Is Biden really that bad?

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I'll see your MSNBC and raise you a FOX.

One of Tucker Carlson’s producers described his audience as ‘dumb cousin-fucking terrorists' and they know their audience. Fox is for fools, have they offered a public retraction and apology to their viewers/victims? Shown any signs of learning a lesson or contriteness?

MSNBC has far more respect for its viewers than to lie and spin so they can use them for their own nefarious purposes, but I guess fox thinks there is profit in brain washing bigots and morons. It is always easier to lead down than up, down happens fast and easy, but the climb upward is more difficult, it is hard for some to uplift themselves.
Biden does all those things, except maybe the Twitter part, but he doesn't write his own material anyways, lol. Just to take it one at a time, let's start with the lying part. I don't know how you can't see it. Just the other day he said it was Republicans who want to defund the police. WTF ever. At least the majority of the American public can see through his lies.

A fact check by the Republican ways and means committee
I’m sure you could confirm it with Tucker Carlsen, Newt Gingrich or even Rush Limbaughs laptop :hump: :spew:
try harder !
One of Tucker Carlson’s producers described his audience as ‘dumb cousin-fucking terrorists' and they know their audience. Fox is for fools, have they offered a public retraction and apology to their viewers/victims? Shown any signs of learning a lesson or contriteness?

MSNBC has far more respect for its viewers than to lie and spin so they can use them for their own nefarious purposes, but I guess fox thinks there is profit in brain washing bigots and morons. It is always easier to lead down than up, down happens fast and easy, but the climb upward is more difficult, it is hard for some to uplift themselves.


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the news on either is ok, but slightly biased...although i just refuse to support fux in any way.
When you get to the editorials on either, they both lean way the fuck to one side.
the only difference i can see is that Maddow doesn't have to make shit up, all she has to do is report it, although i do admit she does it in a way that is unflattering to republicans...she doesn't LIE...she just paints her picture from her perspective.
EVERY host on fox at night is a fucking lying foul piece of shit, who WILL fabricate stories on the spot, who WILL edit video to make false points, and who all admit lying shamelessly to their audience UNDER OATH...
i don't really watch either, but i'd trust msnbc way the fuck before i'd trust fox, for anything.
and a blog post is horseshit for corroboration...just saying...
the only difference i can see is that Maddow doesn't have to make shit up, all she has to do is report it, although i do admit she does it in a way that is unflattering to republicans...she doesn't LIE...she just paints her picture from her perspective.
LMFAO! Of course she lies. That's the whole reason that OAN sued her in a defamation case, when she lied and said that OAN was “the most obsequiously pro-Trump right-wing news outlet in America really literally is paid Russian propaganda.” The only reason that they lost the case is because the judges ruled that “for her to exaggerate the facts and call OAN Russian propaganda was consistent with her tone up to that point, and the Court finds a reasonable viewer would not take the statement as factual given this context".

LMFAO! Of course she lies. That's the whole reason that OAN sued her in a defamation case, when she lied and said that OAN was “the most obsequiously pro-Trump right-wing news outlet in America really literally is paid Russian propaganda.” The only reason that they lost the case is because the judges ruled that “for her to exaggerate the facts and call OAN Russian propaganda was consistent with her tone up to that point, and the Court finds a reasonable viewer would not take the statement as factual given this context".

She supposedly wronged Trump, OAN and Russia, I'm not shedding any tears.
Best you can do? Will fox win its lawsuit, considering how hard it is to sue a news organization?

It's like a Ukrainian shooting at a Russian and missing, then the Russian getting pissed, forgetting he invaded Ukraine.
Best you can do? Will fox win its lawsuit, considering how hard it is to sue a news organization?
Tucker won his previous lawsuit, which was very similar to Maddow's, and he won for exactly the same reason -- any sensible person understands that these folks are not news casters, they are opinionated propagandists. Anyone who takes either of them seriously, is not sensible, based on judicial decision.

Let's be real.. these guys are paid actors, nothing more.

You can believe the facts Maddow tells you and being human she makes mistakes. She covers many stories by journalists and authors and has them on her show for interviews, no reputable journalist would sit down with Tucker, and he doesn't have or use the many references she does, she is a Rhoades scholar too and the actual author of several books, Tucker is a hack who sold his untalented soul for infamy. She doesn't need to lie to be a star, Tucker does though, and so does Hannity, it's why they got their jobs.
Let's be real.. these guys are paid actors, nothing more.

Maddow's viewers are educated and informed, Tuckers are ignorant cousin fucking terrorists, at least according to Tucker's staff, so you can understand the difference between the quality of the two. Fox fans are mostly Trump fans and believe him, so you can see why the folks at fox figured them for dummies and suckers, like people here.
Maddow's viewers are educated and informed, Tuckers are ignorant cousin fucking terrorists, at least according to Tucker's staff, so you can understand the difference between the quality of the two. Fox fans are mostly Trump fans and believe him, so you can see why the folks at fox figured them for dummies and suckers, like people here.
Tucker is stupid, and so is Maddow.

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Facts are stubborn things
How do do know what she says if you don’t watch ?
Oh that’s right you trust what you want to hear
I've seen her in the past. Remember, she did moderate some presidential debates in the past, and she was also terrible then. The news articles which I posted are from what's considered reliable sources.
Not really, her POV is in alignment with most journalists and public intellectuals, as well as patriotic citizens with common sense. Foxnews is the outlier in the media environment, not CNN, ABC, PBS, CBS or CNBC (with Shep Smith) or MSNBC, which are news outlets along with the NYT and WP. When fox does report facts, it omits some inconvenient ones and spins the news in other ways to propagandize it.

They are a propaganda wing of the republican party with a broadcast license and need to be removed from the air and cable. The gave the republicans billions in unfair free advertising and nonstop attacks on democrats. Stop trying to normalize their destructive and pernicious effect on America, stop being an apologist for these lying assholes.
POV isn't news. Fail.
I've seen her in the past. Remember, she did moderate some presidential debates in the past, and she was also terrible then. The news articles which I posted are from what's considered reliable sources.
You are constantly trying to rationalize your feelings and need to look at a bigger picture than your personal biases and, in that picture, fox looks terrible and recently revealed what we already knew from our observations of their behavior. Now that behavior has legal and financial consequences and they won't stop with Dominion.
POV isn't news. Fail.
Well if the news is about J6, many had an opinion about that, an opinion most journalist share, treason and insurrection are bad and they said so while reporting the news. It's the same in Ukraine, there is no moral middle ground in reporting on Bucha, the disgust was evident, and I have no issue with it. Likewise with Trump and those who support him, for those with brains enough to blow their own fucking noses at least.
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