Is Biden really that bad?

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Florida is a fascist state
Ron DeSantis Is Mounting An Ideological Revolution Inside Florida School Boards

DeSantis’ decision to influence the outcome of nonpartisan races in Florida’s primary is all a part of his self-described “education agenda.”
While he’s counting on making public education a cornerstone in his reelection campaign against Democrat Charlie Crist, his agenda is clearly less about classroom learning or teacher pay, and more about remaking the schools into a haven for right-wing extremists.
that's alright, we'll just undo every fucked up thing he does as soon as his ass isn't in office anymore...which will hopefully be in a couple of months
Lol, we’ll…. You got me. I confess… I was just mad because they through joe out of that Austrian art school and all… dang!
through means to pass between...threw is the past tense of throw...and trump is the one you should be comparing to hitler...although hitler actually succeeded at his insurrection, while trump failed, just like he fails at everything
You sound just like Joe, he trained you well. Base your knowledge upon a group of a few radicals, and compare them to the rest of the population. Genius. That would be like assuming all democrats are criminals. I mean, they dont all burn and loot.
Joe spoke truth, which unlike Trump and his followers, what is true doesn't change. I saw the riot unfold as it happened. I saw Trump's statements before and after the insurrection and attempted coup. I read up on reports afterward. What I saw agrees with what Biden said and not what the traitorous MAGA GOP leaders said. As I said, the truth doesn't change. But lies do.

Which was it anyway? They were tourists or they were invited in or the door was open so they came in or they were there to reverse a stolen election? My goodness your kind are fluent liars. So, yeah, my story and Biden's are the same and it doesn't change. MAGA GOP's story is all over the map.

A few radicals, my ass. Nobody was saying they shouldn't when the chants to hang Mike Pence were being sounded. Nobody was protecting the police. Not a single person stopped the guy who used the filial to the US FLAG (!!!) as a spear point. So, get out of here about the "it was a small gang". Nobody even moved away from that action. They were all in on it. They thought Trump was going to give them all pardons after they saved his presidency. How did that work out for them?
the ones who voted for him were conned...but it was easy to con them, because they were dissatisfied with the performance of American politicians. I am a saintly voice of reason compared to them, and i don't like the way things are going in politics in general. campaign finance laws are a fucking joke, and have to change, drastically, more rich assholes dumping millions into specific politicians campaigns, all donations go to a central fund that is allocated fairly, evenly, and impartially.
no more conflicts of more manchins on the energy committee...
the same laws that apply to the people apply to politicians, without fail.
if you want people to have faith in their political system, give them a reason to have faith in it...

That's because things were going so bad with Obama.
At this point, people who still support Trump deserve disdain
It's not like there's any question about the fucker anymore
There is a psychological barrier peculiar to many Americans. Between their car dealers and their pastors, they have been broken to the concept of the Package Deal. If you want leather seats in your Ford Commando, you have to get the seven other frivolities in package L43.
Similarly, the church instructs you that you accept the unabridged dogma, from damp nose to flailing tail, fleas and all — or be branded a Heretic, which is the class below sex offender.

Generalizing to redhattery, it does not countenance an à la carte approach. In fact, start asking questions only if you are ok with being stared at sideways for acting like some godless baby-fileting socialist.
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A 2020 video clip of Donald Trump calling Democrats "fascists" has resurfaced on social media.

The video, which has gone viral on Twitter, shows the former president speaking at Mankato regional airport, Minnesota, in August 2020 when he was on the presidential campaign trail.

He tells his supporters that Democrats are "fascists," saying they want to "destroy our second amendment, attack the right to life, and replace American freedom with left-wing fascism. Fascists, they are fascists."

There is a psychological barrier peculiar to many Americans. Between their car dealers and their pastors, they have been broken to the concept of the Package Deal. If you want leather seats in your Ford Commando, you have to get the seven other frivolities in package L43.
Similarly, the church instructs you that you accept the unabridged dogma, from damp nose to flailing tail, fleas and all — or be branded a Heretic, which is the class below sex offender.

Generalizing to redhattery, it does not countenance an à la carte approach. In fact, start asking questions only if you are ok with being stared at sideways for acting like some godless baby-fileting socialist.

When I was at Volvo 1997-2000, I could get you a base car with leather only; the premise about leather is if you want that then you have some money and want a few other features along with. Even though I was in Florida, I was able to leverage the Cold Weather package by selling the heated seats that came with. I myself drove around SoFla with heated seats for my back blasting the AC-it's Nirvana.

A 2020 video clip of Donald Trump calling Democrats "fascists" has resurfaced on social media.

The video, which has gone viral on Twitter, shows the former president speaking at Mankato regional airport, Minnesota, in August 2020 when he was on the presidential campaign trail.

He tells his supporters that Democrats are "fascists," saying they want to "destroy our second amendment, attack the right to life, and replace American freedom with left-wing fascism. Fascists, they are fascists."

Why does he have the Presidents Seal on the podium? I fear dimensions are starting to bleed together.
The Jan 6 insurrection was well documented. We saw your kind for what they are that day. You know what happened and so did the world.

You can have your culture wars and misogyny. You can support whatever you like, except you can't attack an election that your only valid complaint can be, your side lost.
Insurrection? LOL Child.
Thats funny
In your civil war he would be shot on sight by the radical right
Y’all better get those red hats and brown shirts issued
Don’t worry about clothing, just do your part! You know, texting on this dumb message board for instance. That’s your style, all text, no action.
Dude, you get your news from that right wing rag? Whatever, if that's what you consider informative, go for it. Just don't cite it. Find a credible source. That post of yours made you less credible. A right wing extremist Christian owner. I won't dignify him with the word "conservative". That's for patriots like Liz Cheney.

I don't agree with her policies but she understands that this country is a democracy and is not a threat to our democratic institutions. On Jan 6, 2021, we saw MAGA Republicans for the traitors they are. That is a clear bright line in history that separates fascists from the rest of the country.

Washington Examiner

View attachment 5192232

View attachment 5192231

These media sources are moderate to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports, and omit information reporting that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.
  • Overall, we rate the Washington Examiner Right Biased based on editorial positions that almost exclusively favor the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks.
Detailed Report
Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Newspaper
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic

It's been around since 2005. The Washington Examiner is owned by Clarity Media Group, owned by Philip Anschutz, an American billionaire entrepreneur who describes himself as a “conservative Christian.”
WOW! Look at that a long useless diatribe…. Believe everything you read, remember that LOL You and your little child friends don’t mean dick.
When I was at Volvo 1997-2000, I could get you a base car with leather only; the premise about leather is if you want that then you have some money and want a few other features along with. Even though I was in Florida, I was able to leverage the Cold Weather package by selling the heated seats that came with. I myself drove around SoFla with heated seats for my back blasting the AC-it's Nirvana.

Thirty years ago I wanted a Lexus coupe so bad I could taste it. The brochure plainly listed the sunroof (a feature that lowers effective roof height by a critical two inches. It was like having a kid play with your hair while trying to drive.) as optional. However, every single unit shipped to the region came with the sunroof. I pointed out that the sunroof was a listed option, and that I did not opt.

Finally the manager told me that the motor company based its decisions on a composite customer. They also did not offer a “build to spec at factory” program.

I got one anyway. Had it for two years as a garage queen. Sold it spotless with under 10k, for not a lot of loss.

I discovered a peculiar thing about owning an expensive (by my lights) car. The pleasure of driving it was nullified by the unrelenting low-level anxiety about door dings every time we parked it in public. Now I shop near the bottom of the market, and am happier.
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