violence laden, very hostile, threats of physical violence, threats of murder.
leftist talk radio is usually about how fucking psycho republicans and other right wing radicals are...i've never heard one threat of murder
or even physical violence on a left wing talk radio show.
I can honestly say here in Michigan, I can't actually think of anytime I have ever heard a 'leftist' political talk radio program. Are you sure that they are actually 'leftist' and not just news?
Dude falls off his tricycle, only to immediately afterward sprint to nearest little girl he could find, basic instinct kicking in.

Then he shows his que card of what and when and where like he's a 5 year old being told where to sit.

Smooth brained apes voted for this clown
Wasn't the video of trumpf on the mountain bike great? Man that guy is a hunk, no? So nimble, so quick on his feet.
Once Sinclair purchased most local radio networks they made them right leaning
Howard was the only one I could think of that wasn’t conservative controlled
Right on, I can see that. Still going to stand by my just because someone isn't pushing the conservative programming doesn't make them a 'leftist' political station. He might be, I have no idea. I can't even think of what station he would have been on in the metro-Detroit area.
Right on, I can see that. Still going to stand by my just because someone isn't pushing the conservative programming doesn't make them a 'leftist' political station. He might be, I have no idea. I can't even think of what station he would have been on in the metro-Detroit area.
Me either but it wasn’t 760 and Paul Harvey :D
there are a few, but admittedly, no where near the volume of the right wing wack jobs
That list is mostly online radio (and the few I looked up curious were dead for years or no longer being broadcast lol), not actual radio that I could listen to on the road or anything.

Nothing like leaving work stuck in the car for an hour listening to hate radio screaming about the libs.
That list is mostly online radio (and the few I looked up curious were dead for years or no longer being broadcast lol), not actual radio that I could listen to on the road or anything.

Nothing like leaving work stuck in the car for an hour listening to hate radio screaming about the libs.
the original point was that the few i had heard weren't hate stations, they were we're concerned about the hate stations...
Surely the Democrats wont run with Biden again?
America is the most conservative, christian and war like crazy its ever been under any other president. Gun laws even more out of control. The world really needs the US to have an Obama or Clinton back.

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Surely the Democrats wont run with Biden again?
America is the most conservative, christian and war like crazy its ever been under any other president. Gun laws even more out of control. The world really needs the US to have an Obama or Clinton back.

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lmao at the black box that is anti-American trolls pushing the same shit.

What does Biden standing up for Roe v Wade and willingness to sign legislation into law that is somehow his fault that the SCOTUS has overturned a woman's constitutional right to have control over her body?

Do you think that if something went onto his desk protecting it that he wouldn't sign it? Do you think that the fight to get that legislation stopped today?
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