Is Biden really that bad?

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Everybody enjoying life? Making Friends? I love cannabis and Nature. Have a Blessed day. When Judgment Day arrives and your asked why you spent your precious time hating on Life itself...
No excuse will be accepted.
Judgment Day is a millennium-old control doctrine designed to replace curiosity with fear-driven conformity. Shame on you for stoking the fires of fiercely-held falsehood that wrongly elevates itself beyond reason or review.
Man I forgot about that. Reminded me of Mooby's from dogma.

I love Christians and their shit reading comprehension skills. Actually, they can read fine, they just have shitty morals so don't care about the glaring hypocrisy between their stated views and how they behave.
He thinks cunt is a term of endearment
In his land down under
Where all the women act like men
Cunt can certainly be a term of endearment. And number 9
Every woman's got one and every hetero male spends lots of time trying to get in one.
You mean they have the same rights as men? Australia's not an Islamic or Evangelistic country. Yep Women have the same rights as men. (They really should have more rights than men- they create life after all)

Classic. You can't say Cunt in Canada
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can i ask you a question? why the fuck do you care what America is like? is your sole problem that we're persecuting your espionage heartthrob? or do you have some deeper issue? does it allow you to feel superior while still living in a country full of racist?
if AU is so great, why aren't you busy enjoying more of it, instead of trying to make everyone in america feel ashamed that we aren't as enlightened as AU?

tell you what, let's make a deal, when you clear all of that shit up, we can talk about how much America sucks, you fucking hypocritical cunt
First off i don't feel superior just because of the country i was born in- that's just silly. People choose to live in lots of countries that they were not born in. Secondly American politics is fascinating. As has been said before on this very thread its reality TV at its best. Its the greatest show on Earth. Clash of the old white Granddads. Drama and suspense and surprise, riots and arrests. Fkn funny at times. Very sad to. Due to Australia and America having such a close relationship (we do support you in all your wars and America has bases here) its kinda vital to take an interest. Because Australians have to vote politics is a normal everyday subject. I find it strange that some of you get upset over opposing views.
Why would you feel ashamed for? Kinda pointless feeling i would of thought. Much better to be proactive.
Does america suck? In what ways? I would of thought it was a great place. Richest country in the world. So many huge, huge boats and people have massive wealth. I think you just need to fight for a few of your freedoms that have been removed and are being removed. Nearly all of your faults can be rectified by making voting compulsory. But im sure that will cause an argument on here to..
America was known as the land of the Free. A liberal country. Instead of trying to go back to that you are becoming old, conservative and authoritarian. If being told that offends you then that's on you. Don't settle for old and OK and B grade presidents. Your a land of huge population- choose an A plus. It would be a great time for a nice Liberal reformist

Im well aware of how the coloniseres invaded and wiped out the majority of the First peoples. I'm not ashamed or offended by that. It was done. I know it was done and I'm sorry it was done. More of the Truth should be taught in schools. Past is the past no point living in that. The future is now- the future is always now.
Isn't current politics about the future?

I haven't got a thing for Julian Assange, he isn't a very likable man. What's at stake for American and the Worlds Free press, It is well worth everybody on Earth fighting for even for those that dont understand it. You just have to look at your Supreme court to see just how important Free is. Especially the Worlds free press.

If your offended by my views or the way i speak then feel free to use the ignore button like you keep saying you do but don't.
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See more evidence that the feds are dragging their feet for a reason, a good one, but they want Donald running around for awhile, though it is getting harder everyday. Most people who are busted over classified documents would be long gone through the legal system by now and by all accounts it is a most unpleasant experience. He is harming the GOP and his own case daily while motivating democrats, a TV trial in Georgia would be the best thing, before the feds take him down. Trying Trump federally while he is custody in Georgia and a convicted felon makes it so much easier, his spell will be broken. Convicting Trump in a red state with a republican government is also important, he can't blame the democrats, even though a democrat will be prosecuting his ass.
I'm sure it was just a "stutter" .. :bigjoint:
wow, you and rob win a point? in the beginning of the pandemic, which no one had dealt with before in our lifetimes, they made some assumptions...some of them were correct, and some weren't...but i didn't hear ANYONE else making any suggestions, all i heard everyone else doing was being uncooperative, self centered, and fucking thoughtless...and you're still at it.
rob, you are a useless drain on society, and i regret it every time i take you off ignore out of boredom. you are a self centered fuck, little better than the fascists you seem to sometimes support. you use specious arguments to try to prove that it's ok for you to be an asshole, and that you don't have to contribute to the society you continually bash, and continually leech off of...
and luke, you're just a hateful little parasite, who lives to make other people feel inferior...both of you go back on ignore now, and i doubt i'll ever take either of you off of it again, after being this disappointed this many times, so i just wanted to say to both of you, karma is real, and your miserable mean spirited trolling and bashing will come back to you, ten times...enjoy that
wow, you and rob win a point? in the beginning of the pandemic, which no one had dealt with before in our lifetimes, they made some assumptions...some of them were correct, and some weren't...but i didn't hear ANYONE else making any suggestions, all i heard everyone else doing was being uncooperative, self centered, and fucking thoughtless...and you're still at it.
rob, you are a useless drain on society, and i regret it every time i take you off ignore out of boredom. you are a self centered fuck, little better than the fascists you seem to sometimes support. you use specious arguments to try to prove that it's ok for you to be an asshole, and that you don't have to contribute to the society you continually bash, and continually leech off of...
and luke, you're just a hateful little parasite, who lives to make other people feel inferior...both of you go back on ignore now, and i doubt i'll ever take either of you off of it again, after being this disappointed this many times, so i just wanted to say to both of you, karma is real, and your miserable mean spirited trolling and bashing will come back to you, ten times...enjoy that

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