Is MiracleGro good to use???


I noticed my plant starting to show sings of burning tips and discoloring and I was wondering if I could use miracleGro to fix this problem as it has all the nutrients a plant needs....The only reason i ask this question is because someone told me that if the plant is too young then sumthin like MiracleGro can hurt it instead of help it...

my plant is about a month old nd if it helps i will try nd post sum pics a little bit later...


Well-Known Member
at 1 month MGs nutes will not hurt your plants, however if it has a specific deficiency, and your growing in MG, you need to be really specific and gentle with what nutes you use. and a typical "flush" dose not work in MG soil, it just releses more nutes


If you use a miraclegro fert you'll need to water it down an incredible amount as your plant is still fairly young. Make sure your lights aren't too close to the plant, cause that could be causing the burning. What's your medium?


Well-Known Member
is it MG potting soil, or MG nutrients? whats the npk, and have you thought of when your gonna flower your month old?


Its not MG soil its MG fertilizer and my plant was outside and i now moved it in so the medium was the sun....

Kaleo I havent thought of flowering because I had to move my plant inside due to the fact that its only several inches after a month...I told the reason for that was it wasnt getting enough hours of sunlight, so im gonna put it inside to grow for a little and probably top it then after about 3-4 weeks begin flowering, does that sound good??

violator kush

Active Member
alot of ppl dont like MG around here, but i like both in powder and soil, i've never seen it burn small plants or seeds, not saying it could not, but i love the stuff:leaf:


o0 no i think you guys might have the wrong idea...I used a regular potting soil and have just used the sun and water to take care of the plant nothing special...but the same time i decided to move the plant inside i noticed its appearence begin to change, and my question is will MG powder help my plant recover without possibly hurting it???


Well-Known Member
yes in the proper doses, it should help. i mean i dont know the NPK of the nutes, or what deficiency your plant is having (gonna guess it needs Nitrogen) but it should help if you havent used any nutes yet


Active Member
I used Miriclegro when i first started growing and found that it didn't drain very well and i noticed a little mold on the surface of the soil! Swapped to Allmix and the plant loves it plus no more furry bits!


Alright thanks alot everyone...Im gonna try the MG in very small doses and let you know how it worked out...


Active Member
for miracle grow, make sure you only use 1 TEASPOON per gallon. unless your growing outdoors, then use 1 tablespoon per gallon. miracle grow will cause mold on the top of the soil. i get it everytime i use it. it dosnt harm the plants but it smells bad. anyway, flush the soil every 2-3 weeks if ur gonna use miracle grow. trust me it helps.