is it wrong to be a proud white male question "is it wrong to be a proud white male" isn't "wrong", it's impossible. How can one be "proud" of something you have no control over? Don't you have to accomplish something or achieve something to be "proud" of it? We have no control over our ancestry or skin pigmentation, so there's nothing to be proud or ashamed of.

I have to disagree with this on principle. I agree that we have absolutely no control as to where we are born or who our parents are. You can still have pride because it is an aspect that further defines you and possibly a group that represents you. Consider school pride. Most people have no control over what elementary/high school they attend, yet school pride is not only acceptable it's often encouraged. The same could be said for sports teams. Most people (not everyone) choose a team that represents their home town/state. Yet they have almost no influence in how the team does. while racial pride has a tendency to lead to bad things (usually violence) it is not irrational.
I've not read through much of the thread yet, but i'll back read it.
I'm a very un-competitive person and personally feel that people should not be "anti" one another for reasons to oppose against others. Most humans do rely on gang mentality, people will follow a crowd and act in (what they consider) an "appropriate" way against a slightly different crowd. The crowd may be a religious group, a sports team, a race or even just living on a different street to another person etc. These crowds aren't your own, you did not think up what the crowd stands for, it's simply human nature want to join a group and want that group to suceed. Just like the ape descendants in which we evolve from, (i'm a believer of most of the evolution theory, not many aspects of religion) we simply require a social support and allied network. Starting to loose what i'm talking about now.
The point is, I don't agree that people should group because, throughout all known history, it is almost always a group/crowd of people who will cause a clash with another crowd, because the group will simply think of themselves as either better than the other, or just think they're right and all others aren't. Each group wishes to "win", so will confront others, it's survival of the fittest, it's the way constantly evolving mind works within all living creatures on Earth. I truly hate the idea of the human genetics that have been lost in our history, due to battling early humans.
When i've read the whole thing, i'll try and post something that actually follows the lines of the thread haha. I also hope that doesn't offend anybody.
Im white & proud to be.I don't see my race as beter or worse then another.I see all races equal.No race is any beter or worse then another.I just can't stand being around anyone that hates their own race & trys to get into a culture of another race & think just because they do it theyre that race.I know some of you are thinking who the fuck does that?Believe me theyre are ALOT of people like that.What I hate most is anyone that street talks.Don't know why it bothers me so bad,but I just can't stand it lol.
I'm part of the best race out there!!!!!!

The Human Race!

Exactly! We are all the human race.

I would not say we are the best........ actually we are pretty low to be killing our own human people and also our environment that we live in.

Think about the advanced space civilizations that have highly developed morals. I like to call them Star Visitors.
I am not ashamed to be born a human in this materialistic, greedy world though.
I have a life ahead of me and I can help change the world. Together we can do it.
We are all one.

Click HERE for some universal/spiritual laws every being should know.
Well, seeing as I'm an Aryan male, if I talk about pride at all, I'm a neo-Nazi. I can definitely sympathize, my brother.

Now, I'm not saying I'm NOT a neo-nazi... heh.
i feel that the whole "racist" issue is over the top. if we're talkn about any other type of animal wed say they are different physically for example depending on where theyr from and their genetics etc. like dogs for example. a dogs a dog but theres small diferences btween al the dif breeds like there are between people from different countries. Its only "racist" really if you say this person isnt as good as me because they are black/white etc. noticing diferences isnt racist..just normal observations.
I think the question that was asked long ago is , "Is it wrong to be a proud white male" Racism wasn't the question "pride' was the question. So my question is why did this AUTOMATICALLY turn into a question of racism.