Is Biden really that bad?

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His speech was true on what as a whole need to do vs what a cult needs to do and take over and have a king. These extremist hate when a true democracy based government actually functions and also has a leader to have the balls to openly address the main core issues and that extremist MAGA is def one of them. His speech is 100% of what we needed and I can’t imagine what so many people if they had his position what they would say but also address, shoot trump would only be focused on himself and how amazing he is and trying to degrade democracy and anyone not bent over for him.

hate The person all you want but what he said is 100% what usa needs but also I wouldn’t see anyone but corruption and cults wanting otherwise.

read the transcript and/or watch his full speech and tell me it’s not only true to the core what we need to do but also not personally gaining for Biden, he spends his time addressing the issues vs many it’s only politics and being fake.

We’re going to think big. We’re going to make the 21st century another American century because the world needs us to. (Applause.)

That’s where we need to focus our energy — not in the past, not on divisive culture wars, not on the politics of grievance, but on a future we can build together.

The MAGA Republicans believe that for them to succeed, everyone else has to fail. They believe America — not like I believe about America.

I believe America is big enough for all of us to succeed, and that is the nation we’re building: a nation where no one is left behind.

I ran for President because I believed we were in a battle for the soul of this nation. I still believe that to be true. I believe the soul is the breath, the life, and the essence of who we are. The soul is what makes us “us.”

The soul of America is defined by the sacred proposition that all are created equal in the image of God. That all are entitled to be treated with decency, dignity, and respect. That all deserve justice and a shot at lives of prosperity and consequence. And that democracy — democracy must be defended, for democracy makes all these things possible. (Applause.) Folks, and it’s up to us.

Democracy begins and will be preserved in we, the people’s, habits of heart, in our character: optimism that is tested
yet endures, courage that digs deep when we need it, empathy that fuels democracy, the willingness to see each other not as enemies but as fellow Americans.

Look, our democracy is imperfect. It always has been.”
Well I guess your right right on this one… You protoplasm really love education, it’s clear for all to see. The abysmal test school test scores show your deep regard for children. Everything you touch really does turn to poo poo .
As long as you know what party is the radical, extreme party. (The party that does not know what a woman is.)

I would like to know what constitutes an emergency. 300 Americans dead every day because of Joe Bidens wreckless border policy. A 300% INCREASE OVER LAST YEAR. Thats radical, thats extreme. Where is the outrage?

Dude, you get your news from that right wing rag? Whatever, if that's what you consider informative, go for it. Just don't cite it. Find a credible source. That post of yours made you less credible. A right wing extremist Christian owner. I won't dignify him with the word "conservative". That's for patriots like Liz Cheney.

I don't agree with her policies but she understands that this country is a democracy and is not a threat to our democratic institutions. On Jan 6, 2021, we saw MAGA Republicans for the traitors they are. That is a clear bright line in history that separates fascists from the rest of the country.

Washington Examiner



These media sources are moderate to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports, and omit information reporting that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.
  • Overall, we rate the Washington Examiner Right Biased based on editorial positions that almost exclusively favor the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks.
Detailed Report
Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Newspaper
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic

It's been around since 2005. The Washington Examiner is owned by Clarity Media Group, owned by Philip Anschutz, an American billionaire entrepreneur who describes himself as a “conservative Christian.”
Dude, you get your news from that right wing rag? Whatever, if that's what you consider informative, go for it. Just don't cite it. Find a credible source. That post of yours made you less credible. A right wing extremist Christian owner. I won't dignify him with the word "conservative". That's for patriots like Liz Cheney.

I don't agree with her policies but she understands that this country is a democracy and is not a threat to our democratic institutions. On Jan 6, 2021, we saw MAGA Republicans for the traitors they are. That is a clear bright line in history that separates fascists from the rest of the country.

Washington Examiner

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View attachment 5192231

These media sources are moderate to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports, and omit information reporting that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.
  • Overall, we rate the Washington Examiner Right Biased based on editorial positions that almost exclusively favor the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks.
Detailed Report
Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Newspaper
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic

It's been around since 2005. The Washington Examiner is owned by Clarity Media Group, owned by Philip Anschutz, an American billionaire entrepreneur who describes himself as a “conservative Christian.”
Call the fact checkers, just like Hillary. What a joke. The economy is in shambles and even Joe knows it. Thats why all he and the rest of you can do is babble about Trump. Like a bunch of parrots, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Glad you're all scared.
One small pocket of radicals on one day, wow. Compare that to sexualizing and grooming children, open borders, failed economy, BLM looting, and a complete denial of accountability.
The Jan 6 insurrection was well documented. We saw your kind for what they are that day. You know what happened and so did the world.

