Is it time?


Need first plant is or is about ready. I read that when the little hairs start turning amber the buds are ready. I was about to cut (all pretty small and was hoping for more), but the buds have started generating again and growing. new translucent hairs and buds expanding. Can I still wait or do they have to be cut?

Anxious to try...but patient enough to let her get done!

thanks for any help....:mrgreen:


Active Member
Pics would help, but if you don't have a camera, how long have they been flowering? You'll want to get a magnifying loupe to check the trichomes. That's the only way you can really tell when they are done. Don't judge by the color of the hairs.


Pics would help, but if you don't have a camera, how long have they been flowering? You'll want to get a magnifying loupe to check the trichomes. That's the only way you can really tell when they are done. Don't judge by the color of the hairs.

So pics are attached to this thread. What am I looking fr in the trichomes?


Well-Known Member
Look for the trichomes to turn amber not the hairs. Almost 8 weeks huh. Maybe 2 more weeks at most im thinking. You will see the difference when the crystals start to turn amber. Use a magnifying glass, and good luck. Hope it turns out for ya.


Well-Known Member
Along with trics turning a bit amber, those "eyelashes" will turn color and pull back into the bud....and you'll see the buds swell...some pods may appears as if they are seeds pods...if they are....... bad....if not, they are filling with resin...YES...patience always improves things.


Well-Known Member
way too early. Though no one thing is the definitive guide to ripeness, trich color is by far the most reliable single indicator. The hairs turning red is a sign in the progression, but typically you're looking for them to curl and start receding, which will happen after they fully turn brown. Also keep in mind that you will likely never see uniform ripeness. It's more a game of determining when the bulk of it is ripe.


way too early. Though no one thing is the definitive guide to ripeness, trich color is by far the most reliable single indicator. The hairs turning red is a sign in the progression, but typically you're looking for them to curl and start receding, which will happen after they fully turn brown. Also keep in mind that you will likely never see uniform ripeness. It's more a game of determining when the bulk of it is ripe.
thanks a lot, this helps decipher what I'm seeing. What's your take on cutting each bud as it reaches "peak" ripeness instead of cutting it all at once?


Along with trics turning a bit amber, those "eyelashes" will turn color and pull back into the bud....and you'll see the buds swell...some pods may appears as if they are seeds pods...if they are....... bad....if not, they are filling with resin...YES...patience always improves things.
this is very helpful too. I almost cut a week ago because of the amberish hairs and read that the potency would go away if you waited too long, but the buds seemed to be getting bigger and regenerating so I decided to wait. That must be the swelling and resin pods you mention. Glad I've waited, patience does seem to pay off in this instance...ALTHOUGH I CAN'T WAIT TO INHALE HER! I'm waiting for now....soon to my first harvest and curing experience!

Thanks for the input. Happy smokes to ya!


Well-Known Member
thanks a lot, this helps decipher what I'm seeing. What's your take on cutting each bud as it reaches "peak" ripeness instead of cutting it all at once?
that's not uncommon at all. If you have the space and time to do it, by all means. If you're low on space, it really depends on whether you want to go for perfection, or volume. I run a perpetual, so as soon as one plant is harvested another takes its place. By harvesting in sections, the replacement plant doesn't go into flower till later, and a whole plant of bud being ready sooner usually outweighs the additional ripening on a part of a plant, so I yield more by harvesting whole plants at once. It's really a matter of choice on that though.

I'm usually not a fan of 'rules of thumb', but one of the better pieces of advice I hear given to new growers is "wait till you think it's ready, then give it another week."


way too early. Though no one thing is the definitive guide to ripeness, trich color is by far the most reliable single indicator. The hairs turning red is a sign in the progression, but typically you're looking for them to curl and start receding, which will happen after they fully turn brown. Also keep in mind that you will likely never see uniform ripeness. It's more a game of determining when the bulk of it is ripe.
Good info, thanks! Watchin and waitin....


I'd say another 3 weeks, 2 at least. She looks reallll nice though ;)
thanks! super excited for harvest!

Instead of taking her all down I am going to take buds as they are ready becasue there are a lot still growing at bottom of plant and top is almost there. Got any good ideas for quickdry/cure so I can test out a bowl?