Is Biden really that bad?

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now, to correctly spot the fascist …

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He writes good.

I would point out the depth of digging to smear boring ol Joe says more about them than him. It is what it is. Their stupid shit sure keeps me in line though, I don't question Joe because of them. Kinda sucks as I like to poke from the left, Joe is the centrist of centrists so there is a lot to work with....but alas, that line has been ruined by retarded trumpers screaming about demon semen, I sure don't want to get lumped in with them.

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This is one is a the freebe.
I'm trying to understand how Biden plans to dig us out of debt with a plan to tax the wealthy which will never get passed. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for taxing the wealthy, but historically neither party has been willing to do it, including when Dems had full control. His current budget is nearly what it was during the pandemic spending era.
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This is one is a the freebe.
you are apparently talking to me, but you deleted the post in question, and i don't remember what it was exactly...i would try not to post similar, if i could remember what similar was...
I believe it involved the word asshat
you'll have to be more specific than that, all of my post at least imply the word "asshat"...maybe because there are so many asshats?
i honestly try not to be offensive, but damn, people are insulting, ignorant, mean, and they fucking lie through their teeth, and that's all alright, as long as they don't tell anyone they're an asshole...ok, i can play by those rules...even though it will make me feel as dirty as a republican.
you'll have to be more specific than that, all of my post at least imply the word "asshat"...maybe because there are so many asshats?
i honestly try not to be offensive, but damn, people are insulting, ignorant, mean, and they fucking lie through their teeth, and that's all alright, as long as they don't tell anyone they're an asshole...ok, i can play by those rules...even though it will make me feel as dirty as a republican.
There is a problem built into being more specific. Perhaps proofreading your more annoyed posts for instances of calling a participant (something) before hitting the blue button would save you some grief. To quote Beau, it’s just a thought.
Let's see, what is he done. Let's begin with flat out lying about his cooperation with his son's connections with Russia and receiving money for it. This is actually been proven. It's not some he-say-she-say type of stuff. Inflation, that's always wonderful because there's nothing like giving some fancy speech about how everything's going to get better and then financially it all gets worse, including gas prices. Over 85 billion dollars given to the Ukraine, a country that consists of 33 million people, ... All that money just lying around to go help some other people in their problems, but $85 billion couldn't go to the US to help us with our problems? On top of the fact he mumbles halfway through most of the things he says, can barely understand what he's saying and when you can understand it just doesn't make sense. Classified documents just casually in boxes in his garage over the past 20 plus years that nobody has seemed to figure out how he got them there being that that type of info has to be sealed tight, under close watch, etc. Playing racial and identity politics , literally hiring transgender and weirdo looking people too do nothing more than fit into the woke crowd. And when it comes to the racial politics aspect, every election that's all it's about now for the most part, making people of color feel like they're absolutely hopeless without the Democratic party. And to top it off, once he got elected he did absolutely nothing for the people of color. It's like, thanks for the votes, bye-bye now. And my favorite, white supremacy is the number one threat to the United States. What a joke this guy is. And do I really need to say much about Kamala Harris, just look at her interviews on YouTube, she's more of a joke than Biden is. ..... By the way, this is coming from a former liberal/democrat born and raised and still residing in San Francisco, the practically the most liberal city in America next to New York. Even a very popular former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsa Gabbard left the Democratic party. They're all starting to see how full of shit Biden is. ..... You see the thing is this, when it comes to politics it's like choosing teams. People want to stay loyal to their team even if their team is absolutely screwing things up. That's nice when it comes to baseball and football but when it comes to running a country it's absolutely detrimental to have that mentality. And the people that have that mentality when things get all messed up simply do nothing more than point the finger at the other side. It's the Republicans fault we're trying to clean up a huge mess and that's why we're screwing up because it was so big we can't really do it. When the truth is, when you're in charge of the house you're responsible for what happens in it. I'm no longer a Democrat simply because of the BS the party has turned into. They are literally destroying this country piece by piece and the rest of the world knows it. .... Also, while you're at it, do a little bit of internet digging and look up all the racist things that Biden has said in the past, but suddenly when it comes time to be a president he's doing nothing but telling everybody what they want to hear. And that's it, that's literally what it's all about. Telling everybody what they want to hear even though it's absolutely BS. But back to the whole racist thing, look it up. You wouldn't believe some of the things that have flown out of his mouth. That type of stuff isn't even addressed. Their party won't even acknowledge it. They just skip right past it. And one more thing, bringing this country practically to the verge of world war 3. I'm sorry man, but the Democrats are dooming this country and once it's left to dust they're just going to point the finger at the other side rather than admitting fault.
those billions to keep Ukraine from going under are

1) money well spent
2) insignificant next to that man’s $1.9 trillion tax break to the wealthy.

If you want to see Federal money managed maliciously, check with a Republican.
I'm trying to understand how Biden plans to dig us out of debt with a plan to tax the wealthy which will never get passed. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for taxing the wealthy, but historically neither party has been willing to do it, including when Dems had full control. His current budget is nearly what it was during the pandemic spending era.
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So basically Biden should just shut up and not use the power of the presidential bully pulpit to try and change minds? Got it. :-(
his first post went beyond what i could suspend disbelief for...
and suspending disbelief is what got us 4 years of trump and now 7 years of magats...
I didn't read the entire thread. I wanted to see what the comments were about the jobs numbers. Over 300,000 new jobs last month which is 3.1 million more jobs than during the entire Trump presidency (Trump was minus 2.8 million jobs). Probably not going to see lower interest rates soon with the economy as strong as it is right now.
I didn't read the entire thread. I wanted to see what the comments were about the jobs numbers. Over 300,000 new jobs last month which is 3.1 million more jobs than during the entire Trump presidency (Trump was minus 2.8 million jobs). Probably not going to see lower interest rates soon with the economy as strong as it is right now.
I love blaming trump, but part of his shitty debt and employmnet record are due to the pandemic, to be fair, which is more than most republicans will be.
I have no trouble painting trump with a shitty brush, but there is no need to embellish his already dismal performance as a human being...
and the same brush that makes trump look worse than he actually is, (even if it is just very slightly) makes Biden look better than he actually is...
Would Joe's jobs record be even close to what it was without the pandemic ending when it did? would his spending have been much lower than trump's if we needed another stimulus package to keep the country from falling apart?
Don't get me wrong, trump is a miserable fuck, and Biden is 100 times the human being trump could ever be, but fair is fair...
I see another post of mine was deleted. I don't get it. Trash talking Republicans is OK here. My post had no name calling or anythIng. I thought it was pretty tame compared to 99% of the posts. What am I not allowed to call Biden a liar.
I see another post of mine was deleted. I don't get it. Trash talking Republicans is OK here. My post had no name calling or anythIng. I thought it was pretty tame compared to 99% of the posts. What am I not allowed to call Biden a liar.
you didnt call him a liar you said i cant believe anyone still believes him anyone who does. shouldnt have children thats an attack

Stop playing victim thanks.
you are modded the exact same as we do the rest, which have all been deleted today, when we can

and please stop with the "its pretty tame for what 99% is posted here " comments, no its not. every since politics actually started being modded its been held to a standard.
the topic is the biden not post deletions, end it here. if you have a question that hasnt been answered above and you absolutely are 100% you didnt name call or break any other rules you can inbox me , if not self reflection may help
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