Is Biden really that bad?

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So its only ok when Joe Biden says it. Just like violence is only ok when BLM does it. Then everybody bows and demonizes police across the country. And liberals cheer, they love it. They tear down statues and monuments, anything they dont like. They re-define words, protest songs, pancake boxes, they take over public areas. Can anybody name anything radical the right does? Nope, they have become the party of USA and American pie. Democrats used to be against big government. This new version of democrat supports IRS agents and less human rights, less gun rights too. No choice on what goes in your body unless its to kill a baby inside it. Thats the new age democrat, brainwashed to the core.
Take it easy or you'll spin yerself into the ground!
Looks like Trump ain't the only one with a red hot poker shoved up their asshole, it must be starting to sizzle, yer getting frantic. Sounds like you're fear driven and have a lot invested in the American fascist movement. Joe was wrong about near fascism, yer the real meal deal, willing to tolerate anything from the dear leader. If they can make you believe absurdities, they can make you commit atrocities and you're living proof.
So its only ok when Joe Biden says it. Just like violence is only ok when BLM does it. Then everybody bows and demonizes police across the country. And liberals cheer, they love it. They tear down statues and monuments, anything they dont like. They re-define words, protest songs, pancake boxes, they take over public areas. Can anybody name anything radical the right does? Nope, they have become the party of USA and American pie. Democrats used to be against big government. This new version of democrat supports IRS agents and less human rights, less gun rights too. No choice on what goes in your body unless its to kill a baby inside it. Thats the new age democrat, brainwashed to the core.
Donald and his cronies will be joining them in the crowbar hotel before the year is out, the democrats have a use for the stupid bastard until the election so he's gonna be running around lose for a spell.

Trump Says He’ll Pardon Jan. 6 Rioters If Reelected
7,463 views Sep 4, 2022 Former President Trump told a conservative radio host he’s “financially supporting” some members of the Capitol mob and would like to commute their sentences in his second term. Tia Mitchell, Washington correspondent for The Atlanta Journal Constitution, and civil rights attorney Charles Coleman discuss the politicization of the January 6 attack and former White House Counsel Pat Cipollone’s testimony to a federal grand jury.
Can anybody name anything radical the right does?

1) claim the election was stolen
1a) subvert same election
2) incite and mount an assault on the Capitol
3) separate families against their will
3a) allegedly subject brown women to involuntary sterilization surgery
4) erode their necessary barrier between church and state
5) put a toxic evangelical on the Scotus bench
6) praise a corrupt justice whose wife was actively supporting insurrection
7) thwart a sensible pandemic response
7a) disable CDC in service of above sabotage
7b) recommend dangerous quackery in place of sound public health policy
8 ) actively assist a “news” industry dedicated to the Big Lie
9) expressly seek to dismantle Social Security
10) Aid to Families With Veyrons And Gulfstreams, to the tune of 1.9 trillion taxpayer dollars
11) praise police who demonstrate actively racist injustice, up to and including murderous violence
11a) praise the young sociopath who went a-hunting with his semiautomatic rifle
12) then call for the removal of FBI when they do their jobs
13) engage in chaotic and dangerous foreign policy
14) declaring pluralists to be Enemies of the State!
15) legislate against women’s rights
16) gerrymander so as to force minority rule
17) incite hatred against freedom of gender expression, citing claims of societal damage that fail even cursory review
17a) while shielding the rapists and child-molesters in their ranks
18 ) fire inspectors-general who would block the dismantlement of the republic
19) seek punitive legislation against policies made necessary by climate change brought on by “pro-business” agenda

I cannot imagine you needing more 3-point shots than that.

Nope, they have become the party of USA and American pie.

They have become the party of bigoted grievance rooted in the undoing of the slave South. That is definitively unAmerican. Your propagating the maga Big Lie illustrates this.
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When it comes to using the power of the state to prosecute political enemies, it helps a lot if they are guilty as sin and there is a mountain of evidence and an army of witnesses, most from their own political party. This all has to get through independent courts, so it helps to have a solid case. The main issue currently is large numbers of republicans have committed crimes, aside from corruption and a parade of perversion and the democrats have not. The democrats don't need to fear prosecuting corrupt and treasonous republicans, provided they have a case and in many cases the case can be made!

If the democrats win, an independent special counsel would be the best solution to clean up and out the republican party. Do a Clinton on the works of them and get down to blow job and whitewater detail with all 140 of the bastards in congress. That lethal mixture of public hearings, subpoena power and prosecution was designed just for such a purpose. It was abused by the republicans and the law allowed to expire because of it. I say, if the democrats win, resurrect the law and have Garland appoint a monster or even several, then pass the whole hot mess off to them, including the J6 committee's work. That will keep the republicans fighting for their fucking lives for 2 years, right up till 2024. Winning can make it happen.
Trump is the one who exhorts his followers to commit violence during his speeches. Not Biden. To you, Biden's call for people to vote against MAGA Republican candidates is a call for violence. And you aren't wrong. MAGA Republicans get violent when they lose elections.
Trump called for a peaceful demonstration. Pelosi failed to install any national guard security, blame her.

