Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....

Please tell me you guys are more aware than to believe that all Muslims want Sharia law... please!

If not, stop posting and get reading.

Stop talking and listen
No, not at all. I'm responding to the clowns who seem to think that Islam is worse than their beloved Christianity.
If it wasn't for America, there would be no ISIS. That is a fact

Look, anyone willing to kill their own, daily, is more than willing to kill Americans for just saying something about it.

Watch I`ll fake believe you ,....If it weren't for Germany, Israel as we know it today,...would not be. That`s a fact jack,.
Look, anyone willing to kill their own, daily, is more than willing to kill Americans for just saying something about it.

Watch I`ll fake believe you ,....If it weren't for Germany, Israel as we know it today,...would not be. That`s a fact jack,.
America doesn't kill their own? I'm seeing unarmed cats blasted in these streets seemingly weekly. They're usually black though. So that probably doesn't count.
America doesn't kill their own? I'm seeing unarmed cats blasted in these streets seemingly weekly.

How`s lunch ?

By the minute actually trumps that. So, you bring up police shooting unarmed blacks as comparison to the laws of Mosul ?
How come you`re not living in the glorious lands of the Middle East ? I wouldn`t if I could. There`s no regard for human life there,....too risky to raise kids .

There`s not a whole lot of people over there compared to the US. We`re gonna have more problems but they wont be burning people alive, or killing in the name of Gods. That`s why you`re hear and not over there.
yes. this is established historical fact. ISIS arose because of our point;ess invasion of iraq under the george w bush administration.

to deny this is to deny that the sky is blue. it is that simple of a fact.

Buck, it`s no secrete that America flushed out the bad guys, is however, kept out of the Media on purpose that American Ranks including your President, allowed it to form. Listening to people like you,...they chose to do as little as possible but $$$$costly$$$$. Rolling over those three Countries would have pissed a lot of guys like you off.

Letting that cult form, pisses guys like me off.

Thanks buck, you helped.
Buck, it`s no secrete that America flushed out the bad guys, is however, kept out of the Media on purpose that American Ranks including your President, allowed it to form. Listening to people like you,...they chose to do as little as possible but $$$$costly$$$$. Rolling over those three Countries would have pissed a lot of guys like you off.

Letting that cult form, pisses guys like me off.

Thanks buck, you helped.

This is bullshit.

"flushed out the bad guys" you made it stable enough for halliburton to move in and steal their oil.

You don't appear to know what your own country is up to, which would be OK to a point, but you want to preach to people based on ignorance!

I've hit you with facts, you spout opinions based on beliefs.

Those beliefs appear to be based on propaganda "we flushed out the bad guys" lol

You clearly lack knowledge of the situation but cherry pick rhetoric to support your prejudice... may I suggest a career in politics for you
To stop this terror, we would have to really start addressing the problem as it is, in example, stop the flow of immigrants to Europe and STOP BOTHERING ABOUT THIS FUCKING POLITCAL CORRECTNESS. Someone looks like a jihadist/muslim? FUCKING SEARCH HIM. I understand that muslims aren't a race, it's a religion, thus anyone from any ethnical background and/or subcultre can be a potential terrorist (IRA didn't have long beards and shout allah akbar) but looks like the vast majority of terrorists are the stereotypical muslim.

Yes it's extreme, yes it's politically incorrect and yes it will be smeared by all those pussy activists. All of the talking has ceased to work, Angela Merkel let thousands upon thousands of immigrants in Germany without any control and look what fucking happened on New Years Eve. She was afraid of the PC bullshit and being branded as "inhumane" and "intolerable" and lead to a fucking cock up.

When will fellow Europeans understand this? The situation is getting more and more extreme, first the absolute tragedy that happened in Paris, now Brussels? What next Poland? We are openly throwing our anti immigrantion propaganda and distrust everywhere and all we get is mockery. Well looks like it's paying off isn't it? Sure it's extreme but it works.
To stop this terror, we would either have to actively crush any sign of terrorism (that means employing questionable tactics, which I just don't see happening in the modern world) OR we would have to really start addressing the problem as it is in example, stop the flow of immigrants to Europe and STOP BOTHERING ABOUT THIS FUCKING POLITCAL CORRECTNESS. Someone looks like a jihadists/muslims? FUCKING SEARCH HIM.

Yes it's extreme, yes it's politically incorrect and yes it will be smeared by all those pussy activists. All of the talking has ceased to work, Angela Merkel let thousands upon thousands of immigrants in Germany without any control and look what fucking happened on New Years Eve. She was afraid of the PC bullshit and being branded as "inhumane" and "intolerable" and lead to a fucking cock up.

When will fellow Europeans understand this? The situation is getting more and more extreme, first the absolute tragedy that happened in Paris, now Brussels? What next Poland? We are openly throwing our anti immigrantion propaganda and distrust everywhere and all we get is mockery. Well looks like it's paying off isn't it? Sure it's extreme but it works.
or, perhaps, just stop creating TERRORISTS?
I don't see Russia, America, England, France, Germany etc. ceasing their bombing runs and repairing the damage in Syria anytime soon. Let's start thinking about what's happening at home.
I don't see Russia, America, England, France, Germany etc. ceasing their bombing runs and repairing the damage in Syria anytime soon. Let's start thinking about what's happening at home.
Stop stealing resources of other nations.

Stop occupying other people's territory.

We have more in common with the people of other nations than we have with the people who rule over us.

It is this realisation that our rulers fear, this is why they breed hatred
...and as soon as a certain banking cartel get their greedy fucking mits on Syria's central bank the bombing will end
oh good, please drop a solution on us for cleaning up the mess without creating more.

Firstly; Stop trying to replace rulers of nations. Stop it. It isn't your country.

Secondly; Make it a crime to profit from war. Want to stop war, stop incentivising war.


when this is implemented...we can move forward
stop that military industrial complex, you know, the one your president warned you about...the fella that got shot, stop them controlling your policy makers
Get all those brilliant minds, globally, working on the progression and expansion of mankind instead of working out more elaborate ways of killing each other.


Firstly; Stop trying to replace rulers of nations. Stop it. It isn't your country.

Secondly; Make it a crime to profit from war. Want to stop war, stop incentivising war.


when this is implemented...we can move forward
No, I'm asking for your solution to cleaning up ISIS without creating more terrorists.