Is Marcus Bachmann Gay?

Is Marcus Bachmann gay?

  • As gay as can be!

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Closeted gay

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Not gay

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Labradoodle

    Votes: 6 33.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
perry would be great, too.

obama could run against shrub - again.

imagine obama reminding america for a year or so that his opponent shares the same policies that got us into this mess that we are slowly digging out of.

did praying bring that rain, johnny? :lol:
It rained in my neck of the woods shortly thereafter.

But we could use some now, I can tell you.

You know what they call drought in Texas?


exactly. generic republican does not look so good.

put a name next to it, suddenly the only adult in the room looks like the better choice.

imagine that.

obama is only 13 or so points up on bachmann. :lol:
The only 'adult' in the room comes off as a petulant child.

Ignoring a pressing issue for months on end, and then acting indignant when he does not get his way.

Throwing tantrums and issuing idle threats.

You guys need a new candidate because Barry Ocarter will take you down the same road he took our economy.


Well-Known Member
It rained in my neck of the woods shortly thereafter.

But we could use some now, I can tell you.

You know what they call drought in Texas?

you guys misplaced your prayers.

it has been overcast with occasional showers for a few days here. which is good, as my lawn was turning brown.

the timing was also perfect, as i just planted the final touches on my 'three sisters' garden. the beans and squash had just popped the soil when i walked out this morning.

The only 'adult' in the room comes off as a petulant child.

Ignoring a pressing issue for months on end, and then acting indignant when he does not get his way.

Throwing tantrums and issuing idle threats.

You guys need a new candidate because Barry Ocarter will take you down the same road he took our economy.
level? that is kinda what happened.

economy tanks, obama gets in, shortly after it levels off.

i'd say obama's strategy on the debt ceiling was brilliant. accept everything the repubs want, make them think thy had a deal or the better part of one, only to yank the rug out from under their feet and make them realize they had zero percent of a deal because they were not taking a balanced approach.

a balanced approach which most americans agree with, by the way.

the right has gone from wanting $4 trillion cut, to $2 trillion cut, to the latest "oh, let's just kick this can down the road".

they have been playing checkers, while the adult in the room plays chess. they have been soundly out-maneuvered.


Well-Known Member
See you 2012!

Proggies from coast to coast will be crying in their corn flakes.

Unless they can gin up another election controversy.

Even so, there will be much Lefty wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Obama is a one-termer. Stick a fork in his ass. He's done.

Then we will see the re-emergence of Code Pink and Cindy Sheehan and all the other anti-war protesters who suddenly went mute starting in 2009.

Then Libtards will be concerned with the deficit.

Then Proggies will oppose the Patriot Act.


Well-Known Member
and then you will wake up and read in the paper "Obama Wins Re-Election In Landslide" in which you will not come back on RIU for 4 years and you will be missed until we hear from you again


Well-Known Member
Obama is a one-termer. Stick a fork in his ass. He's done.
Then why does he lead every GOP candidate in every poll? Again, you don't seem to be based in any sense of reality. What part of Obama leads every GOP candidate in every poll do you not understand?

I understand that you have an irrational hatred for the man, but you need to come to grips with reality. You don't seem to have any sense of it.


Well-Known Member

Proggies from coast to coast will be crying in their corn flakes.

Unless they can gin up another election controversy.

Even so, there will be much Lefty wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Obama is a one-termer. Stick a fork in his ass. He's done.

Then we will see the re-emergence of Code Pink and Cindy Sheehan and all the other anti-war protesters who suddenly went mute starting in 2009.

Then Libtards will be concerned with the deficit.

Then Proggies will oppose the Patriot Act.
and righties will raise the debt ceiling 7 times without much more than a peep. :lol:

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
As far as him being gay, Who cares?
It's no one's business up until the point where his wife makes a career out of hating gay people and he publicly makes gay people feel like there is something wrong with them. At that point, it's everyone's business.

This also brings into question whether or not Michelle Bachmann has a penis.


Well-Known Member
It's no one's business up until the point where his wife makes a career out of hating gay people and he publicly makes gay people feel like there is something wrong with them. At that point, it's everyone's business.

This also brings into question whether or not Michelle Bachmann has a penis.
hmmmm..that sounds like a

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
you guys misplaced your prayers.

it has been overcast with occasional showers for a few days here. which is good, as my lawn was turning brown.

the timing was also perfect, as i just planted the final touches on my 'three sisters' garden. the beans and squash had just popped the soil when i walked out this morning.
We always plant right after Memorial Day. Usually that's the time we stop getting frost in the mornings. You're planting kind of late. Are they going to make it before the Autumn frost? Of course, we're at 5,300 ft. so our climate may be different than yours. :)

i'd say obama's strategy on the debt ceiling was brilliant. accept everything the repubs want, make them think thy had a deal or the better part of one, only to yank the rug out from under their feet and make them realize they had zero percent of a deal because they were not taking a balanced approach.

a balanced approach which most americans agree with, by the way.

the right has gone from wanting $4 trillion cut, to $2 trillion cut, to the latest "oh, let's just kick this can down the road".

they have been playing checkers, while the adult in the room plays chess. they have been soundly out-maneuvered.
I giggled like a school girl when I heard about this. O'Bama is a brilliant strategist but he suffers a bit on the closing. I'm still really disappointed with what happened to O'Bamacare. Maybe when we have a majority of Democrats in the House and Senate there can be a single payer option amendment.


Well-Known Member
We always plant right after Memorial Day. Usually that's the time we stop getting frost in the mornings. You're planting kind of late. Are they going to make it before the Autumn frost? Of course, we're at 5,300 ft. so our climate may be different than yours. :)
i planted the corn may 15th, but a bad spring means they are barely tall enough to let a pole bean climb it. the pole beans will be ready by september or earlier, i'm thinking. the cantaloupe may not make it on time, but we don't frost here until november usually. we are near sea level with the ocean effect to keep us from freezing too often. and besides, i have other cantaloupe planted, just not in the 'three sisters' garden.

more rain today. thank you, praying texans.