Well-Known Member
does ne one have an opinion on afermative action...personally the counter racism in this law sickins me...all laws like these only further the fact that we as a people are should be about the better person not the quata of minirties you need to fill...
Ok, time for me to chime in and further polarize the folks watching this thread.
I think that regardless of what has happened in the past ( slavery , unfair
treatment to the native American Indians, etc.) " the white man " is now
the one being persecuted for the color of their skin. Of course not to quite
the same extent, but still persecuted for nothing more than being white.
Affirmative action? Complete B.S. at this point.Forcing businesses to hire
minorities regardless of whether or not they are the most qualified?That is
downright criminal. If minorities want to be treated as equals, then fine-
contact your local elected officials and tell them you want to be equal,
not catered to in an unfair manner that continues to mark you as someone
who is " less than equal " who needs a handout to find a job in this country.
I think what causes many white people to develop complexes about their own
identities and pride is the shift in American culture that had gone far beyond
saying everyone is equal, but has actually gone to the point of saying
" the white man is terrible, has done terrible things, and must be punished
forevor, even though the people alive now ( and for the last several hundred
years ) are not guilty of anything including slavery.
Along the same lines, minorities in this country are not slaves.Neither were their
parents-or their grandparents-actually it has been 15-20 generations
since these folks were slaves, or forced off their land and onto reservations.
Yet many of them are still holding themselves back, wasting their lives ,
blaming " 400 years of oppression " for their own apathy and laziness.
So now in our present day America, we have affirmative action , the united
negro college fund ( can you imagine the uproar if there were a United caucasian
college fund?There would be violence in the streets.We have folks
rioting and looting because of the Rodney King verdicts.We have Katrina victims
crying racism because it took the rescue workers some time to reach
and help them ( while being shot at by the very people they are there trying
to rescue )We have Al Sharpton who tells black girls to lie and say they were
raped by a white group of students ( it was proven the whole thing was a lie,
yet sharpton and his hooligans were never charged with so much as purgery.)
We have many more scholarships available to minorities simply because they are minorities.
The immigration Dept. cannot even do their jobs in keeping illegal aliens out of our
country because if they attempt to ask a person of color for some ID they are labeled
as rascist and a lawsuit is filed in record time...The list goes on and on and on and on.
I do not own slaves.I never have.I have not killed an Indian and taken his land.I am a
citizen of the modern day U.S.A.- and I am sick of being PERSECUTED for being white,
and for things I have never done nor woud ever do.So if you want to be equal, great
let's be equal, and put an end to all this political correctness and anti-white bullshit.
Then we can all sit down and smoke one and begin to heal these old wounds a bit.
Peace to all, regardless of color.