Is it to late to start from seed outside?

I wouldn't think it would be. But I got some freebies from my seed order and think I might throw em in the ground and see what happens. Would they mature by fall?


New Member
for outdoor planting? its not too late. figure they need at least 13 weeks total before frost. if youre going to plant into the ground i would dig a hole and fill it with some good potting soil.

i would suggest harvest organic potting soil, gardeners gold potting soil, hampton estates potting soil.

if you want a "hot" mix use fox farm soil or miracle gro soil.

whenever i grow a plant outdoors it takes ~ 4 weeks for it to start flowering. from there you need 9-11 weeks depending.


Active Member
i hope so, I've just started germing a plant lol! my assumption is that it will of coursr flower in autumn as flowering is.based on daylight amounts, it just wont be as if i had germed it a month ya shud still get some good bud but the plant may not be as big as if u had started it off early spring....just my guess but makes sense to me
My thoughts as well. There is plenty of summer left. But the size just won't be as big as if I would have started em back in April. Thanks for the input guys.


Well-Known Member
the high times calendar says planting in june virtually ensures a manageable crop that will be easy to harvest, i to am going to start some sinmints inside and let them get about 12inches and then put them out