Is Biden really that bad?

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No I certainly would not vote for Hunter Biden. I am not sure who I am going to vote for the next election cycle. I do lean republican but I also voted for Biden the last cycle. But full disclosure I voted for trump to be president the cycle before. I do not like the way Biden has done his job as POTUS. But I believe trump was the most unpresidential (not sure if that is an actual word) president we have ever had in our history.
to the bolded: can you point to any Biden fails that were not the work of Repugs in Congress?

or gotchas by the previous administration, like being forced to quit Afghanistan on a brutal timetable?
No I certainly would not vote for Hunter Biden. I am not sure who I am going to vote for the next election cycle. I do lean republican but I also voted for Biden the last cycle. But full disclosure I voted for trump to be president the cycle before. I do not like the way Biden has done his job as POTUS. But I believe trump was the most unpresidential (not sure if that is an actual word) president we have ever had in our history.
If the choice a Biden or Donald I know who I will vote for..
to the bolded: can you point to any Biden fails that were not the work of Repugs in Congress?

or gotchas by the previous administration, like being forced to quit Afghanistan on a brutal timetable?
I do not agree with the way Biden has handled border security. I do not agree with the way the Biden administration has handled the economy. Inflation is out of control. It has slowed down but still has continued to increase. As far as Bidens handling of Afghanistan it was deplorable. He could have definitely handled it better. I did not agree with Biden administration on forcing people to take a vaccine that they did not want. Especially forcing our armed forces to be vaccinated. Our recruitment is way down and our military is way understaffed. But in fairness I do agree with the way Biden has taken a stance to help Ukraine defend itself against Putin's tyrannical regime. In my personal opinion on a scale of one to ten I would grade the Biden presidency at a solid six. Now I would grade the trump presidency at a solid six also. But the grade I gave trump does not take into consideration the Twitter rants and his unpresidential conduct.
I do not agree with the way Biden has handled border security. I do not agree with the way the Biden administration has handled the economy. Inflation is out of control. It has slowed down but still has continued to increase. As far as Bidens handling of Afghanistan it was deplorable. He could have definitely handled it better. I did not agree with Biden administration on forcing people to take a vaccine that they did not want. Especially forcing our armed forces to be vaccinated. Our recruitment is way down and our military is way understaffed. But in fairness I do agree with the way Biden has taken a stance to help Ukraine defend itself against Putin's tyrannical regime. In my personal opinion on a scale of one to ten I would grade the Biden presidency at a solid six. Now I would grade the trump presidency at a solid six also. But the grade I gave trump does not take into consideration the Twitter rants and his unpresidential conduct.
You do know that the inflation is a hangover from the disastrous doings of the previous guy? It’s called response lag.

As for the vaccine, that is where we have definitely different opinions. People who did not voluntarily vaccinate either need to be led or isolated from adult society. Not vaxing isn’t “freedom”; it’s spite based in scientific illiteracy. My opinion.

As for border policy, I’m glad there are no more kids in cages.

You do know that the inflation is a hangover from the disastrous doings of the previous guy? It’s called response lag.

As for the vaccine, that is where we have definitely different opinions. People who did not voluntarily vaccinate either need to be led or isolated from adult society. Not vaxing isn’t “freedom”; it’s spite based in scientific illiteracy. My opinion.

As for border policy, I’m glad there are no more kids in cages.

I believe Trump has some blame in the economy also. So we agree there. As far as vaxing we definitely disagree. But that is alright. We seem to disagree but we are respectful about it. To bad our politicians can't do the same. As far as the kids being in cages I did not like it either. But what was your solution? Dems don't want a wall. The Biden administration is suing Texas for trying to secure their own border. I am open to other solutions and would like to hear what you propose. We have a broken immigration system.
I am not sure Trump would have done a better job. He is so unpredictable that no one knows what he is going to do. I like to think he would have handled it better but like I said I am not sure.
That man is entirely predictable. Input “reflexive liar”, “pathological narcissist” and “self-styled mob boss” into the matrix and behold as the model closely tracks his words and deeds.
I believe Trump has some blame in the economy also. So we agree there. As far as vaxing we definitely disagree. But that is alright. We seem to disagree but we are respectful about it. To bad our politicians can't do the same. As far as the kids being in cages I did not like it either. But what was your solution? Dems don't want a wall. The Biden administration is suing Texas for trying to secure their own border. I am open to other solutions and would like to hear what you propose. We have a broken immigration system.
The Biden administration is suing Texas for deliberately committing blatant and lethal human rights abuses. That isn’t securing a border; it’s race war. Let’s not sink into official Repug dishonesties please.

