Is Biden really that bad?

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I've seen her in the past. Remember, she did moderate some presidential debates in the past, and she was also terrible then. The news articles which I posted are from what's considered reliable sources.
A left lean leaning source who demands Israel’s right to exist
I guess it depends on perspective
But your own anecdote doesn’t put her on a par with the firehose of bs coming out of right wing “media”
Lying is different than getting it wrong especially when forces exist trying to dupe legitimate sources just so they can say they lie
You are constantly trying to rationalize your feelings and need to look at a bigger picture than your personal biases and, in that picture, fox looks terrible and recently revealed what we already knew from our observations of their behavior. Now that behavior has legal and financial consequences and they won't stop with Dominion.
I've never once defended FOX, so why are you suggesting that I support them? In fact, I've intimated the exact opposite.

A left lean leaning source who demands Israel’s right to exist
I guess it depends on perspective
But your own anecdote doesn’t put her on a par with the firehose of bs coming out of right wing “media”
Lying is different than getting it wrong especially when forces exist trying to dupe legitimate sources just so they can say they lie
I base it on the perspective of the media bias checker sites. I'm not sure which source you had an issue with.
Perhaps you should try the prospective of a true capitalist.
The consumer market says 1/3 of Americans are unaware how capitalization/education/snake oil works.
It would be against corporate law not to exploit the uneducated and just leave those profits on the table.

Oh wait, Fox didn't start out as an American company.
I've never once defended FOX, so why are you suggesting that I support them? In fact, I've intimated the exact opposite.

I base it on the perspective of the media bias checker sites. I'm not sure which source you had an issue with.
You are trying to legitimize them by comparing them with a legitimate news organization, fox is not news, and they say so themselves, when in court. I'd wait for a media bias update unless they want to keep looking like fools. There is no middle ground for journalists when the 1st amendment is under threat by right wing despotism, both sides are not the same because the facts indicate otherwise. Journalists in a liberal democracy are biased towards the institutions of liberal democracy as are the citizens, and fox is a fraud, not news.

You started off by putting Tucker in the same boat as Maddow, they are clearly not, one has an opinion the other outright lies and his opinions are not his own. MSNBC is in alignment with other major media outlets, both domestic and international, foxnews is not.
I've never once defended FOX, so why are you suggesting that I support them? In fact, I've intimated the exact opposite.

I base it on the perspective of the media bias checker sites. I'm not sure which source you had an issue with.

In a sense, you did, by posting their similar Media Bia/Fact Check graphic thumbnails. A clearer picture emerges with the text capsules you omitted.
  • Overall, we rate Fox News right biased based on editorial positions that align with the right and Questionable due to the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, the use of poor sources, and numerous false claims and failed fact checks. Straight news reporting from beat reporters is generally fact-based and accurate, which earns them a Mixed factual rating.

  • Overall, we rate MSNBC Left Biased based on story selection that consistently favors the establishment left. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to news hosts and the website producing 3 pants on fire claims.
When I dug a bit into PolitiFact, most of their Pants On Fire items were from Facebook, and a majority of the remainder were quotes of interviewers on the non-news portion of the programming. I’d say that the similar graphics are an artifact of how MB/FC weights their information, without ascribing error to that site.

Fox gets good marks for their “beat reporter” news. However a thing I’ve noticed is a selection bias toward local happenings that support or advance conservative culture war. This sort of bias does not show up in fact check, since the events reported are actual. But I find them played on Fox and usually not on more center-oriented media outlets in the results of the Google search.
You started off by putting Tucker in the same boat as Maddow, they are clearly not, one has an opinion the other outright lies and his opinions are not his own. MSNBC is in alignment with other major media outlets, both domestic and international, foxnews is not.
As far as I'm concerned both Tucker and Maddow are paid lying propagandists. Does it really matter who the bigger liar is?
via the last bit pages we have consistently been having to mod due to breaking of tos, a little jet cooling is needed please
Is Joe really a space alien in a plastic human skin who eats babies? Inquiring minds want to know!
Yes it does
All you have to to prove it is google lying Republican Congressman
It comes up George Santos everytime
he has some competition

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