4 kangaroo court rooms, zero evidence.
Forget about crime, inflation, the stock market, woke and weak military, conditioning and sexualizing children to be LGBT, tearing down statues, redefining what a woman is, redefining what a vaccine is, open borders, drivers licenses for illegals, and ridiculous gas prices. Forget all that, but look over there, its January 6th!!
Another very compact review of Big Lie manufactured grievances.
Forget about crime, inflation, the stock market, woke and weak military, conditioning and sexualizing children to be LGBT, tearing down statues, redefining what a woman is, redefining what a vaccine is, open borders, drivers licenses for illegals, and ridiculous gas prices. Forget all that, but look over there, its January 6th!!
Jesus, straight from Tucker's mouth to your brain, or what passes for one, you need to get out more.
Keep it up. Your speech is like fast food. It entertains but doesn't nourish. The Republican Party will die from it.
Republicans want what Trump gave us, putting America first. Cheap gas, stable borders, no new wars, stable inflation, strong stock market, lowest unemployment in 50 years. Only in Bizarro Biden world do people want the opposite: Open borders, buying votes, soaring inflation, weak military, no new jobs. Everything exactly the opposite of normal. The choice is yours people. You can vote radical, to choose between 17 sexes...... or you can vote to preserve working class American families.
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Republicans want what Trump gave us, putting America first. Cheap gas, stable borders, no new wars, stable inflation, strong stock market, lowest unemployment in 50 years. Only in Bizarro Biden world do people want the opposite: Open borders, buying votes, soaring inflation, weak military, no new jobs. Everything exactly the opposite of normal. The choice is yours people. You can vote radical, to choose between 17 sexes...... or you can vote to preserve working class American families.
Other than Trump's fixation with a border wall, he had zero influence on any of the other factors mentioned.

Just because Trump repeats the same disinformation ad nauseum doesn't make it true; at least for those with even rudimentary intellectual abilities.
Funny how all you can do is insult me. Pathetic, really. You cannot dispute the facts any more than Joe Biden can. Just like a crochety old man running pesky kids off his lawn.
You don't deal in facts, facts don't matter to you and you have proved it here repeatedly. So rather than deal with the dross, I like to go straight to the motive, the intention behind the action. Most people here know you better than you know yourself and what drives your actions and even thoughts. You are not fooling anybody except perhaps yourself.
Republicans want what Trump gave us, putting America first. Cheap gas, stable borders, no new wars, stable inflation, strong stock market, lowest unemployment in 50 years. Only in Bizarro Biden world do people want the opposite: Open borders, buying votes, soaring inflation, weak military, no new jobs. Everything exactly the opposite of normal. The choice is yours people. You can vote radical, to choose between 17 sexes...... or you can vote to preserve working class American families.
Nobody believes anything you say. You've become the 21st century equivalent to the kook on a soapbox exhorting passersby at a street corner. People snicker at him when they walk by. Go ahead and talk. Just don't hurt anybody. I'm embarrassed for you that I had to say that.
Other than Trump's fixation with a border wall, he had zero influence on any of the other factors mentioned.

Just because Trump repeats the same disinformation ad nauseum doesn't make it true; at least for those with even rudimentary intellectual abilities.
Actually, Trump did borrow 2 trillion dollars and gave it to rich people who used it to buy hotels and restaurants for wealthy people to go to, which grew service sector jobs which went away when Trump bungled the government's response to the pandemic. Trump had a huge effect on the economy. Which is why he is rightly blamed for this:


3 million jobs lost. Unemployment rate 6.3%. Trade deficit up 40%. Unmitigated disaster.

Take note of the inflation number. Consumer price index up 7.6% while household income was up 6%. That right there is what I'm talking about. Trump's presidency, like Bambi's posts was like fast food. Entertaining but not nourishing. The country was dying under Trump's bloated ass.
Forget about crime, inflation, the stock market, woke and weak military, conditioning and sexualizing children to be LGBT, tearing down statues, redefining what a woman is, redefining what a vaccine is, open borders, drivers licenses for illegals, and ridiculous gas prices. Forget all that, but look over there, its January 6th!!
You would embarrass me if I was a trump cultist
Donald is gonna burn out the bulb in his projector.

GOP Escalates Violent Rhetoric As Investigation Into Trump Advances
75,673 views Sep 4, 2022 Following Donald Trump's first rally since the Mar-a-Lago search, Rep. David Cicilline, Ruth Ben-Ghat, Miles Taylor and Jonathan Capehart discuss the escalating violent rhetoric of Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans.
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