Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

What rights do women and gays have under Sharia Law?
The right to a blade or death.

I can't stop laughing at liberals. They endlessly bemoan the christian right wing in this country becuase they don't want to let gays marry, they insist on having "in god we trust" on the currency and they insist women purchase their own birth control instead of taking it out of common funds... oh and they don't like abortion.

Now, I'm a secularist and these people annoy the fuck out of me too, mostly becuase I share a political side with them, we're on opposite ends of the same tent. I can't help but wonder how much progress we could have made without them.

But turn that ire for one minute on muslims, not even terrorists just conservative muslims, who treat women like live stock, denying them basic human rights. Conservative muslims generally favor barbaric treatment of homosexuals. And this is folks who are at about the mid point in their way from moderate to terrorist.

Why does the left in the west take up for people who want to oppress them?

The christians they hate are fully willing to tolerate homosexuals, mostly, but fall short of granting full equality. But no conservative American says women should live life unseen or unheard and that gays must remain private in their life. The muslims say this and they adore them.
Why is it that no one from the 'let's kill 'em' brigade have addressed this FACT;

Isis (in their current guise) exist by the design of the USA. Armed, funded and assisted by YOUR country.

Address this or stay silent.

Five years of stirring the shit, creating civil war for the benefit of the elites.

Babies being shot in the head (as has been pointed out) because the USA decided they wanted regime change.

Don't blame Islam, blame the people who armed the fundamentalists.

Since operation Ajax (the reason you have problems with Iran) you have been removing (sometimes democratically elected) leaders from power and inserting your puppets.

Know this, address this or stop posting.

The USA is an aggressive, empire building state. I don't care if you think this is good or bad....these are facts.

I've been reading posts on here for weeks but saying nothing because I knew nothing about LED grow lights and effective hydro systems etc. I listened to those who knew and learnt.

I know about this shit. This shit is my thing.

What do you have to say about the fact the USA created this shit storm that bothers you so much?

If you had a problem with your plants you'd address the root cause...the USA is the root cause of everything you've bitched about.

Not for 1 minute do I defend Isis!

The naive view that these people rose to power and exist because of religion is just bullshit.

I'm attempting to educate.

FIVE years BEFORE Syria descended into civil war the CIA started funding the TERRORISTS to bring about this situation.

I am not anti USA (Britain is no innocent by stander in all of this either) but when under informed people hold strong opinions those opinions (by definition) are based on ignorance.

It isn't your fault that you are so ignorant, there is a very powerful media machine brainwashing you but make no mistake, you are brainwashed.

Do the people of N Korea know that they are lied to, conditioned?

Clearly some clearly some Americans do.

The result of that 'I pledge my allegiance...' brainwashing bollocks is a particularly offensive breed of flag waving Americans that the world finds so distasteful.

Patriotism, to make people conform.

Goebbels' legacy alive and well in the home of the 'free'
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We are all native to the same planet.

Borders are irrelevant.

That planet is being destroyed in the name of greed to benefit the few and they are getting away with it by taping into the hatred that exists within people.

Divide and conquer.
Note: the root cause of the current problem is the USA.

Unfair of me to blame the USA for being the root cause of it all. The British, the French and the Ottaman empire also take historical blame but Isis, that's predominantly USA, Saudi Arabia and Isreal
If you knew about religious radicalization, why did you need to ask why all Muslims don't commit terrorism?

And why do you redirect to torture? Are you getting emotional on me? If you're just here to vent, that's fine,
but I thought you were asking me for real.
Because you blamed radicalization on Islam, the religion as a whole. If Islam was to blame, then a high percentage of Muslims would commit acts of terrorism when it is only a fraction of them that do it. By blaming the religion, you don't actually solve the problem of why people become radicalized. It gives you a scapegoat and it ultimately benefits right wing interests like defense contractors and weapons manufacturers for people to believe the religion itself is to blame. Like I said, if the religion itself was to blame, there would be a lot more terrorism.

I'm highlighting the fact that your own ideology has more in common with ISIS than you believe. We condemn everything they do as barbaric and inhumane, then you want to go break international law and do the same things to them that we condemn them for doing. We see incident after incident of attacks committed in retaliation of something the attackers claim the west did to them. It's clear what we've been doing, what people like you want to keep doing and expand to the point of breaking international law abroad and relinquishing civil rights at home isn't working. Why would anyone suggest to just keep doing it, do it harder, do it longer, all we need is more of what we've been doing that has never worked before anywhere ever?

