Is Biden really that bad?

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better than beating the shit out of people that annoy me, like i used to do...
Also better than calling Eric Swalwell after watching Tucker Carlson and leaving an extremely racist and violently threatening phone message from the "Trump Nation" that will invariably cause you to get a visit from the FBI and result in losing your job at Domino's.
Also better than calling Eric Swalwell after watching Tucker Carlson and leaving an extremely racist and violently threatening phone message from the "Trump Nation" that will invariably cause you to get a visit from the FBI and result in losing your job at Domino's.
i'll have to take your word for that one, never been able to watch more than 2 or 3 minutes of mothertucker carlson without turning him off in disgust
Bidan said he had been a Senator for 100s or years. Poor guy just adding to his woe as he has been corrupt for every year he has been on the public dole. Just like Bernie! Never had real jobs. I bet Hunter carried his lunch bucket......

And did you see there was a another execution hit from the Clinton gang last week.....
Bidan said he had been a Senator for 100s or years. Poor guy just adding to his woe as he has been corrupt for every year he has been on the public dole. Just like Bernie! Never had real jobs. I bet Hunter carried his lunch bucket......

And did you see there was a another execution hit from the Clinton gang last week.....
Your posts are utter shit.
Bidan said he had been a Senator for 100s or years. Poor guy just adding to his woe as he has been corrupt for every year he has been on the public dole. Just like Bernie! Never had real jobs. I bet Hunter carried his lunch bucket......

And did you see there was a another execution hit from the Clinton gang last week.....
Thanks for the terrific info and so fully sourced too :hug:
I gotta say a thousand cult members at a cult rally sure makes President Biden look weak:lol:
I feel the same way about Cooper when hes on his rag and balling like a little girl
I’m sure
Say have you registered for selfie’s with tRUMP on Dec3
$10,000 a grift I mean pic
Just curious cause President Biden hasn’t begged me for money , do you have direct deposit to give money to a “billionaire “ or do you have to send a actual check monthly
I imagine it would be rough if you forgot the monthly minimums?
I feel the same way about Cooper when hes on his rag and balling like a little girl
really? do you get upset when Cooper tries to incite his fans to violence?...oh, that's right, he doesn't do that.....but how about when he tells all those obvious blatant lies about the opposition?...oh yeah, he doesn't do that, either....well how about when he has antivaxxers, Qanon weirdos, and insurrectionists on his show?...damn, that's carlson too....

Cooper doesn't need to lie, incite violence, or give voices to the insane...the Republicans all do that, on mothertucker carlson's show....
I’m sure
Say have you registered for selfie’s with tRUMP on Dec3
$10,000 a grift I mean pic
Just curious cause President Biden hasn’t begged me for money , do you have direct deposit to give money to a “billionaire “ or do you have to send a actual check monthly
I imagine it would be rough if you forgot the monthly minimums?
I was no fan of Trump. But hes been replaced by the great cornholio. Id much rather blow my $10k for a meltdown photo when hes asking a journalist what they do for a living
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