is it time for the chop? (with pics)


Well-Known Member
Great question! I've wondered that myself? It seems like the lowest popcorn buds are the last to mature, middle ones the first and tops following the mids. I harvested all of the upper plants two weeks ago and left the lower portion because i have some late flowering strains in the same tray and the lower buds have gotten quite nice! The kosher kush lower portions are now into week 12 and still going! It'll be interesting to see how they turn out. I'll let them go till the other plants are ready, hopefully I dont have a bunch of dead roots in the res lol.


Active Member
Yeah mine are the same, the middles are covered in dust, the tops looking good, but a league below the middles and the bottoms very light green and still growing.

Advice is to start by taking the top layer, wouldn't it be best to take the middle layer, then the top and then the bottom?

I've managed to get the bottom to have a growth spurt, just from some tactical tying, but the middle, often completely shaded buds seem to be the best.

This also disproves a tboery of a friend if mines (and many others) that you need to take away all leaf to make the buds swell, I have some buds that get no direct light, but they are still good, just because the leaf around them is absorbing it.

Its so different now I'm trying to do this "properly", previously I would grow in my window shelf and just go with the flow, uneducated, no lights, no nutes.


Well-Known Member
Today nearly all the clear ones have gone cloudy, a very small amount are starting to turn amber, so its nearly time. The buds are still growing without a doubt, if anyone reads this and are not sure to stick or twist, hold fire, patience is key.

Here's a question for the better educated, some of my most dusty buds are the ones that are out of the light, shaded under other buds, in fact most of the top buds have the least amount of sparkle, on the same branch its the ones under that are solid with trichs.

Why is this?

Does this lend weight to the theory that a prolonged period of darkness before harvest can cause the plant to add more sparkle?
no it is the plants way of controlling transpiration, the whole dark thing is a waste of time


Well-Known Member
Why are you replying to my post? I never said anything about your teqnuiqes good or bad lol. Basically said same thing as you re: harvesting and trying for yourself. What I did say is you must have one hell of a set of eye's lol. And as far as growing in soil there are some things you do that I agree with re: nutes etc.
I was agreeing with you


New Member
Hi. his is my first grow and I'm nearly ready to harvest, but my question is that the to of the buds are nearly ready, but lower down the plant there are buds with the white hairs (trichromes) are still pretty fresh.

Do I need to sacrifice the lower buds, or should I pull off the top buds that are nearly ready and leave the lower to mature. Or cut my losses and concentrate on the top ish nearly ready buds ????
Advice would help
many thanks


Well-Known Member
Also, I should point out that isn't a main cola, its one of a few from a topped and tied plant.

Also, the lighting plays crazy stuff with my camera, so the pistols are not quite as orange as they appear, everything has an orange tint
Don't the pistols point up when ready


Active Member
Hi. his is my first grow and I'm nearly ready to harvest, but my question is that the to of the buds are nearly ready, but lower down the plant there are buds with the white hairs (trichromes) are still pretty fresh.

Do I need to sacrifice the lower buds, or should I pull off the top buds that are nearly ready and leave the lower to mature. Or cut my losses and concentrate on the top ish nearly ready buds ????
Advice would help
many thanks
Get a microscope and see just how not ready they are, I've learnt from this place you can harvest the top half first and the bottom half later


Active Member
So yesterday I thought I saw a load of amber trichs, so I pulled them out the grow room ready to be carved up. On closer inspection, there was no amber in sight, it was just the light in the grow room. I had my scissors at the ready, so decided to get rid of nearly all the leaf for the last few days of blasting the bud, plus makes life easier for me when its time to harvest for real.20140527_223524.jpg 20140527_223515.jpg 20140527_223537.jpg Took some pics for those curious


Well-Known Member
Looks nice!! So it was kinda like a botched execution, reprieve at the last moment huh lol. I've done that as well lol. Like I said the things take to damned long and I run out lol. My Kosher is 13 weeks along now and still healthy but not doing much. Trying to keep it alive to let the other plants finish but there seems to be no end in sight :(. Really learning how far a plant can go on this run lol. Got any close ups of the buds?


Active Member
Looks nice!! So it was kinda like a botched execution, reprieve at the last moment huh lol. I've done that as well lol. Like I said the things take to damned long and I run out lol. My Kosher is 13 weeks along now and still healthy but not doing much. Trying to keep it alive to let the other plants finish but there seems to be no end in sight :(. Really learning how far a plant can go on this run lol. Got any close ups of the buds?
Yeah basically, I had the scissors out and I was in the mood (and had the time) for chopping stuff down.

Interestingly, I checked on them last night and the plant has reacted by covering the buds in even more dust, it was noticeably more than the day before. Also, some of the buds have reacted by shooting out a load of white pistols and seem intent on getting bigger! I had planned to take them down this weekend as that is week 8 and all signs seemed to make it look like that would be the time, but it wouldn't surprise me if I'm sat here at week 13 still waiting for them to finish!

My friend has been veging a plant for me, so he's desperate to get it out if his space as its massive now, it will be ready for 12/12 by the time I get it at this rate!

I'll get some bud shots tonight. Its a shame I can't share the smell, its so citrus it doesn't even smell like weed


Active Member
Oh and the sample I took to vape worked really well, a bit weak, but did the job surprisingly well considering it was litteraly dripping!


Active Member
Having a bit of an end of year reflection, looking at my current crop I've come such a long way since this. My knowledge and my grows are so much greater. These look tiny compared to now!