Is Biden really that bad?

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Thats about all you can do to support Joe Biden, isnt it? Because he hasnt done one god dam good thing. Not one.
more than 6 million jobs created
unemployment at record lows
lowest child poverty rate in decades
5 million more people have healthcare
hunger in American families dropped by 32%
he's confirmed more judges to lower courts than any judge before him, and a lot of them have been women/minorities
he has the first majority non white cabinet in US history
he's made the largest investment ever in Americas power grid and infrastructure
put in place the highest annual fuel economy standards ever, to protect the environment and reduce fuel costs
approved the first ever large scale use of off shore wind generation...

but of course, you won't see half of those things as "good", and will try to denigrate the rest...because that's what people like you do, they tear everything around them down, until they are standing in a pile of shit, then they start screaming that everything around them is shit...and blaming it on everyone but themselves
Time for you to go to ignore
this one is too much fun to ignore yet...although i think he already ignored me, he knows his bullshit is powerless on me, and that i will just keep smacking him in his face with fact after fact...i guess it's not much fun to argue with someone who continually proves that you're a fucking moron
So back to Trump and forget about Joe running the country into the toilet. I thought so.
It's the republicans who will be running on bullshit culture wars and Trump will force them to spout the big lie until the democrats put him away. There will be little time for the issues with that bunch, but the democrats are always eager to debate policy, that's their thing, culture wars and performative politics is the republican thing. Democrats never created the coming war inside the GOP in the middle of an election, Trump did that, the delay in justice is to make sure the republicans pay for it. Trump will be like a bull in a China shop this election season for the GOP, he will be thrashing around in a panic and will be a very dangerous animal to handle. Joe is just gonna do his job and watch the show on TV like the rest of us, as Donald goes down in flames along with a thousand assholes.
It's the republicans who will be running on bullshit culture wars and Trump will force them to spout the big lie until the democrats put him away. There will be little time for the issues with that bunch, but the democrats are always eager to debate policy, that's their thing, culture wars and performative politics is the republican thing. Democrats never created the coming war inside the GOP in the middle of an election, Trump did that, the delay in justice is to make sure the republicans pay for it. Trump will be like a bull in a China shop this election season for the GOP, he will be thrashing around in a panic and will be a very dangerous animal to handle. Joe is just gonna do his job and watch the show on TV like the rest of us, as Donald goes down in flames along with a thousand assholes.
Room full of democrats, all they can do to defend Biden policy is point to Trump. Keep it coming, great Biden thread here.
Less than 6 million jobs destroyed
underemployment at record highs
highest child poverty rate in centuries
5 million less people have healthcare
obesity in American families raised by 32%
he's denied less judges to higher courts than any judge after him, and a lot of them have been men/majorities
he has the first majority non white house cabinet in US history, and called non white people roaches
he's made the worst investment ever in chinas power grid and infrastructure
wrecked the highest annual fuel economy standards ever, to protect Greta and raised fuel costs
disapproved the first ever small scale use of on shore wind generation...
Room full of democrats, all they can do to defend Biden policy is point to Trump. Keep it coming, great Biden thread here.
Well now the news tells me the democrats have had some big wins these past few days. What do you think about republicans voting against veterans and using them as pawns? You wanna talk policy, there's one for you, republicans constantly stabbing veterans in the back.
Room full of democrats, all they can do to defend Biden policy is point to Trump. Keep it coming, great Biden thread here.

Steele: Congrats, Dems. You Did Politics. What Took So Long?
18,270 views Jul 30, 2022 There was shock and awe on Capitol Hill after Sen. Chuck Schumer and Sen. Joe Manchin came to an agreement on a scaled back alternative to the Build Back Better bill. But, was the collective amazement over the fact that it happened? Or that the Democrats were actually able to play the game of politics and out-fox Mitch McConnell?
Less than 6 million jobs destroyed
underemployment at record highs
highest child poverty rate in centuries
5 million less people have healthcare
obesity in American families raised by 32%
he's denied less judges to higher courts than any judge after him, and a lot of them have been men/majorities
he has the first majority non white house cabinet in US history, and called non white people roaches
he's made the worst investment ever in chinas power grid and infrastructure
wrecked the highest annual fuel economy standards ever, to protect Greta and raised fuel costs
disapproved the first ever small scale use of on shore wind generation...
Once again no facts just right wing propaganda
Less than 6 million jobs destroyed
underemployment at record highs
highest child poverty rate in centuries
5 million less people have healthcare
obesity in American families raised by 32%
he's denied less judges to higher courts than any judge after him, and a lot of them have been men/majorities
he has the first majority non white house cabinet in US history, and called non white people roaches
he's made the worst investment ever in chinas power grid and infrastructure
wrecked the highest annual fuel economy standards ever, to protect Greta and raised fuel costs
disapproved the first ever small scale use of on shore wind generation...
Sources please.
I can also bash Trump, and own f'ing maggats like you wouldn't beLieve. I can make points so good that even you would become an anger addict over some guy like Trump, and make you blame all your problems on him too.
I can also bash Trump, and own f'ing maggats like you wouldn't beLieve. I can make points so good that even you would become an anger addict over some guy like Trump, and make you blame all your problems on him too.
Both sides are not the same, you either support the constitution and the founding ethos of the nation or you do not, respect the rule of law, or you do not, believe in free and fair democratic elections, or anointed rule by a mob of savages. The issues have never been more stark and the difference between right and wrong never more clear. Moral ambiguity about the situation says much, none of it good.
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