Is Obama a big Liar or just a Dummy?


Well-Known Member
Well Putin just flat out called Kerry a liar it doesn't seem like Russia it going to idly stand by and let this charade take place as they pump up naval defense on Syrias coast.

Putin called Obama Secretary of State John Kerry a liar over Kerry's testimony this week before Congress.
The question may be al-Qaeda's influence on the Syrian rebels, an issue Kerry has downplayed.
Speaking to his human rights council Wednesday, Putin said, "This was very unpleasant and surprising for me. We talk to them (the Americans), and we assume they are decent people, but he is lying and he knows that he is lying. This is sad.",0,7984011.story


Well-Known Member
Well Putin just flat out called Kerry a liar it doesn't seem like Russia it going to idly stand by and let this charade take place as they pump up naval defense on Syrias coast.

Putin called Obama Secretary of State John Kerry a liar over Kerry's testimony this week before Congress.
The question may be al-Qaeda's influence on the Syrian rebels, an issue Kerry has downplayed.
Speaking to his human rights council Wednesday, Putin said, "This was very unpleasant and surprising for me. We talk to them (the Americans), and we assume they are decent people, but he is lying and he knows that he is lying. This is sad.",0,7984011.story
sounds like someone has a man crush on putin.

double arousal for nontheist since it includes a horse :hump:


Well-Known Member
sounds like someone has a man crush on putin.

double arousal for nontheist since it includes a horse :hump:
There's something deeply wrong with you Buck. Please keep your gay porn to a minimum, I am sure you can find another forum more dedicated to your sexual curiosity than here. And kudos trolling a thin line to not break forum rules, it's doesn't make you look foolish and childish in any way. /Sarcasm


Well-Known Member
At this point it should be obvious to all that we now have the most deceitful POTUS ever.



Well-Known Member
What about the dummies that voted for him...twice?.

I'd rather have 1 liar in this country as opposed to the millions of fucking idiots that fell for his propaganda not once but twice.


Well-Known Member
That is a good point!!
Most registered voters are dumb cattle, this started long before the current admin.

The remainder are too few in number to make a difference, which is why any independent party has never made a dent in election results.


Well-Known Member
Well even the New York Times sees a problem with their hero.

Gambling With the Presidency

LADIES and gentlemen, welcome to a foreign policy fiasco.

But neither the president nor his secretary of state seems to have figured out what kind of intervention the administration is proposing or why.

It is to President Obama’s great discredit that he has staked this credibility on a vote whose outcome he failed to game out in advance. But if he loses that vote, the national interest as well as his political interests will take a tangible hit: for the next three years, American foreign policy will be in the hands of a president whose promises will ring consistently hollow, and whose ability to make good on his strategic commitments will be very much in doubt.

Full article

Maureen Dowd

Barry’s War Within




Well-Known Member
Here is an interesting take on Obama.
The writer is an infamous neo-con.
Unfortunately, I am not certain that his viewpoint is entirely inaccurate.

Any way you slice it, something is off kilter, or creepily unsettling about our Presidents' recent behavior.
Does anyone really think that he can truly be this dumb?

There is a stench emanating from Denmark.

Obama's Successful Foreign Failure

The president may look incompetent on Syria. But his behavior fits his strategy to weaken America abroad.