Is Biden really that bad?

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No don't tax the rich, screw the suckers who vote for you, cause the brown people are taking over, burn down the house so they don't get any. It doesn't matter if we starve to death for that "greater cause" a cause so great it causes us to fuck ourselves by voting for con artists and liars because they tell us what we want to hear, facts don't matter our feelings come first.

Now here is a sensible man, wealth inequality leads to a rise in fascism and getting rid of American fascism is in his job description as defender of the constitution. A more equitable society is in everybody's interest, even for the rich who have more than enough already, it is safer for them too, not to live in a sea of poverty. Government healthcare is a good way to share wealth, the rich get diseases from the poor all the time and that too is in their own self-interest. Greedy bastards like Musk and others can't see this or much else beyond their own egos and fantasies.

Of course, jackbooted tax thugs will kick down the doors of middle-class America and the IRS will take their children until they pay up! Or so says fox.

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No don't tax the rich, screw the suckers who vote for you, cause the brown people are taking over, burn down the house so they don't get any. It doesn't matter if we starve to death for that "greater cause" a cause so great it causes us to fuck ourselves by voting for con artists and liars because they tell us what we want to hear, facts don't matter our feelings come first.

Now here is a sensible man, wealth inequality leads to a rise in fascism and getting rid of American fascism is in his job description as defender of the constitution. A more equitable society is in everybody's interest, even for the rich who have more than enough already, it is safer for them too, not to live in a sea of poverty. Government healthcare is a good way to share wealth, the rich get diseases from the poor all the time and that too is in their own self-interest. Greedy bastards like Musk and others can't see this or much else beyond their own egos and fantasies.

Of course, jackbooted tax tugs will kick down the doors of middle-class America and the IRS will take their children until they pay up! Or so says fox.

Well hey, at least he can walk downstairs, :wink:

And you know every time you quote Twitter, Musk get's $.02 right?
Well hey, at least he can walk downstairs, :wink:

And you know every time you quote Twitter, Musk get's $.02 right?
Twitter needs every cent it can get, and Elon is being hauled before the FTC for fucking up Twitter. Joe's brain is just fine and he's running circles around the magats while kicking Vlad's ass, his legs seem fine for that. It is good to see a POTUS kicking Vlad's ass instead of having his face shoved up his ass crack.

Right now, I'm following the downfall of fox, boy the people who believed them must feel like fools, used like toilet paper by Trump and fox, many ruined their lives and made fools of themselves online over it, lost friends even. But I don't suppose it was as bad as dying from their covid lies, the base has been taking a real ass pounding from these guy ya know...
How deeply invested do you have to be for your answer to any criticisms is "what about.........".?

Last guys lack of integrity has NOTHING to do with this guys lack of integrity.
The fact that you are unable to accept the reality instead of a party allegiance is exactly why our system is so broken.
Be nice to see someone address the actual questions regards anything instead of the constant denial from both sides of the equation.
How deeply invested do you have to be for your answer to any criticisms is "what about.........".?

Last guys lack of integrity has NOTHING to do with this guys lack of integrity.
The fact that you are unable to accept the reality instead of a party allegiance is exactly why our system is so broken.
Be nice to see someone address the actual questions regards anything instead of the constant denial from both sides of the equation.
this guy’s lack of integrity? like what exactly? Got links to something not in the fascist press?
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Where do you want your cherries sourced from?
From the legitimate press, the one that morons say tell nothing but lies...
It's always been interesting to me that at least 3 dozen major news sources around the world, with different owners, all agree to tell the same lies,
just because, apparently. It's just a coincidence that all 3 dozen owners are all part of the same conspiracy, even though some of those conspiracy theories are about some of them...
From the legitimate press, the one that morons say tell nothing but lies...
It's always been interesting to me that at least 3 dozen major news sources around the world, with different owners, all agree to tell the same lies,
just because, apparently. It's just a coincidence that all 3 dozen owners are all part of the same conspiracy, even though some of those conspiracy theories are about some of them...
and there’s the real problem. A second, false narrative has been worked up in quite fine detail, and over the last decade or so it’s been mainstreamed. I haven’t done the research, but I would not be surprised if there was a key event involving installing a complicit director or directors at FCC, or perhaps some quietly GOP-sponsored legislation hobbling the agency. Their inaction has been the necessary condition.

So now we have two opposed versions of the way things are, and the false one has been sold to tens of millions of our fellow citizens using familiar crude-but-effective rhetorical tools.

Some people are wary of taking the problem head-on for fear of politicizing the process. That’s already been done. We’re gonna have to get our hands dirty and dismantle the powers behind the propaganda.
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