is it bad to mist if your flowering?


:joint:hey man fuckin been misting em is thyat cool,or does it fuck up the flower.:twisted:man dude i hope it dont but i juzt wanna know,it duznt seem lyke itz done em wrong.:eyesmoke:peace.


Well-Known Member
you dont want the bids to ever get damp or budrot can happen. if you deside you really have to do it just dont let it get on the buds


Active Member
i use BIRX+ during flowering its a foliage spray for flowering with every show.... used only once a week and i mist very very very lightly tryin to avoid as much contact with buds as possible ....but is impossible to never hit them with the mist some will always get on them.. and i have never had mold or rot before ever....they only thing that has happend when useing BRIX+ is what it says it dose on the label which is inhaces yeild taste and colour.. and this stuff works like a hot damn!!


Well-Known Member
Let me ask you, do outdoor buds get rained on? Don't worry about misting your buds, you can mist them daily, even 3-4 times daily with water if you want, if you live or grow in a dry environment. When I grew in denver the average humidity was around 18%, they loved to be sprayed down multiple times every day. Keep in mind, the plant is most absorbent to foliar feeding when the lights have just come on. This is the best time to spray feed them with nutes. I suggest 1/4 strength of what you normally water with, used once every 3 days, as I said, just after the lights come on. Misting daily or twice daily between or after that is not a problem in most environments with decent ventilation & a good fan. Hope this helps, good luck.

- Rom


Well-Known Member
you could but it would be better if your dont
Please back up your statement man. What are you basing this on? THC is an oil, it's basically for all intents & purposes water proof, the plant absorbs the water/nute solution through the petioles. Don't give people vague & false information, most plants love being misted/sprayed down.


New Member
if you mist and it doesnt absorb water or if it doesnt evaporate and it stays on the bud it could get bud rot


Don't mist them mid-late flowering when the buds are tight together as the moisture can build up and mold may form. I had this happen to me on an LED grow.


Well-Known Member
Your trichomes are what contain thc, trichomes are fairly britte, so your knocking trichomes off when doing so, the fact thc isnt water soluble doesnt really matter. It also opens the door to bud rot/mold/disease. After you guys have a whole harvest ruined by it you'll realize how important this is.


Well-Known Member
Your trichomes are what contain thc, trichomes are fairly britte, so your knocking trichomes off when doing so, the fact thc isnt water soluble doesnt really matter. It also opens the door to bud rot/mold/disease. After you guys have a whole harvest ruined by it you'll realize how important this is.
Sorry Mr. 7000+ posts, but with all due respect, trichs aren't "brittle" until they are dry along with the rest of the bud. That's why the weed is essentially sticky until it dries. That's why you can't keef wet nugs properly.

Most people have had their problems with mold or rot in certain situations. Under normal humidity with good air circulation & ventilation it's ok to spray your plants I promise. I've misted up until 3 days of harvest & had no problems & plenty of trichs.


Well-Known Member
theres no need to mist can cause mold and can burn if you do it while lights are on so your answer is no.just feed when you water and that's all they need


Active Member
lol buds get rained on when grown outdoor.. they can be misted i mist every show ... during vegg i mist daily when lights are on and have never burned a leaf from that before....and during flower i mist once a week only cuz the stuff i use for flowering (BRIX+) is very very very very strong stuff... will kill any other plant ... only plant it wont kill is you MJ plant... AND I HAVE NEVER EVER EVER EVER MOLDED OR BURNED A MH PLANT IN MY LIFE...... i would just recommend that if misting during FLOWERING keep and eye on HUMIDITY if it gets too high stop misting cuz then mold might happen....... and darkdestruction420 trics are NOT BRITTEL in any way... i mist every show during flowering and my MJ plants are covered in TRICS man covered... its when your hands touch them they break off and stick to your hands


Well-Known Member
Alright, I'll give you guys that the trichomes are not brittle while the plant is still alive, i'll agree with you on that part. I usually have multiple windows open looking in different threads I find and this is the thing, I got 2 of them kind of tangled up, at around that same time i was also trying to explain why on another thread a guy shouldnt spray his buds with lemon or blueberry juice after they dry , I saw the "thc isnt water soluble" and thought you were saying to the other guy that it would be ok to do so because of the thc not being water soluble it wouldnt knock off any trichomes and you overlooked the rest of the negatives or something in that thread that i thought this was, . The rest is true in regards to that other thread, spraying dry bud with juice before before jarring them could of caused bud rot or fungi or mold and if someone lost an entire harvest due to it it would make someone understand but its a costly lesson to learn.
Cut me some slack guys, My pain pills make me pretty out of it, The extremely good bud i got right now adds to that fact too. I was trying to help,,,,,,


Well-Known Member
According to the book I just read, Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible By Jorge Cervantes, misting is cool. Basically it says to stop fertilizing 7 to 10 days before harvest...flush the root system with a couple gallons of water also 7 to 10 days before harvest...mist heavily during the last week before harvest, but shake the buds to remove water droplets...So, yes, like rombomb420 said, mist freely.


Active Member
same here, it serves no purpose to spray your plants in veg or bloom with water or anything else, unless you have a bad spider mite infestation and even then it would be my last resort
depending on what you use for spray during veg and flower most deffinatly serves a purpose man....... i get atleast 15-30 more grams per yeild when done right when i use BRIX+ during flowering.. it is a yeild tast and colour ENHANCEMENT.... besides plants like a bit of rain every now and then man which is what the misting replaces for indoor growers RAIN... MISTING replaces RAIN.... the leafs on a plant absorb nutes too man.. and they absorb quite a bit actually when misted.......... have some support behind what you post man... its really easy to just say and or agree with someone with out a supporting reason behind what you say..... MIST FREELY......only if HUMIDITY gets to high then stop misting.... but if HUMIDITY dose not get high then MIST FREELY


Well-Known Member
depending on what you use for spray during veg and flower most deffinatly serves a purpose man....... i get atleast 15-30 more grams per yeild when done right when i use BRIX+ during flowering.. it is a yeild tast and colour ENHANCEMENT.... besides plants like a bit of rain every now and then man which is what the misting replaces for indoor growers RAIN... MISTING replaces RAIN.... the leafs on a plant absorb nutes too man.. and they absorb quite a bit actually when misted.......... have some support behind what you post man... its really easy to just say and or agree with someone with out a supporting reason behind what you say..... MIST FREELY......only if HUMIDITY gets to high then stop misting.... but if HUMIDITY dose not get high then MIST FREELY
did you do a side by side grow with misting and not misting,or are those stats pulled from your ass?what works for you might not work for everyone else,thread starter asked for our opinions all i can give is what works and has worked for me.nothing but results matters check some my grows on her and ull see just feeding you plants is eneough with out spraying them, no need to be a dick about it it aint that serious:peace:


Active Member
I mist my vegging plants once per week with 1/4 str solution, I turn off the MH and let them dry before turning it back on, misting with nutes + HID lighting == not smart :)

But I never mist flowering ones, ever.