For people like you, it can be simplified to one word: bravado; a pretentious, swaggering display of courage, and make no mistake about it, that's by design. People like you view diplomacy as weakness. A couple examples are when Obama became president, one of his first international tours to meet the world leaders was called an "apology tour" by the right simply because of things like bowing to the leader of Japan (while George Bush held hands with the Saudi King). Another example was the Iranian nuclear deal, objectively beneficial for all parties involved; right wing media spins it as a diplomatic failure. The new relations with Cuba - weakness. Talking to Russia or China about anything - weakness. All conservatives understand is how to act like an international bully. What's funny is a lot of these same people are actually bullies throughout grade school, but for some reason they never apply the lesson they get taught when the skinny kid they pick on all year kicks the shit out of them to international diplomacy.

You wanna act like a bully to everyone, don't be surprised when someone finally kicks the shit out of you

Now from a parental perspective, I'm certain even you would tell your kid to fight back if somebody was picking on him at school. Or are you telling me that you'd be the parent running into the principal's office demanding the skinny kid be suspended for harming your precious darling who couldn't possibly have done anything wrong?

Yeah... you seem like you'd be that guy
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Note: the root cause of the current problem is the USA.

Unfair of me to blame the USA for being the root cause of it all. The British, the French and the Ottaman empire also take historical blame but Isis, that's predominantly USA, Saudi Arabia and Isreal

I have a clue for you. Islam is waging war against the west. They dont care what we do. They care that we dont worship allah. And they are going to kill us simply for that.

Liberals keep wringing their hands and whining and wondering what we did to cause this. Bombs are blowing up all over the world, not just in America. That should be a clue that the US is not at fault.
I have a clue for you. Islam is waging war against the west. They dont care what we do. They care that we dont worship allah. And they are going to kill us simply for that.

Liberals keep wringing their hands and whining and wondering what we did to cause this. Bombs are blowing up all over the world, not just in America. That should be a clue that the US is not at fault.
Absolute bollocks.

How many Muslims are there on this planet?

The CIA arm the EXTREMISTS whilst the US occupy muslim nations and bomb the shit out of them.

Nothing to do with America eh

Stop watching fox news
It suits US foreign policy for there to be instability. You've created it

An outcome of that is terrorism.

Follow the money!

Halliburton made a fortune from lucrative contracts in Iraq.

Check out the prominent names that have worked for halliburton who entered public office, major players.

Coincidence I guess eh?

Over 1 million deaths due to the invasion of Iraq, justified by a supposed terrorist attack carried out by Saudi's.

Paid for by the tax payer for the profit of private companies.... but yeah, keep an eye on them Muslims because they all want to kill you

Ignorant fool

All the 9/11 attackers had saudi passports but they were not all Saudi by birth.
The paperwork, the visa applications to enter the US which weren't even completed correctly, all came from the same CIA ran embassy in Saudi Arabia
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Halliburton has become the object of several controversies involving the 2003 Iraq War and the company's ties to former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney. Cheney retired from the company during the2000 U.S. presidential election campaign with a severance package worth $36 million.[41] As of 2004, he had received $398,548 in deferred compensationfrom Halliburton while Vice President.[42] Cheney was chairman and CEO of Halliburton Company from 1995 to 2000 and has received stock options from Halliburton.[43]

In the run-up to the Iraq war, Halliburton was awarded a $7 billion contract for which 'unusually' only Halliburton was allowed to bid.[44] Under U.S. law, the government uses single-bid contracts for a number of reasons, to include when in the view of the Government, only one organization is capable of fulfilling the requirement.

*...that's the same dick cheney who was vice pres under bush and who, whilst bush was reading books to primary kids, was in charge making decisions whilst 9/11 was happening
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Why, of course, the people don't want war.Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.
the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

Quote from Herman Goering at the Nuremberg trials.
Familiar behaviour to anyone? Sound like some people on this thread perhaps?

Learn ffs
I have a clue for you. Islam is waging war against the west. They dont care what we do. They care that we dont worship allah. And they are going to kill us simply for that.

Liberals keep wringing their hands and whining and wondering what we did to cause this. Bombs are blowing up all over the world, not just in America. That should be a clue that the US is not at fault.

the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

See the similarities?
