Is Cali Still Flooded?


Damn, carpet bagging wannabes never tire of dumping their $1,800 lb Blue Dream all over our scene...

Year in year out...

How many more fools are gonna try and MAKE IT BIG in the Golden states latest GREEN RUSH...

So sad...

So very very sad...

So yeah, its always WET in So-Cal...


Good luck tourists hope your adventure in Los Ganjales is a successful one!


"Peace, Love & Prosperity be with us all" -Bob Marley 1978
plants grown under the sun, but flowered early. here is an example
yes it still is but looking like its drying up lolz yup good old indoor the time is right for those indoors right about now!!!
can you disapear a couple of these gsc hahaha they wont let me post pics its in aroe it sick i guess im band from pics they didnt band me wen i posted my penis but i guess the pics r fucken sick peep its a new sight for venders who are trien to get their money back on their expensive water grows setting the standerds for growers its like a weed maps its new but im posting in it and they will be giving up the location of real medical cannabis. dont worry roll it up nothing to take from you.. you are the forum to be at its more on a diffrent scale
takeing it back r u tired of fighting the flood and the crappy grows well this websight will tell consuming patients how it was grown what was used and how expensive it was to coltivate and were it will be located no stores will take best pic just were its gona be released its free and i think its gona be a real war no more weedmaps paying them to fucken pump you up like a champ when your not its even boxing comming soon to a naborhood neer you... you have to man weedmaps caters to stores not the grower we need to turn it around and fuck the shops that want to rape you for poopi. its not compleate but it will be up and running in a week or so. I know the owner he himself is tired of outdoors being pushed as indoor man ow man if its good enough let the people know they will make their choice..

Damn, carpet bagging wannabes never tire of dumping their $1,800 lb Blue Dream all over our scene...

"Peace, Love & Prosperity be with us all" -Bob Marley 1978

Suggest you remove the bob Marley quote and just keep the dick head stiff so we know your kind of person?
Really, why be like this? Your not that radio talk show guy are you?