Is Cali Still Flooded?

Currently in NY, planning to move to SD and open a collective with a friend. We don't want to do anything that isn't 100% Legal. Preliminary research shows the appropriate permit at 11,000/yr.

I have heard that the disps in SD will buy at 2400-2800 lb if it's top quality.

Anyone in SD with first hand knowledge, please PM me, working on a business plan now.

Thank you,

Welp when you make you're way from ny to SD hit me up. I spent the last two years in brooklyn and just recently moved to riverside county.
you guys can hit me up at the san jose cup ill be the guy wereing the thumper gear.. i would love to drop my nut sack on you chin and your moms to lolz bring your girlfriend ill be the guy maken her squirt all night lolz

Your first post: I was interested in your friends site
Your middle post: I wouldn't visit your friends site if threatened with balls across the chin
Your last post: I'm going out of my way to steer people away from your friends site

Talking about peoples wives and moms is a good way to get butt raped. Remember, the guy on top isn't gay, he's just horny.
if cali is flooded LA is flooded with GARBAGE went to 10-12 dispensaries today and alll of them had shit for selection of meds stuck with what i had from home. didnt spend one dime even though i wanted to my gf just finished school and she wanted to get something great. all we saw was shit one place had 40-50 kinds on the menu and 20+ smelled like hay.
i hate when people wipe me with pistols

lolz ow man i know it sounds crazzy my friends from the shamrock elite team back years ago usto say ya right you saw that in a movie.. lolz i nevor tell my stories.. but a few that were around tell me i should right a book.. i think thats too funny, hey it realy happend i can show you were the bullet struck me... but i dont care i lived it. it happend i dont care to look back.. i got stories thats for shure..147.jpg
lolz ow man i know it sounds crazzy my friends from the shamrock elite team back years ago usto say ya right you saw that in a movie.. lolz i nevor tell my stories.. but a few that were around tell me i should right a book.. i think thats too funny, hey it realy happend i can show you were the bullet struck me... but i dont care i lived it. it happend i dont care to look back.. i got stories thats for shure..

_c727936_image_0.jpg i dont understand anything u said
Its more like 5k in NJ ....

Guess it depends where in Jers you are and who you know, right?
The point is, some of these guys are sitting on elbows galore of last years' harvest.
Some spots on the East Coast need kind buds for kind prices.
Mutually beneficial.
Just be smart about it. Yes, cops profile. If you have long dreads and smell like a combo of patchouli and kush, you might not make the trip.
If you look like Joe Taxpayer and make the journey in a minivan with a babyseat and your shit is triple vacuum sealed, you're probably golden.
Just sayin...
lolz ow man i know it sounds crazzy my friends from the shamrock elite team back years ago usto say ya right you saw that in a movie.. lolz i nevor tell my stories.. but a few that were around tell me i should right a book.. i think thats too funny, hey it realy happend i can show you were the bullet struck me... but i dont care i lived it. it happend i dont care to look back.. i got stories thats for shure..View attachment 2176633

An hr a day reading books will improve your ability to compose a sentence. The guys in the pic look ready to oil up together.