No don't tax the rich, screw the suckers who vote for you, cause the brown people are taking over, burn down the house so they don't get any. It doesn't matter if we starve to death for that "greater cause" a cause so great it causes us to fuck ourselves by voting for con artists and liars because they tell us what we want to hear, facts don't matter our feelings come first.
Now here is a sensible man, wealth inequality leads to a rise in fascism and getting rid of American fascism is in his job description as defender of the constitution. A more equitable society is in everybody's interest, even for the rich who have more than enough already, it is safer for them too, not to live in a sea of poverty. Government healthcare is a good way to share wealth, the rich get diseases from the poor all the time and that too is in their own self-interest. Greedy bastards like Musk and others can't see this or much else beyond their own egos and fantasies.
Of course, jackbooted tax tugs will kick down the doors of middle-class America and the IRS will take their children until they pay up! Or so says fox.