Is it just me or are THC levels going DOWN?!

I dont understand how people are judging THC Percentages going down? 5 pages of cool conversations, but not one lab test shown. Where are we getting this info from? Wonder how many people in this thread have ever got a lab test done?
I'll tell you exactly how...I have been purchasing a few specific brands of recreational weed over the last couple of years and when I started buying these strains, the THC % were almost 10% higher than they are now....same strain....same brand/garden/grower. Are the testing methods different/more accurate than they were two years ago? Are the people more honest than they were two years ago? I dunno....I'm asking. When I look at strains onsite of my favorite recreational websites, there seems to be a trend of fewer strains with super-duper high THC readings and more strains with 15-25% THC....just sayin'/observin'.
Consumers need to be educated that THC % is not the be all and end all.
Have you asked the op what he thinks about that? Is the specific flower he is referring to weaker in potency now that the THC levels are lower? Or is the "be all and end all" that you refer to getting him even higher with lower THC percentages?
Have you asked the op what he thinks about that? Is the specific flower he is referring to weaker in potency now that the THC levels are lower? Or is the "be all and end all" that you refer to getting him even higher with lower THC percentages?
Just saying like others have already said, there is more to getting high than just THC %. I thought that was pretty much accepted fact.
Seems to be a sales push toward higher THC levels were most smokers would prefer a rounded or favoured profile.
I have known and been saying this for a long time...THC isn't the be-all/end-all of what is considered as a measure of potency. At least that's been my experience. I'm 60 years old and I was around during the "old days" ;) so I feel pretty well qualified to speak about the differences that I have personally observed when it comes to marijuana....blah, blah, blah.... That aside, THC IS definitely considered as "the" indicator of potency when it comes to the recreational weed market.

For awhile, only the top-shelf brands were boasting the ~28-34% THC range. But after awhile, there were all kinds of brands boasting high % numbers -even cheap brands had high THC% numbers after this marketing trend caught on. I, personally, believe that the idea within the market at that time, was for companies to just go ahead and say anything they wanted -advertise whatever they wanted, because how many qualified technicians are going to take the time to independently go out and randomly test strains to verify whether the advertised numbers are correct or if they are complete bullshit? None. That's how many. That's why I previously stated that the numbers had gotten so high, that I wondered where it would end...40% THC, maybe? When was it going to become absolutely unbelievable? LOL!

But, now, as I have observed, maybe brands can no longer rely on just high THC% numbers, alone, to delineate the quality levels of their product. The market seems to desire something other than an impressive THC% number to look at, now. Maybe that's why advertised levels on many brands seem to be dropping.

I'm sure there will be a few strains that maintain their high THC level status among some people. However, I would challenge any qualified individual(s) out there, to independently and randomly purchase and test these to really see if what is being advertised, is true for all, or just true for the test....or maybe not true at all.
Shit, all my bud looks like that, I guess bag appeal ✓
Its not about how it looks, but how ripped it gets me. I just took a pic cause I had the IPad in my hands and it was easy. I've had this little chunk leftover for months from a dispensary along with a bunch of other strains that I have stashed. But I've been smoking my own shit lately and have been neglecting the dispensary stuff. This Chem D.O.G. Is definitely one of, if not the strongest strains I've ever had, and I have a high tolerance.
As soon as its cultivated its no longer a land race strain.

Here is an interesting article.

"landraces are not ‘wild’ plants. Far from it. Traditional dope is produced from domesticated cannabis. Domestication means farmers selecting plants for desired traits such as potency and aroma, and specific purposes, be it bud (ganja) or resin (charas). For landraces, this process of artificial selection has being going on for generations, and in regions such as Afghanistan or Nepal, for millennia, long before the hippies came along."
Does a Tomato taste better grown lovingly in someone's garden or in someone's indoor setup?
Modern growing under lights is more efficient than it used to be but I don't think that's going to effect the genetics of the plant.

You are giving a bias example, you shouldn't do that. People indoor can ''lovingly'' grow Tomato's. You then focused in on lighting, the one thing I already said we have issues in replicating. I also made no mention of genetics and it's direct impact from lighting. Since you brought it up lighting type and intensity does effect genetic expression, new leaps in evolution doesn't need to factor in to it, at all. Flower them under green cfl, then under hps W for W, tell me theirs no difference.

Crossing high thc plants and giving them a stable environment has no chance of producing a higher thc plant?. This is the same reason people started crossing big bud with everything, to increase yield, and why purple strains are continually crossed with others.

I'm not suggesting company's haven't lied about thc figures, but to suggest that growers on average can not grow indoor with higher thc values more consistently is foolish. Geographically you'd have to live in the right place where out door beats indoor, for a damn lot of people that isn't possible. Having good sun isn't all you need.