Is Biden really that bad?

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And for the chemtrails, well.. NM. I'll save that for another political thread on RIU. Why can't I filter political posts out of my "Whats New" feed? I like the Whats new button, and seeing the latest activity... I guess until they add a funtion to filter all political posts, I can't help but come back, haha.

The point I was trying to make, is that these climate change bills that many support are eventually going to directly affect those people that use more than the average household worth of electricity, if you know what i'm saying.. And cannabis isn't exactly a vital resource.
And for the chemtrails, well.. NM. I'll save that for another political thread on RIU. Why can't I filter political posts out of my "Whats New" feed? I like the Whats new button, and seeing the latest activity... I guess until they add a funtion to filter all political posts, I can't help but come back, haha.

The point I was trying to make, is that these climate change bills that many support are eventually going to directly affect those people that use more than the average household worth of electricity, if you know what i'm saying.. And cannabis isn't exactly a vital resource.
ok plain question.
I have seen zero support in the peer-reviewed literature for the concept (when I had access).

What objective data support the chemtrail assertion?
And for the chemtrails, well.. NM. I'll save that for another political thread on RIU. Why can't I filter political posts out of my "Whats New" feed? I like the Whats new button, and seeing the latest activity... I guess until they add a funtion to filter all political posts, I can't help but come back, haha.

The point I was trying to make, is that these climate change bills that many support are eventually going to directly affect those people that use more than the average household worth of electricity, if you know what i'm saying.. And cannabis isn't exactly a vital resource.
what are you expecting the climate change bills to do? cause constant rolling blackouts? we're still a long way from that. we're up to about 20% renewable energy production and climbing yearly, with incentives from the government to invest in solar, geothermal and wind tech making the initial purchases a lot less painful. the average solar panel is still about 75% effective after 30 years...things aren't all roses and candy, but they'll have to get a lot worse for what you suggest to become an issue
That's the thing.. "Climate change" is all up in the air. Who knows what the impacts of the bills will have on our kids after we are gone.

All I know is, I just want to hook up my own solar panels, battery banks, hydro turbines (made from recycled fisher and paykel smart drive washing machines w/ pelton wheel), vertical axis wind turbines up in the tree tops, sterling hot air engine generator placed in the focal point of a parabolic dish mounted on the roof w/ sun tracking), dig my own geo thermal loops, make bio fuel refineries, and all that jazz. Like, actually be responsible for my footprint. Teach my kids how to be self sufficient in that way too.

Then completely unhook from the grid and tell them to screw off, but.. they won't let me be free that way? Your forced to hook up to power and utilities, or they'll send CPS out to take your kids, and condemn your home. WTF? How can I really stop climate change when i'm forced to flush clean water down the drain for every piss, and be hooked to a grid that's still mostly powered from coal. Then expect to be taxed upon taxed upon taxed for it all. What a scam.
You first..

Would you only believe anything I type if a peer has first reviewed what I said for you?
No. That is by definition hearsay. I would have to read the whole thing. Even then I might have to do more work before I decide.

(edit) The hinge of the thing is trust. Trust can come from either from observing trustworthy behavior in the person ir group in question.

Trust can also be generated by direct and constant appeal to sentiment. This is how demagogues like the previous guy get yuuge results. But always it involves appeals to authority, a technique taken towards its geometric endpoint by the toxic evangelicals.
It is this trust that is based on feelings thst amounts to being addicted to an attractive falsehood, with predictable results.

I am trying to do the first and not the second.
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That's the thing.. "Climate change" is all up in the air. Who knows what the impacts of the bills will have on our kids after we are gone.

All I know is, I just want to hook up my own solar panels, battery banks, hydro turbines (made from recycled fisher and paykel smart drive washing machines w/ pelton wheel), vertical axis wind turbines up in the tree tops, sterling hot air engine generator placed in the focal point of a parabolic dish mounted on the roof w/ sun tracking), dig my own geo thermal loops, make bio fuel refineries, and all that jazz. Like, actually be responsible for my footprint. Teach my kids how to be self sufficient in that way too.

