Is Biden really that bad?

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Oh shit we got another one hahah I honestly couldn’t give a flying fuck about trump or Biden I just think he would have won if he sent the stimulus ya trumps a shit head so is Biden I didn’t vote for either so it is what it is
ya but just like any politician they ALL LIE! So they both suck imho

They all lie because most people are selfish and lie, but I can tell you from experience that when most new people come in here and say, "they both suck", it's perceived as an attempt to create an equivalence. I don't know if that's what you're doing, or not, just telling you how it's perceived. It's important to note that if you have a guy that has kicked one cat and another guy that has kicked ten thousand cats, you would be right to say that they both suck, but one is also a giant piece of shit, and that distinction is important. I'd recommend expanding on, "they both suck" unless your goal is to say they're basically the same, but that's not reality and that's not going to go over very well here.
They all lie because most people are selfish and lie, but I can tell you from experience that when most new people come in here and say, "they both suck", it's perceived as an attempt to create an equivalence. I don't know if that's what you're doing, or not, just telling you how it's perceived. It's important to note that if you have a guy that has kicked one cat and another guy that has kicked ten thousand cats, you would be right to say that they both suck, but one is also a giant piece of shit, and that distinction is important. I'd recommend expanding on, "they both suck" unless your goal is to say they're basically the same, but that's not reality and that's not going to go over very well here.
And no I think they both suck but trump is obviously shittier
Oh shit we got another one hahah I honestly couldn’t give a flying fuck about trump or Biden I just think he would have won if he sent the stimulus ya trumps a shit head so is Biden I didn’t vote for either so it is what it is
dude...i'm not saying Biden is pure as the driven snow, i don't like a lot of the things he supported on his way to where he is...but compared to trump, he's a freaking saint...trump is a lowlife criminal insurrectionist piece of subhuman feces...and his whole family is as well...say what you want about hunter, he's never been banned from being an officer in a nonprofit organization because he stole from it...
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Have a good night beautifuls Obviously not getting anywhere and no my feelings don’t matter just like your or anyone else’s so have fun talking about trump I couldn’t care less
dude...i'm not saying Biden is pure as the driven snow, i don't like a lot of the things he supports on his way to where he is...but compared to trump, he's a freaking saint...trump is a lowlife criminal insurrectionist piece of subhuman feces...and his whole family is as well...say what you want about hunter, he's never been banned from being an officer in a nonprofit organization because he stole from it...
I’m not defending either
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