As for the immigration system, I concur that it is broken. A Honduran or Burmese citizen with no criminal record should have her case reviewed inside 90 days imo.

The necessary condition for this is funding for INS, IRS etc. Job one is to undo the farce that is Republican tax policy, and tax wealthy individuals and corporations at a real rate plainly higher than the middle class.

There is a special Hell reserved for “small-government” charlatans.
Look at the taxation differences between the last honest Republican and the perpetrator of supply-side economics.

I do not agree with the way Biden has handled border security. I do not agree with the way the Biden administration has handled the economy. Inflation is out of control. It has slowed down but still has continued to increase. As far as Bidens handling of Afghanistan it was deplorable. He could have definitely handled it better. I did not agree with Biden administration on forcing people to take a vaccine that they did not want. Especially forcing our armed forces to be vaccinated. Our recruitment is way down and our military is way understaffed. But in fairness I do agree with the way Biden has taken a stance to help Ukraine defend itself against Putin's tyrannical regime. In my personal opinion on a scale of one to ten I would grade the Biden presidency at a solid six. Now I would grade the trump presidency at a solid six also. But the grade I gave trump does not take into consideration the Twitter rants and his unpresidential conduct.
Some things the current President just doesn't have the power to control.

I believe Trump has some blame in the economy also. So we agree there. As far as vaxing we definitely disagree. But that is alright. We seem to disagree but we are respectful about it. To bad our politicians can't do the same. As far as the kids being in cages I did not like it either. But what was your solution? Dems don't want a wall. The Biden administration is suing Texas for trying to secure their own border. I am open to other solutions and would like to hear what you propose. We have a broken immigration system.
The wall is the embodiment of xenophobia. My proposed solution is to fund INS etc. sufficiently that we can process temporary and permanent visas inside 90 days. Currently some applicants have not been processed 24 years in.

Once our immigration infrastructure is no longer a travesty, the need to circumvent it collapses. The solution is pretty simple, but not popular among “freedom caucus”ers and the pseudolibertarians who have hijacked the GOP. There’s a reason politicians who are actively targeting brown people (who want social equity) are kicking so hard against critical race theory. It describes a real and dirty little secret of conservative politics in US.

That man is entirely predictable. Input “reflexive liar”, “pathological narcissist” and “self-styled mob boss” into the matrix and behold as the model closely tracks his words and deeds.

The Biden administration is suing Texas for deliberately committing blatant and lethal human rights abuses. That isn’t securing a border; it’s race war. Let’s not sink into official Repug dishonesties please.

As for the immigration system, I concur that it is broken. A Honduran or Burmese citizen with no criminal record should have her case reviewed inside 90 days imo.

The necessary condition for this is funding for INS, IRS etc. Job one is to undo the farce that is Republican tax policy, and tax wealthy individuals and corporations at a real rate plainly higher than the middle class.

There is a special Hell reserved for “small-government” charlatans.
How is Texas committing blatant human rights violations? By putting up a barrier system? If the immigrants don't try to cross it they will not be in danger. The immigrants that illegally cross our border have to share some of the blame. It is like blaming the gun when someone commits a crime while using the gun. It isn't the guns fault. As far as the immigration system being quicker to hear the cases that are brought before our immigration judges I agree. There is no reason that immigrants should have to wait years for their case to be heard. But crossing our border illegally should not be the response.
How is Texas committing blatant human rights violations? By putting up a barrier system?
actually, this.

If the immigrants don't try to cross it they will not be in danger. The immigrants that illegally cross our border have to share some of the blame. It is like blaming the gun when someone commits a crime while using the gun. It isn't the guns fault.

In my opinion, expecting them not to attempt the crossing, with how bad things are in Central America, is cruel and hypocritical. To meet them at the crossing with lethal force (and a general absence of simple compassion) is, to me, a manifestation of ugliest racism.

As for the gun, I lay the blame at the feet of the gun lobby.

As far as the immigration system being quicker to hear the cases that are brought before our immigration judges I agree. There is no reason that immigrants should have to wait years for their case to be heard. But crossing our border illegally should not be the response.

I think the only way to fix illegal crossings, and to reduce them to a trickle that the border guard can manage, is to aggressively undo the massive barriers to legal immigration that currently are in place.

Our nation was built on the backs of immigrants (such as my parents) who had reason to believe that by contributing to the nation, they could enjoy its benefits. (Such as my parents in their retirement.) I’d like to think we can reestablish that state of affairs.
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actually, this.