Then completely unhook from the grid and tell them to screw off, but.. they won't let me be free that way? Your forced to hook up to power and utilities, or they'll send CPS out to take your kids, and condemn your home. WTF? How can I really stop climate change when i'm forced to flush clean water down the drain for every piss, and be hooked to a grid that's still mostly powered from coal. Then expect to be taxed upon taxed upon taxed for it all. What a scam.
Where the fuck do you live? They take your kids if you go off grid :o!
Ya the ancient grid that supplies a medium for the demons is no longer needed. They have like 10G wireless now, and chemtrails together that also create a protective blanket to keep the entities safe while they conduct business (feeding off your negative emotions like parasites, so you can't transmute the energy into positive spiritual growth that would otherwise make you a warrior against them).

Eventually though, while the mind controlled elite that are tricked by the demons go into their underground condos (made out of NASA tech we thought was for space, and were tricked into building for them) during the purge (agenda 2030? Guidestones?), some of us will still be able to mutate and outlive the monkey pox that wipes out 7 billion. The remaining mutants with all new cybernetic implants will form a resistance to the mega corps, and hack into their bases like the matrix in shadowrun. Fight them off when they come to the surface in their "space suits" that are resistant to the bio hazard weapons they released to purge us.

It will be like mad max, and we'll be hoarding fuel tankers full of acetates that allow us to grow food and cannabis in the dark, and not be seen by the elites drones. We'll have faraday cage suits to hide from the radar.

They on the other hand have giant artificial suns (look up the one China built!) and will be sun tanning on an artificial beach 20 miles under the ground, and able to grow plenty of food for themselves. They each have 100s of organ transplants lined up too, because they used our DNA from covid swabs to map out the best match for everyone that died.

Dang this movie is sounding good. Can't wait to start writing the script!

I've already had Chicken Pox (and one horribly gone wrong Shingles know they put it in the vaccine:wink:) similar to Monkey lives in your nerves Monkey Pox will pass me by.
That's the thing.. "Climate change" is all up in the air. Who knows what the impacts of the bills will have on our kids after we are gone.

All I know is, I just want to hook up my own solar panels, battery banks, hydro turbines (made from recycled fisher and paykel smart drive washing machines w/ pelton wheel), vertical axis wind turbines up in the tree tops, sterling hot air engine generator placed in the focal point of a parabolic dish mounted on the roof w/ sun tracking), dig my own geo thermal loops, make bio fuel refineries, and all that jazz. Like, actually be responsible for my footprint. Teach my kids how to be self sufficient in that way too.

Then completely unhook from the grid and tell them to screw off, but.. they won't let me be free that way? Your forced to hook up to power and utilities, or they'll send CPS out to take your kids, and condemn your home. WTF? How can I really stop climate change when i'm forced to flush clean water down the drain for every piss, and be hooked to a grid that's still mostly powered from coal. Then expect to be taxed upon taxed upon taxed for it all. What a scam.
Buy a few acres of rural land off grid. put in a solar well that will pump water into your 5000gl holding tank on a hill that will gravity feed water to your entire property. Park an RV under a metal carport and hook it up to an above ground septic system that gets pumped out 2 twice a year. Put enough solar panels on the carport roof to charge all your batteries and supplement with a propane generator as needed. You can live quite comfortably off grid for a very long time....ask me how i know
That's the thing.. "Climate change" is all up in the air.

No. It’s in our face by now.

But acknowledging it means that the corporate establishment would lose trillions a year dealing with the truth.

Money is a stronger force than ethical behavior and has what amounts to itsvown thermodynamics. In this instance it is much cheaper to subvert the truth and keep making and concentrating money.

Thus the relentless all-media public opinion campaign by precisely the forces who tend to power the centralization of power. If you belive that climate change is a hoax, they’ve won.
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