Is my led bleaching my bud?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys ive got a couple "300" watt mars style leds going in a 2ft by 3ft closet one of them has focusing lenses and one doesn't.
(Left light has focusing lenses and is also were it seems to be happening)
The plant is 22days into flower and i started noticing a white spot on the budlets under the focusing lens light.
20180722_114421.jpg 20180722_114441.jpg 20180722_114448.jpg
My question is does this look like bleaching? My lights are hung around 18" to 20" above canopy any thoughts and help would be much appreciated thanks.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
no, looks fine. if it's close enough to "bleach" your buds, the pistils will be fried and crispy looking, and more than likely the top sugar leaves will be damaged as well.

do yourself a favor and hang that power strip on the wall, it's never a good idea to have electric close to water


Well-Known Member
Yea pistils look fine same with sugar leaves look fine. Is there anything else that could cause this or am i worrying about shit i dont need to?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
you mean the little white "crown" at the top? no, i wouldn't worry about it, i think the pistils just haven't grown out yet. if you don't see any big dead spots or fried looking places, i wouldn't stress too much