can you disapear a couple of these gsc hahaha they wont let me post pics its in aroe it sick i guess im band from pics they didnt band me wen i posted my penis but i guess the pics r fucken sick peep its a new sight for venders who are trien to get their money back on their expensive water grows setting the standerds for growers its like a weed maps its new but im posting in it and they will be giving up the location of real medical cannabis. dont worry roll it up nothing to take from you.. you are the forum to be at its more on a diffrent scale
ahhh. Finally. It's the time of year blue dream is back in style. Glad I held on to it and didn't take any of those low ball offers. Told a club I wanted 28 today and the response was "wow! you're really undercutting the competition". fuck. Should have asked for 3. I would have, but I got laughed out of clubs for asking for 26 just a month and a half ago!
For those of you who held back their stash until the prices went back up - you made it. Well done. Time to unload!
dude nobody wants that bluedream shit
For a while there I had my doubts. Clubs didn't even want to see it. Almost started to panic. But I waited, and it was worth it!
Does it seem odd to anyone else that a site intended for vendors in medical states would be run by somebody that's quite obviously not even from the U.S.?
It has has an amateurish Russian spammer look and feel to it, and I think the last fucking thing in the world I would do would be to sign up and tell them what, how, and where I'm growing my shit. No thanks.
thats for you watermelon sugar.. lolz if your flowers are worthy and want a store to pop then post but if you run a store that sells outdoors and passes them for indoors thats my battle im against scamers.. if thats wrong than fuck you.. lolz
you know their atacking me but FUCK YOU!!!
Shut the fuck up fagget...
dude nobody wants that bluedream shit
I really wish I still had most of mine. I fucked up. I'm so looking forward to this fall.
well no not realy how do i post footage of ufc fight i walking my friends to the ring show me and ill post it..
bluedream is played out man.... nice flavor though....
well that me on the left im by no means supperior but im just hear to smile and share a good vibe im happy kuro is back and just need winterwomen to post in the funny section and i would be happyView attachment 2167889i been robbed buy three gangmebers and i beet the liveing shit out of them that the grandma came from behind in the heat of the moment she grabed me i turned and layed her out i felt bad she can take a punch better then her grandkids grown ass men trien to rob me to funny.