Is Biden really that bad?

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umm it's hard to not talk down to you but I'll try.

because they had guns and had planned out their attack and had inside help and Trump had been training them as shock troops in Portland Oregon for four effing years. This was planned long before it happened. Are you so naive as to think it just came together spontaneously?
No guns no training. Where do you get this garbage?
Wrong guy.
Trump is German though. I'll bet some of his DNA was shared by Nazis. He should run a DNA scan, see what pops up. I hear he's related to Josef Mengele, the Nazi who escaped justice but died depressed and broke in a Brazilian shit hole.
Another moronic democrat contribution. Thanks.
I like to think of democrats as zombies, like on the walking dead show. They aren't really "evil" per se, they are just brainwashed by the media and mainstream TV. One day they may be given the antidote to cure them. They will realize open borders and drugs, are bad. Inflation, is bad. High gas prices, also bad. Supporting criminals over your own people is not a good thing, its bad. Grooming our children to join their LGBT group, also bad. Let me know if I forgot anything. Basically, its bizarro world in democrat land. Everything is opposite.
None of that here. But what do you expect for those who kill babies?
i expect them to learn the difference between from and for?
i expect them to learn the difference between a fetus and a baby?
i expect them to mind their own motherfucking business and let women and their physicians decide what is best for would you like it if all the pregnant women in the country got to make decisions about your health? maybe make vasectomies mandatory? know, that's a damn good idea, i think we should start pushing that one...illegal abortions = mandatory vasectomies...put the tables in in pairs, you can both go under with your feet up in stirrups
But, you’re the fascist, you ninny!
you're just a pathetic toad...if you're the best the other side can muster, i'm going to go take a aren't even worth my effort.
if paul rubens got hit in the head really hard and had a tumor that made him do stupid shit...that's you..."i know you are, but what am i?"
isn't really a valid method of debate...but then, i feel bad about even engaging with you, i feel like i'm debating with the president of the short bus do you even insult someone so stupid you have to go back and explain the insults to them? it really ruins it when they finally understand, and you want to give them a liv-a-snap for finally getting it.
I like how China chose red lighting for their speech delivered via The Big Guy. It was a nice touch.
No, Biden is not like Hitler because people far more sensible than you pointed out your great leader is.
No, Biden's son is not p.o.s. because people with more than half-a-brain recognized Trump's kids as such.
No, Biden doesn't work for China because people not entirely retarded realized Trump is Putin's bitch.
No, Biden isn't a peado cause Trump raped a 13-yo and made clear several times he wants to fuck his own daughter.

The lies you believe won't become truth by making up more random lies about the side that opposes the lies you believe. Childish rancor is not a winning strategy whatever the goal is.

The really funny, or perhaps tragic, thing you obviously couldn't possibly recognize is that YOU are speaking China's language. "No no, it was no Wuhan market, it was the US who create Covid in their labs."

Everything is opposite.
More childish spiteful projection that fits the list above.
No, Biden is not like Hitler because people far more sensible than you pointed out your great leader is.
No, Biden's son is not p.o.s. because people with more than half-a-brain recognized Trump's kids as such.
No, Biden doesn't work for China because people not entirely retarded realized Trump is Putin's bitch.
No, Biden isn't a peado cause Trump raped a 13-yo and made clear several times he wants to fuck his own daughter.

The lies you believe won't become truth by making up more random lies about the side that opposes the lies you believe. Childish rancor is not a winning strategy whatever the goal is.

The really funny, or perhaps tragic, thing you obviously couldn't possibly recognize is that YOU are speaking China's language. "No no, it was no Wuhan market, it was the US who create Covid in their labs."

More childish spiteful projection that fits the list above.
we've let fucking criminals become entrenched in our political system, and it's time to root the motherfuckers out, and put them in a cell or a grave. the fucking morons they've brainwashed won't be close to enough to stop it, and all them trying will accomplish is to get a great many of them dead or win/win for democracy...we get to get rid of a bunch of criminal fucks, and we get to get rid of the stupidest segement of our population at the same time...two-fer
Wrong guy.
Trump is German though. I'll bet some of his DNA was shared by Nazis. He should run a DNA scan, see what pops up. I hear he's related to Josef Mengele, the Nazi who escaped justice but died depressed and broke in a Brazilian shit hole.
Hopefully, Joe will just die in his sleep. President Demagogue aka Brandon
Wrong guy.
Trump is German though. I'll bet some of his DNA was shared by Nazis. He should run a DNA scan, see what pops up. I hear he's related to Josef Mengele, the Nazi who escaped justice but died depressed and broke in a Brazilian shit hole.
Right guy is German Joe. Has a nice ring.
Nah, speeches against fascism are traditionally in English not German. Funny how you whine about tone instead of content now.

"You called our great leader Hitler and that hurt our snowflake feelings so now we're going to say the same about Biden". Same childish rancorous bs with Biden's son. Trump is an immoral piece of shit, so are his kids. Desperately projecting that on Biden and his kids out of spite won't cure your cognitive dissonance or inability to recognize a con man. The only solution to that, and to still have a chance of becoming a non-malfunctioning human being, is to pull your head out of your ass so hard it takes with it all the bullshit you've been swallowing and recycling.
Joe Biden, dead man walking.
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