Is Marcus Bachmann Gay?

Is Marcus Bachmann gay?

  • As gay as can be!

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Closeted gay

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Not gay

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Labradoodle

    Votes: 6 33.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
He is a recovering gay because he only thinks about blowing other guys, he doesn't actually fulfill his fantasies?

You call the recovering?!?!?!?!

I call it repressed.


Well-Known Member
"recovering" gay?

how does one "recover" from being born a certain way?

i was born with an overwhelming urge to consume and enjoy waffles.

with years of prayer and damaging psychological "therapy" administered by some gay santa claus want-to-be who lacks a real degree, i have stifled my craving for waffles.

although i eat a shit load of pancakes now.
waffles own pancakes...don't fight that one


Well-Known Member
Johnny we talking about the spouse not the children..Marcus is her husband...did not Michelle get talked about as well....??????
When she was campaigning she put herself out there.

So when she said that after her husband became a serious candidate, for the FIRST time in her life, she was proud of her country; that perked up a few ears.

And now that she is voluntariliy injecting herself into the policy arena with her food police, she's fair game.

But has this guy gone on the stump for his wife? Has he stated publicly that the government should offer this type of counseling?

Or is it that Proggies are DESPERATE to dig up whatever shit they can in order to discredit Candidate Bachman?


Well-Known Member
Or is it that Proggies are DESPERATE to dig up whatever shit they can in order to discredit Candidate Bachman?
We would just post a list of Michele's own quotes if that is what we were interested in doing. Bachmann needs no help in discrediting her. She's a joke.


Well-Known Member
When she was campaigning she put herself out there.

So when she said that after her husband became a serious candidate, for the FIRST time in her life, she was proud of her country; that perked up a few ears.

And now that she is voluntariliy injecting herself into the policy arena with her food police, she's fair game.

But has this guy gone on the stump for his wife? Has he stated publicly that the government should offer this type of counseling?

Or is it that Proggies are DESPERATE to dig up whatever shit they can in order to discredit Candidate Bachman?
sorry guy if you hit that campaign trail with your spouse, taking pictures with your spouse, waving to the crowd with your are fair game..What he needs to do is stop taking federal dollars trying to stop people from being happy:grin: side note ..are you going to buy Herman Cains new album ????


Well-Known Member

this guy is gayer than donning a red damask caftan while drinking an appletini and smoking a virginia slim being out of a long cigarette holder :lol:


Well-Known Member
With all due credit to the fine people of Minnesota, a lot of men that live there have kind of a feminine accent. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

But if you think, like Bachmann's husband that just because you think about having sex with another man you aren't gay, well I have something to tell you.

You're gay.

Not that there is anything wrong with that.


Well-Known Member
"recovering" gay?

how does one "recover" from being born a certain way?

i was born with an overwhelming urge to consume and enjoy waffles.

with years of prayer and damaging psychological "therapy" administered by some gay santa claus want-to-be who lacks a real degree, i have stifled my craving for waffles.

although i eat a shit load of pancakes now.
Not all homosexuals were born that way. Some are without question.

Some are not. It's called experimentation.

Otherwise the whole LIC (Lesbian in College) phenomenon does not exist.

But I know for a fact it does. :razz:

We would just post a list of Michele's own quotes if that is what we were interested in doing. Bachmann needs no help in discrediting her. She's a joke.
Then why THIS vector of attack against her spouse? Homos are sacred cows to the left.

Oh, right. Only gays (or blacks or Hispanics or insert protected class here) with the proper party identification are immune from criticism. :lol:

In truth, you Proggies are scared to DEATH of her.

And you are desperate.

This entire thread is the proof.


Well-Known Member
I think the attack is towards a Gay man who speaks out against homosexuality. Nobody is taking Bachmann seriously. This is a social issues, not really political. Sorry you can't seem to get passed that.


Well-Known Member
Obama leads Bachmann by 14 points.........

In Minnesota. You are giving her way too much credit in an attempt to justify your angst.


Well-Known Member
Johnny I will vote for her in the primary...Her against Obama..are you honest you know she would get beat ( Badddddddddd)


Well-Known Member
In truth, you Proggies are scared to DEATH of her.

And you are desperate.

This entire thread is the proof.
not at all. this is a 'labradoodle' thread.

like bendbrewer stated, if i had any real interest in destroying her, i would simply quote her directly.

i hope to god she gets the nod, which she won't. it would guarantee a second term for obama.

possibly the only better matchup would be palin or michelle o'donnell. that would be nice.

this is not a vector of attack. this is pure labradoodle.

i like turtles, as well.


Well-Known Member
I think the attack is towards a Gay man who speaks out against homosexuality. Nobody is taking Bachmann seriously. This is a social issues, not really political. Sorry you can't seem to get passed that.

If she were not a candidate for President, you clowns would not give this guy the time of day.

You would not even know about him.

And the Left is scared SHITLESS by the specter of President Bachman.

So spare me the lecture about this being social and not political.

Because you are only fooling yourself.

Johnny I will vote for her in the primary...Her against Obama..are you honest you know she would get beat ( Badddddddddd)
First you were voting for Cain, now it's Bachman.

I predict you will not vote for either.

You would not lower yourself to venturing off the Democrat plantation.


Well-Known Member
It's all academic anyway.

Right now The Chosen One loses to any generic Republican by eight fucking points!

Bachman will not be the nominee. So you guys are showing your asses for nothing.

Personally, I think Perry will swoop in at the last minute and take it all.


Well-Known Member

If she were not a candidate for President, you clowns would not give this guy the time of day.

You would not even know about him.

And the Left is scared SHITLESS by the specter of President Bachman.

So spare me the lecture about this being social and not political.

Because you are only fooling yourself.

First you were voting for Cain, now it's Bachman.

I predict you will not vote for either.

You would not lower yourself to venturing off the Democrat plantation.
Johnny I was saying "I will" as in a dare.. to show you how much I fear not Bachmann...To be honest I don't know who I will vote for in the primary...and please believe I will be voting ...Its a group of us doing this so I'm already signed on not this country great....


Well-Known Member
It's all academic anyway.

Right now The Chosen One loses to any generic Republican by eight fucking points!

Bachman will not be the nominee. So you guys are showing your asses for nothing.

Personally, I think Perry will swoop in at the last minute and take it all.
Is going to pray for that too


Well-Known Member
And the Left is scared SHITLESS by the specter of President Bachman.
What color is the sky in your world? She gets slaughtered by Obama in her own state. Worse than McCain lost and he lost by 10 points. You don't seem to be grounded in any type of reality.


Well-Known Member
It's all academic anyway.

Right now The Chosen One loses to any generic Republican by eight fucking points!

Bachman will not be the nominee. So you guys are showing your asses for nothing.

Personally, I think Perry will swoop in at the last minute and take it all.
perry would be great, too.

obama could run against shrub - again.

imagine obama reminding america for a year or so that his opponent shares the same policies that got us into this mess that we are slowly digging out of.

did praying bring that rain, johnny? :lol: