Is Cali Still Flooded?


That was funny...


In the real world...

The world where LE can put YOU in a prison cell!!!

It pays to spend $$$ and get a good lawyer or two!

And never believe anything ya read here or anywhere on the internet!!!

Didn't we all go to college and learn this a long time ago...

Tip of the day: Remember, any fool can post on the internet...

I prefer to base my real life decisions on empirical evidence gathered and disseminated via collegiate journals or monthly periodicals...

Damn, dudes this is your lives, your freedoms, your futures don't fuck up!

Yeah, CG the whole reason I dissolved my legal Coop in Sept '08, after Browns 11 pg MM directive was issued that Aug, was because they are required to register w/the CA secretary of state!

Your Collective, like mine, is completely legal and off the grid too...

I am on no LISTS ANYWHERE...

I do have a relationship w the local LASD, LAPD, DA, COURTS, a few Narc Det's... etc... via 2 different incidents since '07 w 2 different departments...

REAL SHIT happens in the belly of the beast!

So yeah, I prefer my LEGAL COLLECTIVE ASSOCIATION to ever going back to my time working in the underworld of yrs past...

Ill never deal with the FEDs cause we never grow more than 99 plants at anyone satellite and our plant counts are always legitimate and documented!

So both local and state LE must respect and ignore my everyday business practices of cultivation, breeding, distribution while they are sworn "to not divulge to any federal agents any information that would infringe on my legal state rights under Prop 215 which was long ago codified into our state Constitution"...

God bless the golden state!

The most liberal medical marijuana state in the union!

Now and forever...
Yeah something I noticed at the disp yesterday was an appreciation letter from the local PD. Don't forget to donate to your local PD's and that will probably help keep them on your side.
Yeah something I noticed at the disp yesterday was an appreciation letter from the local PD. Don't forget to donate to your local PD's and that will probably help keep them on your side.

But remember to never drive around in a car with one of those police donation stickers on your car. That will make you a target for cops.
Still flooded? I thought it was really dry, and prices were going up, and this summer everyone was going to be shit out of luck supply-wise. Now its flooded? Shit changes faster than my underwear......
Still flooded? I thought it was really dry, and prices were going up, and this summer everyone was going to be shit out of luck supply-wise. Now its flooded? Shit changes faster than my underwear......

Oh it's still flooded. It's flooded with crap, but still flooded. But the crap is running out and it will be extremely dry this summer.

Clubs are trying to sell off their bottom of the barrel outdoor right now. If they still have a bunch of bad outdoor left they have to sell that off before putting nice indoor on the shelves. If they put nice indoor on the shelves while they still have shitty outdoor left in stock, then no one is going to buy their crappy outdoor, and they'll have to take a loss on it.

So don't worry, it's still going to be a dry summer.
So when will people quit producing crappy outdoor is the real question? So if someone were to arrive in the bay area and happen to have top shelf how hard is it to get rid of and what do average people think it cost? I know a bunch of kids up north with the crappy outdoor and they can barely give it away but they say its not much better with the good shit. Then I see people on television paying 20 a gram. You guy have always had a funny market but its seem to be run on a strange set of standards.
So when will people quit producing crappy outdoor is the real question?

When it's sunny instead of cloudy/raining all August. That was the problem last year. Bad summer/fall. People had to harvest early to dodge mold. The result from that is now lots of shitty outdoor everywhere.

Outdoor is so much cheaper to produce that we will always see outdoor flooding the market every winter.

So if someone were to arrive in the bay area and happen to have top shelf how hard is it to get rid of and what do average people think it cost?

There are so many variables in that I don't even know where to begin.

I know a bunch of kids up north with the crappy outdoor and they can barely give it away but they say its not much better with the good shit. Then I see people on television paying 20 a gram. You guy have always had a funny market but its seem to be run on a strange set of standards.

Yea markets still flooded...a lot of lastyears outdoor and new light dep...but yes there is a lot of crap out there!
It's funny because I've bought stuff at two different disp's so far and they both seem eager to buy quality bud. Maybe it's not so flooded out this way.
so how do i go about starting a legal collective with under 99 plants do i just need my 99 card or do i need a lot of patients to sign caregiver forms.. everywhere i look i get different responses on registering with state officials
It seems many dispensaries are trying to find their niche. The whole industry has been in a state of flux ever since The Feds made their little declaration of war on us last year. It's really not a matter of flooded or not's a matter of local conditions. Every dispensary owner is telling a different story. Some say people are becoming cheap...not wanting to pay for top shelf. Some say people no longer buy anything with a flaw. One cut me off over price...only to come back 2 months later willing to pay even more to keep them in top shelf meds. The story in the North is totally different from the story in the South.

The bottom line is we're just evolving. As long as we just do what we do...and do it well....we'll be ok.
So true. I even had the person that sold me clones tell me to call him when they are done and his place will take everything off of my hands. Some people seem desperate...some don't. There aren't many dispensaries in my immediate area....probably for a reason. I imagine in the back country areas they would get too much attention. If not I'd go open one right now since the area seems to be nothing but delivery services and a few dispensaries with a very small selection.
so how do i go about starting a legal collective with under 99 plants do i just need my 99 card or do i need a lot of patients to sign caregiver forms.. everywhere i look i get different responses on registering with state officials

99 card= Scam, unless your doc will get on the stand if you get busted and explain your medical need for 99 plants.

The state of CA has special requiremens for caregivers, it's on the CA department of health website. You can't be a caregiver and just give them weed. You have to provide them with in-home assistance, doctor trips, things someone that needs a "caregiver" would actually require. Ca caregiver info is here.
Every dispensary owner is telling a different story. Some say people are becoming cheap...not wanting to pay for top shelf. Some say people no longer buy anything with a flaw. One cut me off over price...only to come back 2 months later willing to pay even more to keep them in top shelf meds. The story in the North is totally different from the story in the South.

Actually this happens in the South with smoke from the north as well. Particularly in Los Angeles.