Is Biden really that bad?

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Can't believe what I'm reading here....

The country is in shambles and inflation has everybody broke ..Biden is a sleepy, useless, brain dead fool who has brought America to new lows
Inflation is a consequence of a hot economy. The best way to reduce inflation is to crash the economy as the Republicans did in the 1980s under Reagan. Right now wages are up. Jobs are up. Manufacturing is up. Inflation that was at 9 percent is now at 3 percent.

The country is not in shambles. The trick with inflation is to get a "soft landing" which is the opposite of how Reagan managed it and the opposite of how Rupert and the other right wing propagandists are selling it.

And the older I get, the more I am convinced that a "good" stock market is actually a measure that wages, jobs, and American manufacturing are bad. Whatever is bad for workers seems to boost corporate bottom lines. GOP trickle down economics does keep inflation low, though. But at the expense of the middle class.
Inflation is a consequence of a hot economy. The best way to reduce inflation is to crash the economy as the Republicans did in the 1980s under Reagan. Right now wages are up. Jobs are up. Manufacturing is up. Inflation that was at 9 percent is now at 3 percent.

The country is not in shambles. The trick with inflation is to get a "soft landing" which is the opposite of how Reagan managed it and the opposite of how Rupert and the other right wing propagandists are selling it.

And the older I get, the more I am convinced that a "good" stock market is actually a measure that wages, jobs, and American manufacturing are bad. Whatever is bad for workers seems to boost corporate bottom lines. GOP trickle down economics does keep inflation low, though. But at the expense of the middle class.
Idk bro ...things aren't looking good in many areas right now.. I can't think of one thing that Bidens done that's helped us lol
Inflation is worldwide and the US has fared better and is recovering faster than any other nation. The biggest factor for me personally is homeowner's insurance and car prices. The admin has offered EV credits to reduce car prices but that helps primarily only the middle class, not the poor (me). Homeowners' insurance is due to climate change which the admin wants to work on but meets with stiff resistance. Living in Florida I am relying on DeFascist regarding homeowner's insurance and he's useless & still claiming climate change isn't man made. The bright side is I don't think I will have a problem finding work but I don't think I will be paid my real value and for that reason I will probably create my own gig again.

I trust Trump's own advisers. When Bolton was asked why only 4 out of 44 Cabinet members endorsed Trump he said, "It's not because of his personality or his policies or any of that other stuff. He's incompetent. He's unfit for the job."

Trump doesn't read. Miles Taylor said he had to dumb down his briefings with graphics and flowery adjectives to draw his attention to matters. I know he doesn't drink so what's his excuse for airports at the American Revolution where they were "ramming the ramparts"? He was and is extraordinarily ignorant for a world leader.
Lmao y'all really want the country to fall like this ?

Things are gettin sketchy as hell out here I know y'all see it
What area are you talking about?

In my area in Oregon, the Willamette Valley, we are dealing with problems caused by an expanding urban economy and a rural economy that is in decline. So it's a matter of perspective but since the majority live in urban areas, prospects are pretty good for a large majority.

I'm amazed at the powers you ascribe to Democrats. That you think Biden and Democrats can tackle worldwide inflation all on our own. If you thought that, you would be disappointed. The US did better than almost all G7 economies but we were all hit by the same inflation that was caused by a combination of factors that were mostly predictable but beyond our control. Still, though, thanks for thinking so well of us that you came away disappointed.

Republicans and other white nationalist fascists are disappointed to see prospects of a recession fade. If you are one of those, you can choke on our dust. Bidenomics are working despite attempts of sabotage the fascist Republican MAGA party are conducting. It's only making things worse for them. But Biden is gleefully extending the benefits to red and blue states so we will all benefit over time.
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Just being super clear here, you people complaining about inflation, things being more expensive, do understand it is a main part of capitalism right? As a business your job is to earn as much money for your owners as possible. You charge as much as you can while paying out as little as possible.

This is what you have been cheering for and advocating when complaining about socialism. Capitalism isn't kind to the little guy, it's a basic function of that economic system.
Can't believe what I'm reading here....

The country is in shambles and inflation has everybody broke ..Biden is a sleepy, useless, brain dead fool who has brought America to new lows
As a innocent by-stander watching from across the ditch I would have to strongly disagree! Drump did and is bringing your country to lows that Biden seems to be fixing…. as much as he can. Yes your country was in shambles and I fear it will be a long road back…… :(.
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I think Biden is that bad because he is a defender of the system we have. We aren't getting affordable healthcare, housing, etc. under the democrats as long as their opposition is the trumplicans.

We will continue to fight about hunter bidens dick pics rather than addressing the giant and growing wealth gap in the nation (as an example).

Fuck Obama for the same reasons. He sold people meaningless bullshit while continuing wars, spying on citizens, bailing out the super wealthy donors, etc. Instead of that getting focused on....well the criticism was the black dude wore a tan suit while putting Grey pupon on his burger.

The trump folks were right to be mad at the world, but holy shit learn why you are angry and where to direct it.
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There's no point in arguing some of you guys just hate trump..I'm not afaivs

I'm not broke probably got more money than you but I feel for everybody else who is broke as fuck working a 9-5 BARELY MAKING IT
In that case, you join many of us who know that a big part of the solution is better schools, healthcare, fierce regulation of environmental matters etc.

And the key to that is to reverse the tragicomedy of Repug tax policy and tax the bejayzus out of the rich, both individual and corporate.

In a “libertarian” society, the only thing that the 9-5ers will get is more and more exploited by greedy employers who get away with it because of the cruel farce of “pro-business” policies.

Reversing every single major policy of today’s GOP is the road to national health.
Women deserve their freedom back.
They also deserve workplace equity.
They deserve market equity (they routinely have to bid more on houses than men in order to close).
The othergendered deserve full social
equity, and to hell with the religious right.
People of color deserve recognition of CRT as the tapeworm in the country’s guts.
The original tenants of this land deserve to have our treaties honored.
People deserve clean air, clean water and an admission that atmospheric carbon is harming the whole planet.

Every one of these basic civil rights is anathema to today’s Republican officeholders. The one single thing we can do is deny them election wins. Starve the rats out.
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LOL, funny I just said the same thing.

There's no point in arguing some of you guys just hate trump..I'm not afaivs

I'm not broke probably got more money than you but I feel for everybody else who is broke as fuck working a 9-5 BARELY MAKING IT

Sounds like Corp Greed (walmark, etc), american and non-american stockholders aren't complaining.
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