is she fine?? total newb..srry


she keeps getting new growth but all the leaves on bottom has brown spreading all around the edge of leaves nd brown stripes up stock

total newb i let sum1 tlk me nto feeding wit all purpose chem week ago,, nxt day notce browning ask on here and was pointed on how to flush soil... whic i did, but like i mention shes gaining new growth but bottoms r brown on edges.. and she's not geting ne taller



Well-Known Member
What medium is she in? Is it soiless, or does it already have nutrients in it? I can't tell how wet the medium is, but leaving it too wet for too long can deprive the plant of oxygen and it'll stop growing.

What is your pH, what fertilizer did you feed with, and at what PPM?
pH and PPM meter are mandatory pieces of equipment.


New growth is key. PH is always at 7.1 max and 6.6 min for mine and dont worry about the lower leaves they are trash just let them fall off. Soil is another prime factor cheap soil=cheap growth miracle turd will always give you shit. Nurseries that have a good all natural ph balanced soil is much better. F miracle grow it will be the end of your babies.


Well-Known Member
lookin good bro. also miracle grow isnt shit its THE shit, all i grow with.. its a miracle in a bag man. lol i hate when people you give you crap about wording, im on my cellphone and its a pain, why does it offend people. if you honestly cant understand you need help and maybe shouldnt be on these kinds of things.....sorry dude just ranting not neccesarily about you..

anyway for the first few weeks of life they dont need nutes, and it does look like your soil is to compact, you can transplant into new soil just add perlite. i would add a tbsp per gallon of epson or calmag and thats it for now...

how much fertilizer did you use though? upping the ferts at this stage should cause nitrogen od which looks like bubbling dark green leaves, thats a deficiency caused by low ph locking out something, im not that good with nutes so you can figure out can foliar feed when this happens, or up the ph a bit, i suggest never to flush


actually i am txtin lol.. but ok just don't read
no the medium is just generic all purpose soil (wit nutes) whn i get my shipment from Herbies im going to menards n get all miracle grow.
and yea its soaked
an the growth grows just dont get taller
this morning i can easily see the set of three leaves on each side of the growth
last nite i had to move the leaves under to see em (so its still developing)
and im sorry its txt speech, but i turnd spell chk off (sik of red lines) dont like dont respond plz


lookin good bro. also miracle grow isnt shit its THE shit, all i grow with.. its a miracle in a bag man. lol i hate when people you give you crap about wording, im on my cellphone and its a pain, why does it offend people. if you honestly cant understand you need help and maybe shouldnt be on these kinds of things.....sorry dude just ranting not neccesarily about you..

anyway for the first few weeks of life they dont need nutes, and it does look like your soil is to compact, you can transplant into new soil just add perlite. i would add a tbsp per gallon of epson or calmag and thats it for now...

how much fertilizer did you use though? upping the ferts at this stage should cause nitrogen od which looks like bubbling dark green leaves, thats a deficiency caused by low ph locking out something, im not that good with nutes so you can figure out can foliar feed when this happens, or up the ph a bit, i suggest never to flush

i kno, i made alot of enemies from toke n talk and i think they follow me... lol fukn lowlifes.....

iv also heard nothin but good about Miracle grow, thts guys post is the first of hearing its shitty,

and it became real compact whn i water the day i re planted.. i had a concern about tht bcus top is almost flat like dry cement, and i feel like loosen the soil may harm plant??????
i only ferted once lol wheb its was in a 18oz cup... the very nxt morning them leaves were a lil brown n thts whn i flushd soild n repotd in a 1 gallon pot....
THANKS TO EVRY1 hu actually tryd to help!!!! i liked all of em for rep

and on another note i got this beautiful mssg in the a.m.


Well-Known Member
Miracle Grow is not a professional medium, however, cannabis is a weed. Higher quality soil brands would be better, but that doesn't mean you cannot get fantastic results with MG! I always recommend newbs go for a soil that is "set it and forget it" for their first few rounds. Soil like Fox Farms Ocean Forest provide all the nutrient required for 1-2 months, and gives you lots of time to figure things out.

It doesn't matter the medium though, it cannot be too wet or too dry. Despite popular belief, wet/dry cycles are not good for plants, they are very stressful. It is best to keep your plant consistently moist, you do not want it to be excessively heavy with water. pH for store bought soil is the same as HYDROPONICS! Store bought soil has no dirt in it! I shit you not, read the bags, no dirt. This means they are AMENDED SOILESS POTTING MIXES, NOT SOIL AS ADVERTISED. pH 5.5-6.3 and keep it steady. 5.9 is what most of us like to use, but that will vary if your soil pH is high or low. You can also adjust your soils pH with dolomite lime before you plant into it.

Omit nutrient from your feedings, just water only. If it doesn't look like it's turning round, give it food. YOU HAVE TO MEASURE HOW MUCH YOU FEED THEM, FULL STRENGTH WILL ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS BE TOO MUCH! 1/4 STRENGTH ONLY FOR SEEDLINGS BETWEEN 2-4 WEEKS.

Dude, absolutey rake the surface of the soil with your fingers, it's very good for plants! It will definitely help, be careful not to catch any surface roots. You said that's generic soil right? You might want to look into exactly what you used and what is in it. If it's really really cheap stuff, it is possible that it has actual dirt in it.


