Is Biden really that bad?

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Inflation is the direct result of Agent Orange’s anti populist tactics. Thank you, please play again
Haha. Man, I've heard that one before. Blame the issues on the last dude. It doesn't hold water. Have you watched the dude? He has dementia for sure. I'd love to watch him draw a analog clock is all I'm saying. Is this how you get your kicks? Aurging about a dude you've never met online with strangers? You should smoke some and chill out
Not really. I speak my peace and you guys just keep bitching and screaming about how non factual anything I said was without saying anything factual yourself. So that doesn’t count as an ass kicking.
Fact. Trump fucked up the pandemic response leading to hundreds of thousands of deaths and long term economic damage. Fact, oil prices were insanely low because Saudi Arabia and Russia were dumping it on the market. Fact, crude oil prices were briefly negative meaning that there was no place to put it. Fact, Trump himself tried and failed to get them to stop because we could not produce at that price.

And, fact,, the best you cunts can come up with is oil prices are high and the entire world is experiencing inflation and blame it on Biden.

Fact, you suck at this.

Fact, I'm done with you. Time for you to switch accounts.
Haha. Man, I've heard that one before. Blame the issues on the last dude. It doesn't hold water. Have you watched the dude? He has dementia for sure. I'd love to watch him draw a analog clock is all I'm saying. Is this how you get your kicks? Aurging about a dude you've never met online with strangers? You should smoke some and chill out
It holds water so long as one does not rely on the right-wing liar press. Look it up because it is a thing.
Worst inflation in 40 years, crackhead son, owned by china etc etc. Do some research dude Shot 2022-02-27 at 8.18.26 AM.png

Not that it matters when you have been all in on buying the right wing propaganda, but when you did your 'research', did you somehow fuck it up so badly that you didn't see that oil production in America dropped during Trump's presidency?

So how exactly is increased gas prices a result of Biden's policies? (hint: It isn't (unless you count not bending a knee to MBS and Putin so that they spend their nation's money to artificially deflate the prices))

Trump fucked us, Biden has been doing the work of getting people in place with the tools they need to help get our nation and it's economy through this latest Republican led economic collapse.
Aside from the insults, none of you have successfully presented any evidence that Biden is doing anything good
Here’s some evidence; His efforts were integral in the passing of the infrastructure bill.

Your turn. You claimed Biden’s policies are the cause of inflation. I asked you which of Biden’s policies are to blame and you couldn’t name one.

This isn’t chuckers paradise. If you want to be taken seriously around here you’re going to have to up your game.
You have a long history of innaccurately quoting people, Pedo-boy. Then you say "well I didn't make the meme."

Every now and then I am glad to read one of your simple and moronic posts.

Now get back to work and earn our tax money, slave. That deep-fryer won't clean itself.
The duly elected President of the United States misspoke
What a great day for anti democratic folks all
Now I guess we should review all the shit tRUMP said wrong ?
oh wait Brandon doesn’t need an entire fake news network to tell us what he meant
It must suck to be loyal to such a failure
Let alone imply you are American
Toss Rob the pedo a bone
I don’t post because I have no need to. The only time I’ve ever posted was just to piss off the libs when I get bored. Figured I’d comment on this post to see who cries about saying Biden is absolutely terrible. He is terrible and inflation shows that. Inflation was nowhere near this bad when trump was here but it’s their economic policies that are driving the prices up. You can bitch and scream it was trumps fault all ya want. But Biden owns this economic environment, and his military pullout game is weak. So in my eyes he is absolutely fucking terrible.
if trump was still here, who would you be blaming for the inflation that would be twice as bad, because he had had so much longer to completely fuck the economy...he put us in a recession, and Biden already pulled us out of it, you numb nuts dumbass
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