Drop That Sound
Well-Known Member
Or you find balance, and become aware that everything is just as good as it is bad.
Putin had his arm shoved up Trump's ass and was working his mouth like a ventriloquist's dummy, when he wasn't sucking the Russian's asses or getting their help with the 2016 election, along with the republicans through the NRA spreading Russian cash around. Trump Tried to extort Zelenskiy over aid and Javelin missiles and the story is well known, he was impeached for it.Can you name anything good Joe Biden has done? This is a Biden thread.
That is not balance, that is amorality, you don't know the simple difference between right and wrong that most children can discern. It is not wisdom, it is born of something else.Or you find balance, and become aware that everything is just as good as it is bad.
Ok let’s go with one group attempted a coup to overthrow the the election in a DemocracyOr you find balance, and become aware that everything is just as good as it is bad.
The word is maggot. Your weed must suck too, being that you are all upset and stuff. Let me know if you need help, and sorry to have offended you. Have a nice day.I can also bash Trump, and own f'ing maggats like you wouldn't beLieve. I can make points so good that even you would become an anger addict over some guy like Trump, and make you blame all your problems on him too.
Thats your opinion. Give me something factual please. Even with the internet to help you.... you have, nothing.Replaced Trump
That would be the meat of your argument, dic pics. Zero substance as usual. Can you give me one good reason Joe is a good president? All I hear is crickets and insults, not much of a debate squad. Tell me hes not a racist or a womanizer, or a good family man....and I will prove you wrong. Tell me just one good thing he has done. Just one. And dont tell me jobs, he has created zero jobs. Record amount of border arrests, record amount of overdoses, record crime, highest inflation in 40 years. Economy is in a recession. Feeble stock market. Weak on military too, will do nothing when China takes over Taiwan. Will also let China dictate US foreign poilcy, as Nancy will surely cancel her trip to Taiwan. I hope I am wrong, but just watch.Oh for fuck sake give this guy the dick pic already!!![]()
you are a pathetic troll...you deserve to be evicted from whatever bridge it is you live under...you should live under a dumpster, that's how bad you are at being a trollThat would be the meat of your argument, dic pics. Zero substance as usual. Can you give me one good reason Joe is a good president? All I hear is crickets and insults, not much of a debate squad.
The difference between you, is he is amoral and you are immoral.The word is maggot. Your weed must suck too, being that you are all upset and stuff. Let me know if you need help. Sorry to have offended you, have a nice day.
You would fail if you were on a debate team. Your argument lacks substance.The difference between you is he is amoral and you are immoral.
Funny but none of that sounds like anything good Joe has done. Not even remotely close in any way. Surely you can google something good he has done.Putin had his arm shoved up Trump ass and was working his mouth like a ventriloquist's dummy, when he wasn't sucking the Russian's asses or getting their help with the 2016 election, along with the republicans through the NRA spreading Russian cash around. Trump Tried to extort Zelenskiy over aid and Javelin missiles and the story is well known, he was impeached for it.
By the time of Joe's first state of the union address, he had Putin by the balls and fighting for his life and he will strangle the fucker in Ukraine and dance on his corpse. Trump is Putin's puppet, called the invasion of Ukraine brilliant while it was failing and you voted for that stupid fuck twice and would again.Bigotry and racism make ya stupid, it's a phenomena called scared stupid and Trump and the republicans are the merchants of fear, but only fear driven suckers buy what they sell.
Fear of black folks and losing social statutes, fear of brown people taking your jobs, fear of the meritocracy of education, because you are to stupid to compete there and know it. Fear to compete in the military, where there are many minorities, including nasty black female drill sergeants, the military is and has been socially progressive, hence the disrespect the republicans show it and why they don't mind screwing veterans. It why they honor the statues of long dead traitors who murdered American troops and refight civil war battles every summer, there is a chronic shortage of blue soldiers, they already won. Why they honor their traitor ancestor who fought at the battle of who gives a fuck, while forgetting their granddaddy, who fought against the same fascism they espouse. Why the evangelical Christians family values crowd are suddenly ok with, "grab them by the pussy" from a multiple divorcee, pervert and philander.
That is not balance, that is amorality, you don't know the simple difference between right and wrong that most children can discern. It is not wisdom, it is born of something else.
How about burning and looting all summer, causing billions in damage? How many deaths? Then the crime wave followed, and has not stopped. Nancy bowed down to BLM, and Kamala bailed them out of jail.Ok let’s go with one group attempted a coup to overthrow the the election in a Democracy
What was the equivalent act the other side did ?
I AM...BATMAN! DUN DUN DUN!I am the difference between right and wrong.
it's just that you aren't worth wasting anything of substance on...and you're a cowardly cunt who refuses to talk to anyone who scares you...coward...You would fail if you were on a debate team. Your argument lacks substance.
Undecided, the problem with sitting on the fence in the battle between right and wrong, is it's made of barbed wire and you get shot from both sides at once.I am the difference between right and wrong.
Lets not forget Bidens idol, KKK grand master Robert Byrd. Joe sure is a good ole boy, he like to campaign with Byrd.You guys don't even know the real Joe. Good ole boy. A bad ass old fart, buddies with Trump too. Pretends to be senile, all for show. Just like Donald spray painted himself orange on purpose, just so half the population would be hypocritical racists, and call him the cheetoh man. LOL!
Joe's gonna fly the leading fighter jet himself, to escort Nancy to Taiwan, as the squad leader. Like the prez in Independence Day the movie.