You can have your culture wars and misogyny. You can support whatever you like, except you can't attack an election that your only valid complaint can be, your side lost.
Call the fact checkers, just like Hillary. What a joke. The economy is in shambles and even Joe knows it. Thats why all he and the rest of you can do is babble about Trump. Like a bunch of parrots, Trump Derangement Syndrome. Glad you're all scared.
Relax. Trump's inflation is on the way down. The bubblegum news you read that tells you the other stuff that is panicking you comes from unreliable sources.

300,000 more jobs filled this month. 800,000 more people joining the workforce who will be embraced by employers who are desperate for workers. More jobs available than people to fill them. Wages rose 5%. Unemployment 3.7%.

This is Biden's gift to the country and you spit in the soup. You spit in the soup because you don't want to face the fact that MAGA Republicans are strongly disliked in this country right now. That said, Gerrymandering is the crutch MAGA Republicans will use to hobble over the finish line for 2022 election and squeak out a majority in the House. Very likely MAGA Republicans will not win the Senate, which was practically a slam dunk at the beginning of the year. We see you. We see what MAGA Republicans did to women's rights and what they plan to do with other people's rights. The US rejects MAGA Republican policies.
We’ll, sub centric party pal, this is a political website now. It’s devoted to lifting up a half dead individual who once used to be just a plagiarizing corrupt politician like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Now however, He has morphed into super dick!
Super Dick...Superior to regular dicks in every way, able to leap republic filibusters in a single bound! tough on crime, calls out crooks and traitors where ever he sees them, Super Dick!...join us for this weeks adventure, as Super Dick is about to deal with the Cheeto Bandito once and for all, and he won't even have to get his own hands dirty!
The Jan 6 insurrection was well documented. We saw your kind for what they are that day. You know what happened and so did the world.

You can have your culture wars and misogyny. You can support whatever you like, except you can't attack an election that your only valid complaint can be, your side lost.
You sound just like Joe, he trained you well. Base your knowledge upon a group of a few radicals, and compare them to the rest of the population. Genius. That would be like assuming all democrats are criminals. I mean, they dont all burn and loot.
Embarrassed, as in you feel looks bad. Does it matter to you who's looking? Thing is, if you ask the free world, Trump is by far America's most embarrassing moment in history. Biden represents relief. Relief Americans picked a somewhat normal old white male politician again. Sure a woman would have been great, a younger guy too, but the idea that Joe is an "embarrassing idiot" exists primarily in the heads of misinformed conned American cult members and is fueled again by idiots desperately wanting to turn reality upside down into one they can reconcile with their own poor choices.

Some examples of what's no longer cool in the free world thanks to Trump and his MAGA supporters:
- People from Texas wearing cowboy hats
- People from Texas
- Girls or male actors with southern accents, especially from Texas
- Florida (yes damnit Florida was cool, closest sunny state for most of the free world)
- Good looking people on boats, especially from Florida
- American 'action movies' featuring chicks with guns
- Kid Rock
- Stars and stripes in fashion (at least that helps the flag code)
- Using the phrase "leader of the free world" in reference to the US (this would be nr1 on the list with Trump in charge and that's an understatement as it put you on course of potentially becoming the free world's enemy nr1)

Yet you worry about how Biden makes you look...

The thing that is really most embarrassing is not Trump itself, neither his inability to govern, it's Americans not seeing Trump for what he is. That's why words like con man and cult are so widely used and fit so well. How could they vote such an obvious immoral p.o.s. into the position of POTUS. How could so many be so blind or indifferent to his unacceptable flaws, above all his gross incompetence, the complete lack of integrity and basic human decency, zero loyalty towards the US, its soldiers and its people. A spoiled rich kid, a draft dodger, extremely inappropriate parent horny over his own daughter. That was 2016.... the free world wants to see the US continue to move on and away from what we hope to have been a temporary lapse of judgement, while Chinese and Russian trolls prefer you keep embarrassing yourself by doubling down on stupid and tear down the image and thus influence of the US some more.
the ones who voted for him were conned...but it was easy to con them, because they were dissatisfied with the performance of American politicians. I am a saintly voice of reason compared to them, and i don't like the way things are going in politics in general. campaign finance laws are a fucking joke, and have to change, drastically, more rich assholes dumping millions into specific politicians campaigns, all donations go to a central fund that is allocated fairly, evenly, and impartially.
no more conflicts of more manchins on the energy committee...
the same laws that apply to the people apply to politicians, without fail.
if you want people to have faith in their political system, give them a reason to have faith in it...
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