In my opinion, expecting them not to attempt the crossing, with how bad things are in Central America, is cruel and hypocritical. To meet them at the crossing with lethal force (and a general absence of simple compassion) is, to me, a manifestation of ugliest racism.

As for the gun, I lay the blame at the feet of the gun lobby.

I think the only way to fix illegal crossings, and to reduce them to a trickle that the border guard can manage, is to aggressively undo the massive barriers to legal immigration that currently are in place.

Our nation was built on the backs of immigrants (such as my parents) who had reason to believe that by contributing to the nation, they could enjoy its benefits. (Such as my parents in their retirement.) I’d like to think we can reestablish that state of affairs.
To Republicans like Abbot, Trump and most of their supporters, cruelty IS the point, not the means. As Trump said, in a speech to law enforcement officers in Brentwood NY:

"When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just seen them thrown in, rough. I said, ‘Please don’t be too nice,’" he said.

"When you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head you know, the way you put their hand over [their head]," Trump continued, mimicking the motion. "Like, 'Don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody, don’t hit their head.' I said, 'You can take the hand away, OK?'

Cruelty is the point. Throwing a border crosser into barbed wire is the point. Kicking a woman who is going into labor back into the river is the point. The man and his child who drowned during a crossing is the point.

The ACLU response to Trump's speech to the police misses the point:

the American Civil Liberties Union and director of the ACLU’s Trone Center for Justice and Equality, said in a statement.

“Innocent until proven guilty? Our president would rather not bother with that, expanding the role of the police officer to include judge, jury, and executioner,” he said.

What Trump is advocating is not summary justice at the moment the arrest is made, he is advocating cruelty. That is his point. That is how he means to govern us.
. As far as the kids being in cages I did not like it either. But what was your solution?
How about he NOT separate children from their parents and do what Trump ordered be done after he walked back from separating children from their parents at the border?

Trump reverses course, signs order ending his policy of separating families at the border

Regarding your question that was actually an argument. It falls apart due to the ignorance behind the question. "What would you do?" implies Trump was desperate to find an answer and fell back on separating children from their parents. He had thousands of alternatives but chose to be cruel. He chose the single most inhumane thing to do.

Cruelty is the point he intended to make. He chose to separate parents from their children to make an example of them.

Illegal immigration is down. Big time down. Biden didn't retard our society into the middle ages to make this happen. He acted wisely and with humanity but he was effective.


Illegal border crossings plunged in June to their lowest level since President Joe Biden’s first full month in office.

Border officials apprehended 99,545 individuals in between ports of entry at the U.S.-Mexico border last month, the first time this figure has fallen below 100,000 since February 2021. It’s a 42 percent decline from May, when the Biden administration implemented a series of new immigration policies in an effort to blunt a potential surge after lifting Title 42, a pandemic-era order that allowed border agents to immediately expel millions of migrants on Covid prevention grounds.

What's the use of pointing this out? You guys aren't listening. You COULD try to find answers to your own questions but that might force you to deal with contradictions. Instead, now that I've shown you to be ignorant, you can go away angry about a rude liberal who revealed your ignorance.
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To Republicans like Abbot, Trump and most of their supporters, cruelty IS the point, not the means. As Trump said, in a speech to law enforcement officers in Brentwood NY:

"When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just seen them thrown in, rough. I said, ‘Please don’t be too nice,’" he said.

"When you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head you know, the way you put their hand over [their head]," Trump continued, mimicking the motion. "Like, 'Don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody, don’t hit their head.' I said, 'You can take the hand away, OK?'

Cruelty is the point. Throwing a border crosser into barbed wire is the point. Kicking a woman who is going into labor back into the river is the point. The man and his child who drowned during a crossing is the point.

The ACLU response to Trump's speech to the police misses the point:

the American Civil Liberties Union and director of the ACLU’s Trone Center for Justice and Equality, said in a statement.

“Innocent until proven guilty? Our president would rather not bother with that, expanding the role of the police officer to include judge, jury, and executioner,” he said.

What Trump is advocating is not summary justice at the moment the arrest is made, he is advocating cruelty. That is his point. That is how he means to govern us.
I keep forgetting that. It is a concept that is somehow difficult for me to look at face-on.

Melville got it, I think.

He piled upon the whale's white hump the sum of all the general rage and hate felt by his whole race from Adam down; and then, as if his chest had been a mortar, he burst his hot heart's shell upon it.
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