Is it over for Obamacare?


Well-Known Member
A federal judge in Texas appointed by GW Bush (surprise?) said on Friday that the Affordable Care Act's individual coverage mandate is unconstitutional and that the rest of the law therefore cannot stand.

Legal experts say the ruling won't immediately affect Americans' health coverage, and a group of states led by California is already vowing to appeal. But the invalidation of the landmark health care law popularly known as Obamacare throws into doubt the future of health coverage for millions of Americans on the Obamacare exchanges and in Medicaid expansion.

Good luck to all those without health insurance or with pre-existent conditions, this shit just got a whole lot worse for you.

Happy Holidays!
nope. i'm signing up today..and wow a gop judge thinks that? you know what's unconstitutional? being subjected to treasonweasels.

smells like someone wants to run and is beating on a dead GOP.
How come everyone I know can’t even afford OB care?

are you related to Fancy Bear?

it's only costing me $7 monthly for a SILVER plan that pays for EVERYTHING.

the plan is better than at my last job..and pretty much free- totally clutch!:wink:

Thanks, President Barack Hussein Obama!:clap::hug:the gift hat STILL KEEPS GIVING!

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are you related to Fancy Bear?

it's only costing me $7 monthly for a SILVER plan that pays for EVERYTHING.

the plan is better than at my last job..and pretty much free- totally clutch!:wink:

Thanks, President Barack Hussein Obama!:clap::hug:the gift hat STILL KEEPS GIVING!

No, they make too much money and it increases their premiums to unplayable levels. When I say too much money I'm not talking 6 figure incomes more like low 5. Its like a catch 22 for them.
A federal judge in Texas appointed by GW Bush (surprise?) said on Friday that the Affordable Care Act's individual coverage mandate is unconstitutional and that the rest of the law therefore cannot stand.

Legal experts say the ruling won't immediately affect Americans' health coverage, and a group of states led by California is already vowing to appeal. But the invalidation of the landmark health care law popularly known as Obamacare throws into doubt the future of health coverage for millions of Americans on the Obamacare exchanges and in Medicaid expansion.

Good luck to all those without health insurance or with pre-existent conditions, this shit just got a whole lot worse for you.

Happy Holidays!

god are they desperate..i swear i've seen everything, but know i haven't..

Do you men want to know why he did this?- today is the last day to sign-up- healthcare suppression. Lot's of people, including myself, wait until the last day of anything to do paperwork just like they put off filing their taxes until 4/15.

this judge is purposely is sowing confusion and discord with the same people who hand their empty ballots to someone who stop by their house so they can 'deliver it to their voting precinct'..not filled out? worries they'll do it for you!

i'm really hoping some smart person, somewhere, realizes this and investigates this judge.
are you related to Fancy Bear?

it's only costing me $7 monthly for a SILVER plan that pays for EVERYTHING.

the plan is better than at my last job..and pretty much free- totally clutch!:wink:

Thanks, President Barack Hussein Obama!:clap::hug:the gift hat STILL KEEPS GIVING!

Lucky you mines just under 400 a month