Is Biden really that bad?

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Man, was going to engage with that wall o text post but alas, it was not to be. There were interesting assumptions/conclusions, could have been a learning experience...well ok it all would have boiled down to pointing out faulty premises leading to faulty conclusions.

Joe is doing fine in my book. These criticisms that the conservatives keep trying to make are hurting their credibility, it's beyond the boy who cried wolf even. Maybe they have a point on some random topic, but the clown makeup is so thick at this point nobody is going to listen. Doesn't help that there is an insistence that you accept all the nonsense if you want to validate any small part of their view. " you concede the world is flat! Checkmate liberal!" "Fucking hell dude, I just agreed that was a short testing window for medical trials."
Man, was going to engage with that wall o text post but alas, it was not to be. There were interesting assumptions/conclusions, could have been a learning experience...well ok it all would have boiled down to pointing out faulty premises leading to faulty conclusions.

Joe is doing fine in my book. These criticisms that the conservatives keep trying to make are hurting their credibility, it's beyond the boy who cried wolf even. Maybe they have a point on some random topic, but the clown makeup is so thick at this point nobody is going to listen. Doesn't help that there is an insistence that you accept all the nonsense if you want to validate any small part of their view. " you concede the world is flat! Checkmate liberal!" "Fucking hell dude, I just agreed that was a short testing window for medical trials."
perhaps better this way. That one was looking for a fight.

Wish we had debates rather than fights. Best we can hope for is a centrist and a left leaner talking reasonably at each other. You can't really debate with the "given that hunter bidens laptop killed jesus" crowd.

We don't really even have the loud left folks you encounter other places around the internet. Shits weird and I get the backlash.
Wish we had debates rather than fights. Best we can hope for is a centrist and a left leaner talking reasonably at each other. You can't really debate with the "given that hunter bidens laptop killed jesus" crowd.

We don't really even have the loud left folks you encounter other places around the internet. Shits weird and I get the backlash.
It’s a surface manifestation of a deeper problem imo. It shows in the links people use: true, or truthy.
Wish we had debates rather than fights. Best we can hope for is a centrist and a left leaner talking reasonably at each other. You can't really debate with the "given that hunter bidens laptop killed jesus" crowd.

We don't really even have the loud left folks you encounter other places around the internet. Shits weird and I get the backlash.
Are you saying the loud left folks aren't in this thread?
It’s a surface manifestation of a deeper problem imo. It shows in the links people use: true, or truthy.

That's what breaks my brain. If I get called out on a factual manner, holy shit do I feel embarrassed and then try to figure out why I was wrong and how to avoid it in the future. Instead of that, they are doubling down, like if you believe hard enough in something wrong it will become right. I couldn't imagine going through life with this nonsense view of the world that is clearly divorced from reality.

The world would be terrifying if you didn't grasp it.
That's what breaks my brain. If I get called out on a factual manner, holy shit do I feel embarrassed and then try to figure out why I was wrong and how to avoid it in the future. Instead of that, they are doubling down, like if you believe hard enough in something wrong it will become right. I couldn't imagine going through life with this nonsense view of the world that is clearly divorced from reality.

The world would be terrifying if you didn't grasp it.
they don't, and to them it is, and that is why they hate "them", and try to undermine any progress we make as a nation because they don't like change, unless it specifically benefits them.
Rational people understand that the nation was built by immigrants, that every single non Native American person in this country came from "immigrant" stock, and that without them, we would have been fucked multiple times, already.
Where would we be right now if these immigrants hadn't come to America?
Think this immigrant should have just stayed where he was from?
these don't seem like bad people to me...

So fear is the only real reason to hate immigrants, as far as i can see, and not being able to accept reality because you've embraced the lies of people who want to use your fear to make themselves more powerful is only setting up a self perpetuating cycle to keep producing fear.
That's what breaks my brain. If I get called out on a factual manner, holy shit do I feel embarrassed and then try to figure out why I was wrong and how to avoid it in the future. Instead of that, they are doubling down, like if you believe hard enough in something wrong it will become right. I couldn't imagine going through life with this nonsense view of the world that is clearly divorced from reality.

The world would be terrifying if you didn't grasp it.
Ignorance is bliss. Many days I envy those who are wired that way, the ability to just accept information without needing to question it all.
Are you saying the loud left folks aren't in this thread?

No man, these are a bunch of middle of the road people. A solid half of the people yall view as the leftist woke mob or whatever voted for Bush. They just believe the world is round, so no longer have a place within the republican party.

Who even knows what is considered left anymore, like who defines it and how.
No man, these are a bunch of middle of the road people. A solid half of the people yall view as the leftist woke mob or whatever voted for Bush. They just believe the world is round, so no longer have a place within the republican party.

Who even knows what is considered left anymore, like who defines it and how.
i think it depends upon who is doing the defining. The radical right says anything to their left start at socialist and quickly degrade into communist and marxists...of course, they don't know what any of those terms mean, but that is how they define it.
Middle of the road folks think that mtg, bobo, gatez, biggs et al, are too far to the right, and those same folks are probably a little put off by Bernie and Ilhan Omar, albeit for different reasons, but mainly because they approach socialism.
While the closest thing you get to a radical left in this country is Bernie and Omar and Jayapal, who aren't even socialist, the far right would call them socialist at least...again, with no real idea of the terms actual definition.

Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Communism: a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.

Capitalism: an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.

just to avoid confusion...
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