Is it Possible? Any Experts?


Well-Known Member
Is it possible to grow a mj plant in just a plant pot, clays pebbles and a reugular watering everyday ( with nutes ofcourse ) ?


Active Member
Is it possible to grow a mj plant in just a plant pot, clays pebbles and a reugular watering everyday ( with nutes ofcourse ) ?
I am no expert and I grow in soil mixture, so you can disregard this post if you like. Hydro grower grow that way, but they have a system to provide water and nutrients. Let us know how it turns out.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It could be possbile if setup right, it would be a little like ebb n flow. However i fail to understand why you wouldn't just fill said flower pot with soil?

joe dollar

Well-Known Member
you would have to figure out a way to make sure the plant is getting enough food and water and doesnt dry out from the light. But I have also wondered it myself. Was going to a small party cup and it out myself.


Well-Known Member
if you guys wanna know i can start from the begining because i have been doing it for the last 2 weeks and i wanna know if my shit is gonna die becuase they are in flowering....


Well-Known Member
Daily watering is going to be overwatering...the most typical reason for failure of mj up on proper watering.....did you say you have a 2 week old plant that's flowering? unheard of....


Well-Known Member
It could be possbile if setup right, it would be a little like ebb n flow. However i fail to understand why you wouldn't just fill said flower pot with soil?
i have a hydro system (NFT aint used it yet) but because this is my first grow and i serously fucked up .i was growing for the first 4 weeks in the tiny(and i mean tiny rockwool cube )in the tiny rockwool cube holder. i read that you can only transfer it to the larger rockwool cubes once the roots come through and i realise now that the roots never cam through was because the holder was so fucking small and they dont want to be exposed to my 600w hps.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I use 1" rockwool cubes and a 600w hps and while i typically use an envirolight to root clones they've happily rooted under the 600w, i think you need to point your finger at a different culprit for it not growing ;)


Well-Known Member
Daily watering is going to be overwatering...the most typical reason for failure of mj up on proper watering.....did you say you have a 2 week old plant that's flowering? unheard of....
nah ive been growing it for like 6 weeks but as i just said didnt have a clue when i began this and its only through killing mutiple fucking plants that im actually cottoning on. its lowryder ganga dwarf and they say expect 10 to 15g but im lucky if im gonna get an 8th. i got them because they said they was good for beginners but it turns out im a step before the begginer. im learning though ( through the wallet )


Well-Known Member
I use 1" rockwool cubes and a 600w hps and while i typically use an envirolight to root clones they've happily rooted under the 600w, i think you need to point your finger at a different culprit for it not growing ;)
tip top toke your probably right because when i say i really fucked up, im mean i really fucked up. nute burn, overheating, letting them get to cold. u name it. i started out with 5 and these 2 made it through, 2 my suprise also. i was even more suprised when i started seeing buds coming but now my only worry is that they will fuckiing die on me now. i mean there is no point setting up my nft system 4 these 2 as they are the smallest plants you will see in your life. i do however have 3 pakastina valley seeds that i started about a week ago and they coming on good so far( touch wood ) and im planning on doing these properly and they will go in my NFT. but i am learning with each plant so that something. fucking expensive though lol...............


Active Member
Last summer I started seven seeds that I saved from bags here and there. I really didn't know what I had but just wanted to see if I could grow. I also thought being my first try I had a lot to learn before spending money on seeds. I basically used the method asked about here. I started 5 ended up with 2 males then 1 turned out to be a hemaphrodite so I ended up with 2 girls. They seemed to do great (nice growth, trichomes, very sticky and pungent smell) but the finished product of the buds was a little disappointing. It's hard to explain but it was like they had no density. They seemed stunted or something. I never saw any evidence of infestation or fungus at all. I wondered if it was because of the planting method I used but maybe the pretty much anonymous seeds were the problem. It had a powerful smoke tho and nice taste. The buds just had a very odd consistency.This year I decided to buy feminized seeds and put them in the ground. I germinated 3 Haze and 4 purple power. I know that sativa is supposed to be harder to grow for noobs but I am extremely partial to sativa. I used an organic planting mix, added a lil bone meal, blood meal and plant food on the first watering. I dug out the beds and loosened the dirt, covered with about 3 inches of the planting mixture and placed the germinated seeds about a half inch into the mix. I don't intend on interfering at all from here on out, except to give water when needed. I have talked to people throughout the years, read a lot of info but I guess I'm just asking the old heads out there if I am doing at least some of the right things?

I wish I had a Tommy Chong type as a neighbor so i could always have someone to ask when I need help! Any of you guys out there wanna move in next door? :)

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
Hello NikiBaby, I see you are a new poster to this site. What you just did by posting your post here is considered rude. You should start your own thread with this information. Being new I know you didn't know, it's not fair to Jubbs1 the original poster.


Well-Known Member
thanks MsBBB ,you got my back !!!and dont worry nickibaby im new to so ive just learned something new 2. by the way, are you a girl nickibaby cos if you ant im just gonna call you nick....