Is Biden really that bad?

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The quality of the republican trolling and insults has really slipped lately. It's like watching grown ups make fun of children.
I say it often, but they are coming across like the crazy homeless people yelling at everyone downtown.

Sir, your pants fell down. Please pull them up before telling me about hunter biden raising gas prices.
You are on a substance-centric website railing against substance users, idiot.
We’ll, sub centric party pal, this is a political website now. It’s devoted to lifting up a half dead individual who once used to be just a plagiarizing corrupt politician like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Now however, He has morphed into super dick!
Hopefully, Joe will just die in his sleep. President Demagogue aka Brandon
He might. So might you or I. It won't matter. Like it or not, Biden represents the foundations and traditions of America now. Your party abrogated that role when you sold your soul to the devil. You aren't patriots. You couldn't even understand what the word means - the part of your soul that could understand is exactly the part that you sold.

I know you won't understand this. It isn't important that you do.

We'll kick your ass with or without him. He isn't that important.
Biden did the right thing.

I am proud of him for the first time.

And I am thankful for the "let's go brandon" guy. Glad he was there.

Funny thing... they invest so much in hurting the other side. But mostly, they just get the feeling that they are hurting us. That's the double edge sword of believing alternate facts.
I was better off financially under Trump. I did cringe at some of the stuff that came out of his mouth, but overall, we were better off. Joe... **sigh**... I just can't. It's embarrassing to have this idiot as the "Leader of the Free World".
Embarrassed, as in you feel looks bad. Does it matter to you who's looking? Thing is, if you ask the free world, Trump is by far America's most embarrassing moment in history. Biden represents relief. Relief Americans picked a somewhat normal old white male politician again. Sure a woman would have been great, a younger guy too, but the idea that Joe is an "embarrassing idiot" exists primarily in the heads of misinformed conned American cult members and is fueled again by idiots desperately wanting to turn reality upside down into one they can reconcile with their own poor choices.

Some examples of what's no longer cool in the free world thanks to Trump and his MAGA supporters:
- People from Texas wearing cowboy hats
- People from Texas
- Girls or male actors with southern accents, especially from Texas
- Florida (yes damnit Florida was cool, closest sunny state for most of the free world)
- Good looking people on boats, especially from Florida
- American 'action movies' featuring chicks with guns
- Kid Rock
- Stars and stripes in fashion (at least that helps the flag code)
- Using the phrase "leader of the free world" in reference to the US (this would be nr1 on the list with Trump in charge and that's an understatement as it put you on course of potentially becoming the free world's enemy nr1)

Yet you worry about how Biden makes you look...

The thing that is really most embarrassing is not Trump itself, neither his inability to govern, it's Americans not seeing Trump for what he is. That's why words like con man and cult are so widely used and fit so well. How could they vote such an obvious immoral p.o.s. into the position of POTUS. How could so many be so blind or indifferent to his unacceptable flaws, above all his gross incompetence, the complete lack of integrity and basic human decency, zero loyalty towards the US, its soldiers and its people. A spoiled rich kid, a draft dodger, extremely inappropriate parent horny over his own daughter. That was 2016.... the free world wants to see the US continue to move on and away from what we hope to have been a temporary lapse of judgement, while Chinese and Russian trolls prefer you keep embarrassing yourself by doubling down on stupid and tear down the image and thus influence of the US some more.
No, Biden is not like Hitler because people far more sensible than you pointed out your great leader is.
No, Biden's son is not p.o.s. because people with more than half-a-brain recognized Trump's kids as such.
No, Biden doesn't work for China because people not entirely retarded realized Trump is Putin's bitch.
No, Biden isn't a peado cause Trump raped a 13-yo and made clear several times he wants to fuck his own daughter.

The lies you believe won't become truth by making up more random lies about the side that opposes the lies you believe. Childish rancor is not a winning strategy whatever the goal is.

The really funny, or perhaps tragic, thing you obviously couldn't possibly recognize is that YOU are speaking China's language. "No no, it was no Wuhan market, it was the US who create Covid in their labs."

More childish spiteful projection that fits the list above.

Mola v Biden is in limited discovery. You should pay attention more. You and Biden are literally hitting every talking point of China's Liberation Road initiative. Good luck to you.
morons they've brainwashed won't be close to enough to stop it, and all them trying will accomplish is to get a great many of them dead or win/win for democracy...we get to get rid of a bunch of criminal fucks, and we get to get rid of the stupidest segement of our population at the same time...two-fer

Tell us all about fascism some more as you seem to have a real grasp on it here.
US President Joe Biden has charged Donald Trump and his backers with “extremism” that poses a threat to democracy in the United States, urging all Americans to help counter what he portrayed as dark forces within the Republican Party.
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