Is my design practical? (PIC)


You don't need the O2 line, and there are a lot of DIY aero systems that are very similar to this one around.

Check out this one - (he is also here at RIU).

The roots will get 02 from the sprayers, or you can put an airstone in your res, many people do that.

You want to keep things as simple as possible with as few moving parts as possible.


Well-Known Member
Looks basically like you could run it as a NFT, or Recirculating DWC system. Sorry but nothing new too most of us. They do grow well though.


Well-Known Member
as intenzity says, bag the o2 line - normal air gives plants sufficient oxygen and it's easier to use airstones in your reservoir. as for the co2, it is heavier than air and will settle to the floor of your room unless you have good airflow inside your grow space.


Active Member
Thanks for the feedback, but what about nutrients for this system? What would you suggest using? I would prefer organic products, but I've never used any specific product. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the feedback, but what about nutrients for this system? What would you suggest using? I would prefer organic products, but I've never used any specific product. Any suggestions?
i use the botanicare line of nutes and supplements.

Also, regarding the O2 line. Wouldn't 100% Oxygen be better than diluted oxygen via stones?
this is only a guess, but i'd say you're wasting money with o2. remember that although the roots use some oxygen, for the rest of the plant oxygen is a waste product that hinders growth. only way to know for sure is to do a grow with and without o2 to see what happens. personally, i'd spend the money on a good co2 monitor/controller and carefully controlled ventilation so your co2 will can be used effectively.

looks good. you want to switch your fan and carbon filter - commercial filters are made to pull air through, not push.
"is my design practical?"

No, when starting a new grow its best to stick with a simple known system. Remember kiss? keep. it. simple. stupid. If you want a nice harvest dont get all caught up in making the fanciest most innovative grow out there.. too many variables to go off and you risk losing everything. i hope you find a system that works for you.