To stop this terror, we would either have to actively crush any sign of terrorism (that means employing questionable tactics, which I just don't see happening in the modern world) OR we would have to really start addressing the problem as it is in example, stop the flow of immigrants to Europe and STOP BOTHERING ABOUT THIS FUCKING POLITCAL CORRECTNESS. Someone looks like a jihadists/muslims? FUCKING SEARCH HIM.
Yes it's extreme, yes it's politically incorrect and yes it will be smeared by all those pussy activists. All of the talking has ceased to work, Angela Merkel let thousands upon thousands of immigrants in Germany without any control and look what fucking happened on New Years Eve. She was afraid of the PC bullshit and being branded as "inhumane" and "intolerable" and lead to a fucking cock up.
When will fellow Europeans understand this? The situation is getting more and more extreme, first the absolute tragedy that happened in Paris, now Brussels? What next Poland? We are openly throwing our anti immigrantion propaganda and distrust everywhere and all we get is mockery. Well looks like it's paying off isn't it? Sure it's extreme but it works.