Miracle Grow is not a professional medium, however, cannabis is a weed. Higher quality soil brands would be better, but that doesn't mean you cannot get fantastic results with MG! I always recommend newbs go for a soil that is "set it and forget it" for their first few rounds. Soil like Fox Farms Ocean Forest provide all the nutrient required for 1-2 months, and gives you lots of time to figure things out.

It doesn't matter the medium though, it cannot be too wet or too dry. Despite popular belief, wet/dry cycles are not good for plants, they are very stressful. It is best to keep your plant consistently moist, you do not want it to be excessively heavy with water. pH for store bought soil is the same as HYDROPONICS! Store bought soil has no dirt in it! I shit you not, read the bags, no dirt. This means they are AMENDED SOILESS POTTING MIXES, NOT SOIL AS ADVERTISED. pH 5.5-6.3 and keep it steady. 5.9 is what most of us like to use, but that will vary if your soil pH is high or low. You can also adjust your soils pH with dolomite lime before you plant into it.

Omit nutrient from your feedings, just water only. If it doesn't look like it's turning round, give it food. YOU HAVE TO MEASURE HOW MUCH YOU FEED THEM, FULL STRENGTH WILL ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS BE TOO MUCH! 1/4 STRENGTH ONLY FOR SEEDLINGS BETWEEN 2-4 WEEKS.

Dude, absolutey rake the surface of the soil with your fingers, it's very good for plants! It will definitely help, be careful not to catch any surface roots. You said that's generic soil right? You might want to look into exactly what you used and what is in it. If it's really really cheap stuff, it is possible that it has actual dirt in it.

the bag states:
oranic compost
peat humus
composted and sge softwood bark fines

also wut u think of this little set-up until i get fixed cabinet perfect????

View attachment 2652910
i used a Bic lighter and for 30 mins heated the side up the perfectly fit the fan rite in it. so its pulling fresh air in lol


Well-Known Member
looks good, i have 2 35 gallon rubbermaids stacked. with a little fan and a ton of cfls...and honestly dont listen to dude above,

what is soil but but a mix of broken down rock and decaying trees. coco air that alot of people use for hydro is dirt in the tropics, saying that soil without dirt(?) should have a low ph because it is soilless is false the reasoning is that dirt has lime etc to buffer or neutralize the ph .thats why you lower it in hydro..also dont rake the surface of the soil,in no way could that benifit,just tear roots and invite pests...yea mg is unprofessional, i mean people have been growing tomatoes and citrus etc professionaly with it for decades but marijuana the apparent "weed" (which it was called in the 70s beceause by definition weed is a plant not wanted, the govt were doin their thing and weed was coined) to suggest that it is hearty and can grow in less than pefect conditions likemg because it is a weed? makes no sense. doesnt like mg's nutrients? because it wasnt "developed" for weed? nutes are nutes bro. no mg gets their iron and shit from outer space,our plants cant handle it. i dont know why you think you cant set and forget miracle grow i thought that was the whole point, not having to use a millon different nutes at different times and stages its rediculous, i believe everything you said actually to not be accurate. do you even grow or are you one of those dudes that just reads a bunch and attempts to spout crap at the newbs

ive never used a ph or ec meter none of that, you dont need to. ive never raised or lowered the ph of my water either. i do use distilled water when notusing nutes to keep a reasonbly acidic medium, honestly it looks like p lockout, use spring water to water it and mist your plants a little with half strength nuts, when foliar feeding it needs to be a bit stronger. if you added epson as suggested your plant should look a lil better and start looking better


the leaves standing straight up?!

the lights mayb most 3in. its not hot hot nor humid by the feeling if closing arm in???
idk help plz? it dont seen normal lol
got the txt alert today tht Herbies shipment was sorted thru Chicago 6.18 last nite wana figyr evrythng out possible b4 they arrived


Well-Known Member
its cause you didnt listen bro (im assuming) they are "praying" for magnesium as they say...if you did what i suggested and watered with 1tbsp epson per gallon that will fix it and correct your foliar feed to fix the deficiency that i believe to be phosphorus.

if you did take my advise i would suggest it again it will recover in less than a week

by the way when foliar feeding (misting with nutes) its very easy to burn them so do it in the with the lights night is fine but the humidity can increase mold chances


Well-Known Member
oh and go easy as magnesium will lock out calcium if you use too much. calcium shows up as little dots or burns, it will look like you burned them by misting with the lights on. so make sure its dark until they dry before your lights come on

.if a calcium deficiency arises foliar feed is fastest but just use tap water its got calcium

and finally magnesium defiency is exasperated by light intensity and heat


shes also not standing straught up no more... high at the moment forgot to put tht lolView attachment 2654963(i turned to get pic.. ligt was too brite.. i turn it around and still dont put directly under light, so itll stretch towards it)

i went ahead and started LST thus morning, in 6 hours the top nodes made a mean looking elbow and new growth is screaming out
i have a good pic but it shows the 2 bottom dead leaves n i dont wanna the shit tlkn again.. bcus its ugly lol... but the top is gorgous.. it looks real hopeful